写作真题为: As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for the environment?随着社会的发展,越来越多的人拥有了私家车。你认为这是一件利大于弊的事吗?
雅思写作真题之:私家车的利弊 题目解析:
关于私家车对于个人的好处:首先是方便,坐公交车或者坐地铁通常需要等待wait for a long time,都有固定的线路fixed timetable and route,而且有时候比较拥挤crowded,尤其是在高峰时段in rush hours。此外,有了私家车,人们的出行可以自主和灵活安排have more autonomy and flexibility in travelling(第一节课第一篇范文里面就有这两个词汇),可以随时随地去自己想去的地方。比方说,周末可以和家人开车去郊区drive to the suburb,很多地方是没有公共交通的unavailable。
关于私家车对于环境的坏处,私家车的数量增加导致汽油的消耗增加consumption of petrol,排放的尾气增多emit more exhaust fumes,尾气中含有有毒有害物质contain toxic and harmful substances,导致城市的空气污染air pollution和雾霾天气smoggy weather,会危害健康pose a threat to people’s health,引发呼吸系统疾病甚至肺癌cause respiratory problems or even lung cancer。此外,开车消耗化石燃料consume fossil fuels,还会导致碳排放增加carbon emissions,这是全球变暖的一个重要原因an important reason for global warming。
The past fifty years have seen a significant increase in the popularity of private cars. While it is argued by many that using own cars may be beneficial in terms of their time-saving and convenience, yet there still remains some arguments that using own cars results in severe pollution for the environment. Overall, it is my personal view that the disadvantages of using private cars are far outweigh their benefit.
When it comes to the advantages, many people choose to use their own cars for the sake of more freedom and fast speed. While It is admitted that public transport provides us with much more economical means of transport, it limits our journey by stations and bus stop. Using own cars, however, give us convenience irrespective of the length of the journey. Take the case of traveling to work by private car as a salient example. You may not need to walk for a long way to your office in case it is far from the bus stop or the station.
On the downside, however, excessive use of private cars may be responsible for serious pollution. Moreover, no matter how comfortable private cars are, they lead to major traffic jams and the shortage of fuel energy. Smoke leaking form vehicles causes extremely bad air that is responsible lots of respitory ailments in human. On top of that, excessive using fuel energy for organising cars may contribute to exploiting coals and fuel to excess, which is incredibly detrimental to environment particularly alternation in climate and weather.
By ways of conclusion, people buying and using their own cars is either beneficial or detrimental to individuals and society at large. Although it can not be denied that private cars are extremely convenient, the adverse impact they may have on environment is highly severe. Therefore, it is obvious that using private cars may be beneficial in the short term, the disadvantages it may cause in the long run far outweigh its advantages. In years to come, I strongly believe that compains regarding encouragement using public transport rather than own cars should be adopted and enjoyed by the majority of population.
题目:Advantages and disadvantages of private cars.
范文:With the fantastic spur both in industry and in economy in China, the number of people who own private cars is on the rise. Some people have bought cars of their own, and others are planning to buy cars. But there have been two quite different views on this phenomenon.
Some claim that there are many advantages brought about by cars. First, the automobile industry provides jobs for countless workers and strong support for other industries. Second, if conditions permit, owning a car can make us work more efficiently. Finally, life will become more convenient. A car allows one to move freely and with a car there is no need to wait for the bus in the cold or under the burning sun.
However, others strongly object to the increase in developing private cars. They hold that automobiles will give rise to a series of problems. In the first place, as more and more cars are produced and run in the street, a large volume of poisonous gas will be given off, polluting the atmosphere and causing actual harm to the health of people. Next, private cars contribute to traffic congestion so greatly that the advantages gained in comfort and freedom are often cancelled out by the frustration caused by traffic jams. The last problem is the increasing number of car accidents that have killed and will kill a lot of people in a friction of a second.
In my opinion, although automobiles have been playing a vital part in the daily activities of our society, they also bring us numerous troubles such as more serious environmental pollution, more traffic accidents and more energy consumption. They drink up huge amounts of fuel and throw out huge amounts of pollutants. Traffic accidents kill thousands and thousands of people each year and cripple more. Jams waste our precious time. Therefore I am against developing private cars.
Topic:As countries develop, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Does the advantage of this for individuals outweigh the disadvantage?私家车的利弊
Although modern information technologies can reduce the demand for physical transport by facilitating teleworking and teleservices, the requirement for transport continues to increase. The number of car use on the roads saw an increase of 3 million cars each year from 1990 to 2010, and in the next decade the EU will see a further substantial increase in its feet. (原话稍作修改,用在这里)Therefore, the issue of whether private cars bring us more benefits or drawbacks has been heatedly debated.
主体段第一段: 论述私家车的好处,方便了人们的通勤,让人们不用在依赖固定行程的公共交通。
Granted, the advantages of having private cars are undeniable. Having your own car provide you with a great deal of freedom. Automobiles have redefined the concept of mobility for millions of people. Personal independence derived from having a car means that people can go for shopping, work and pursuit whenever and at anytime without depending on fixed schedules of public transportation systems. Most importantly, it is more efficient for commuters to come and go back between their home and workplaces on a daily basis.
However, energy consumption in the transport sector was to blame for a large amount of CO2 emissions, the leading gas of greenhouse effect. This is partly because of the substantial increase of private car ownership. The emission of gas will be capable of causing death in large doses and headaches in smaller doses. According to the latest estimates, if nothing is done to reverse the traffic growth trend, CO2 emission from private automobiles can be expected to increase by around 50% to 1113 billion tones by 2020, compared with the 739 billion tones recorded in 1990.(稍作修改,用做私家车坏处的论据)
Furthermore, cars pollute water sources in a variety of ways. One is through runoff of automobile fluids, brake dust, deicing chemicals and oil. Another is through leaking pumps at gas stations. Improper disposal of motor oil is also a cause of ground water contamination.
Finally,the determining impact is the large volume of traffic, resulting in traffic congestion, especially during rush hours.(原话稍作修改,用在这里)Currently, more citizens can afford to purchase private cars, which offer them great convenience. Instead of taking unpunctual buses or overcrowded metro to work, people now have the alternative to commute in their own cars. Undeniably, this new trend inevitably deteriorates the traffic situation.(上文用过的论据,这里也可以用)
Therefore, the over-crowding of city roads is the result of unbalanced urban development. Using alternative fuels to improve energy efficiency and reforming the road policy is thus both an ecological necessarily and a technological challenge. At the same time, greater efforts must be made to achieve a modal shift. Such a change cannot be achieved overnight, all the less so after over half a century of constant deterioration in favor of road.(原句用在这里)
Some people claim that there are more disadvantages of the car than its advantages.
Do you agree or disagree?
The current hot issues include the one of weighing the advantages and disadvantages of the automobile. In my opinion, its advantages outstrip its disadvantages for two major reasons: impact on society and economic impact.
Firstly, the development of automobiles has had an enormous effect on people's way of life throughout the world. The automobile has given people freedom of movement. It influences where people live and work and how they spend their leisure time. However, each year, motor vehicle accidents kill an estimated 300,000 people throughout the world. But it is the drivers that are the chief factor in vehicle safety because they are responsible for about two-thirds of all accidents. Besides, the automobile itself has become safer and modern road building techniques have increasingly lowered the risk of automobile accidents.
Secondly, many nations depend on automobile production to provide jobs for millions of workers. Filling stations, restaurants, and other businesses that serve automobile travelers are of major importance to a country's economy. In addition, many developing nations have begun making automobiles to stimulate industry. For example, China has promoted broad-based automobile manufacturing. However, automobiles produce terrible air pollution that endangers people's health in many of the world's big cities. But in many countries, steps have been taken to control air pollution caused by automobiles.
In summary, the striking changes in people's lives and the economic impact created by the automobile in the early 20th century have since spread across much of the globe and its disadvantages are becoming insignificant.
