The graph shows how the amount of water used worldwide changed between1900 and 2000. Throughout the century, the largest quantity of water was usedfor agricultural Purposes, and this increased dramatically from about 500 km toaround 3,000 km in the year 2000.
图形描述题,按照标准图形来分,可以分为line graph(curve),bar chart, piechart以及table,按照表达重点来分,分为趋势类和大小类,分类依据于题中的时间列表。一般来说,出现时间段的图形题都是以描述数据变化趋势为主。
1. 与趋势有关的词语:
上升(动词):increase, rise, climb, ascend, surge, shoot up
下降(动词):decrease, decline, drop, fall, descend, plunge
持平(动词):remain stable, keep constant, level off, flatten out
波动(动词):fluctuate, wave, go up and down
快速(形容词/副词):considerable/considerably,significant/significantly,substantial/substantially,remarkable /remarkably,dramatic/dramatically
缓慢(形容词/副词):slight/slightly, minimal/minimally, marginal/marginally
顶点(名词 /动词):peak
趋势 (名词):trend/ tendency
2. 与大小相关的词语:
Outnumber(动词):在数量上超过The demonstrators were outnumbered by the police
Triple(动词):变成三倍The figure has tripled.
Double (动词):变成两倍The price of houses has virtually doubled over the past fewyears.
Mount to (动词):达到
Counterpart(名词):对应的另一方,比较的另一方 this product is better than itscounterparts
3. 相关词语:
百分比(名词):proportion, rate, percentage, share
占据(动词):occupy, comprise, constitute, account for, represent.
数字:number, amount, data, figure
比例:rate, proportion, percentage, share
大约:roughly, about, nearly, approximately, a little less than, slightly morethan
各自地:respectively, for each,severally
5、Integrity and Perfection
1. 利用标点,如括号和破折号;
2. 利用介词,如with,at,to,by等;
3. 利用分词或从句,倒装句。
One of the most common questions I am asked as an IELTS instructor is how to link multiple data sources together. Often, students find it difficult to express the relationship between more than 1 data source. In this article, I am going to offer some insights regarding Task 1 response writing when given more than 1 data source to analyze.
To get us started, let’s look at the following example table and graph:
When looking at these 2 data sources, a few things should jump out at us. Firstly, according to the table, in 1998 Glasgow had a population that was heavily weighted with people aged between 35 and 64. Many would rightfully call this an aging population. Our graph shows a steady rise in average annual hospital visits between 1980 and 2010. So the obvious link between the 2 data sources is that as Glasgow residents get older, hospital visitation increases.
Students rarely have problems making these sorts of connections between data. They do have problems, however, when it comes to relaying this information accurately in writing. So what is the ideal Task 1 structure when you are given multiple data sources?
The best way to respond to a Task 1 question is to allot a paragraph to each data source and an additional paragraph to describing the relationship between them. Thus, in the case of this table and graph, our basic Task 1 writing structure is going to have 3 paragraphs and look like this:
Paragraph 1 – Analyzing data source 1 (table)
A sentence describing the first data source and the broad trend it depicts
A sentence outlining the minor and minute details of the data source
Another sentence outlining the minor and minute details of the data source (if needed)
Paragraph 2 – Analyzing data source 2 (graph)
A sentence describing the second data source and the broad trend it depicts
A sentence outlining the minor and minute details of the data source
Another sentence outlining the minor and minute details of the data source (if needed)
Paragraph 3 – Brief description of the relationship between the data types
A sentence explaining the relationship between the sources
A sentence for further explanation (if needed)
A sentence elaborating or commenting on what this relationship means or what perhaps caused it
A sentence summarizing, predicting or commenting on the data presented
In both paragraph 1 and 2, we are simply going to recite each data source individually, stating precisely what each source shows. In paragraph 3, we interpret the data source relationship.
So, in the case of our Glasgow example above, we’d write our response something like this:
The table presents Glasgow age demographics in 1998 and appears to reveal an aging population within the city. Children and teenage Glasgow residents make up 14 and 12 percent of Glasgow’s overall population respectively. People between 20 and 34 account for 16 percent of the total Glasgow population and this figure grows by increments of 4 percent for the following 2 demographics, those between 35 and 49 and those between 50 and 64. The elderly demographic is equal to that of Glasgow children.
The chart shows the average annual number of hospital trips a Glasgow person makes. The figures given between 1960 and 1980 appear to only waver slightly, at roughly 2.3 trips per year. However, a steady climb is seen over the next 30 years, with Glasgow people ultimately reaching 3.2 annual hospital visits in 2010.
What you can see above is a clear picture of both data sources. By simply reading the description, a person could recreate the table and graph this data comes from.
Now to show the relationship between the 2 data sources, we would commence writing our third paragraph:
It is clear when looking at the table and graph comparatively that Glasgow has an aging population and that this is cause for the increased annual hospital visits. It is assumed baby-boomers play cause to this abnormal weighting. As these older Glasgow demographics continue to age, it is expected that the annual number of hospital visits will also rise.
What you can see here is 3 sentences. The first outlines the nature of the relationship between the 2 data sources. The second provides a quick comment on the possible cause and the third gives a prediction for what the future of the data might look like.
Thus basically our overall response involves 2 paragraphs that present information and 1 paragraph that interprets it. Let’s read through our entire response from start to finish:
The table presents Glasgow age demographics in 1998 and appears to reveal an aging population within the city. Children and teenage Glasgow residents make up 14 and 12 percent of Glasgow’s overall population respectively. People between 20 and 34 account for 16 percent of the total Glasgow population and this figure grows by increments of 4 percent for the next 2 demographics, those between 35 and 49 and those between 50 and 64. The elderly demographic is equal to that of Glasgow children.
The chart shows the average annual number of hospital trips a Glasgow person makes. The figures given between 1960 and 1980 appear to only waver slightly, at roughly 2.3 trips per year. However, a steady climb is seen over the next 30 years, with Glasgow people ultimately reaching 3.2 annual hospital visits in 2010.
It is clear when looking at the table and graph comparatively that Glasgow has an aging population and that this is cause for the increased annual hospital visits. It is assumed baby-boomers play cause to this abnormal weighting. As these older Glasgow demographics continue to age, it is expected that the annual number of hospital visits will also rise.
As you can see, responding to Task 1 questions that pose more than 1 data source are much easier when you employ an effective writing structure.
Good luck with your exam!
在流程图中我们难免会遇到一些生词,有些甚至无法猜测出是什么意思,例如crusher, grinder, decanter, pomace。我们都知道,雅思考生覆盖了初高中生、大学生和成人等各个年龄段,而且逐渐呈低龄化趋势发展,所以出题方并不会在词汇上刻意为难考生,但是也不会太“坦诚相待”。流程图最重要的两类词就是名词(通常是每个步骤的原物和产物,在句子中做主语和宾语)和动词(句子中的谓语动词,多用被动语态)。一般情况下,表示“原物”的名词大部分会在题目中明确标出,而少量表示“产物”的名词有时不会明确给出,但是这类词通常都不难,考生稍动脑筋即可想出;同理,简单的动词图中也不会标记,需要考生自行动脑补充(简称脑补),而较难的动词通常会以变体形式(如名词,动名词等)出现在题目中,写作时只要运用简单的构词法知识(例如去掉后缀-er/or或-ing)便可轻松获得所需动词。
例如,用过的瓶子先被回收,然后被清洗干净,然后被熔化。大部分的考生可能会写成:Firstly, the used bottles are recycled, and then they are cleaned and melted. 这里的firstly和then是连接词,当每个步骤都用连接词时就会变成全部都是小短句。流程图常用的连接词有:Initially, in the first step, then, after that, subsequently, in the next step, before, at this point等,常用的句式有:which(当两个步骤有同一个名词时可使用),where(当两个步骤有同一个地点时使用),after which (两个步骤顺序发生时使用),when(两个步骤顺序发生时使用),after being done(两个步骤主语相同且顺序发生时可用),once done(两个步骤主语相同且顺序发生时可用)。上面的例句可改成:Initially, the used bottles are recycled, after which they are cleaned before being melted.
下面我们以C8-Test 3-Task 1中的“水泥制作流程(下图中的左图)”为例,具体讲解流程图的写作步骤。
The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement-making process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes.
① limestone and clay are crushed (crusher变体) into powder (已知产物)
② the powder is mixed (into mixture, 隐形产物)
travels through a pipe (有图无词,脑补)
③ the mixture is delivered (脑补动词) to the rotating heater
(隐形产物) is heated by fire (有图无词,脑补)
④ the resulting/hot mixture is poured onto a conveyor belt (有图无词,脑补)
(隐形产物) is grinded (grinder变体) (into concrete, 隐形产物)
⑤ concrete is produced
(隐形产物) is packed (脑补动词) in bags
①+②: Initially, limestone and clay are crushed into powder, which is then mixed before travelling through a pipe. ②+③: Once delivered to the rotating heater, the mixture is heated by fire. In the next step, ④ the resulting mixture is poured onto a conveyor belt and grinded. At this point, ⑤ concrete has been produced, after which it is packed in bags.
1. 内容组织有逻辑(找到每个步骤的原物-动词-产物)
2. 灵活使用图中已知词汇并适时补充简单未知动词
3. 不要过度使用衔接词,尝试用复杂句式将两个甚至多个步骤连在一起写。
