It + be + 强调中心成分 + who/that + clause.
注意强调句式的特点:去掉it be…that结构,句子成分依然完整,句意依然全面。请大家注意分析一下以下句型中的强调关系体现在哪里:
It was Jane who called continually this morning. (这里强调的是谁)
It was a parcel that she gave him as the birthday present. (这里强调的是什么)
It is them who often help me with me lessons. (这里强调给了谁)
It was in Greece that the Olympic Games first started. (这里强调在哪里)
It was in 1976 that Tom knew her. (这里强调在什么时候)
John gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.
--- It was John who/that gave Mary a handbag at Christmas.
--- It was Mary who/whom/that John gave a handbag (to) at Christmas.
--- It was a handbag that John gave Mary at Christmas.
--- It was at Christmas that John gave Mary a handbag.
It was when she was about to go to bed that the telephone rang.
It was in Shanghai that I first met him.
It was very reluctantly that he agreed to help.
It was because it raised so many questions that the report took a long time to come out.
It was at the gate of our school that we gave the visitors a warm welcome.
It was with great joy that he received the news that his long-lost son would soon return home.
It is by bus that Mary usually goes to school.
It was three years ago that I came to the company.
强调状语时,要用that,不能用when, where, why, how等。请比较:
It was in the evening that the soldiers arrived at the small village.
It was evening when the soldiers arrived at the small village.
It was at 3 o’clock that they came back.
It was 3 o’clock when they came back.
It was for three hours that they have been back.
It was three hours before they came back.
It was three hours since they came back.
It was raining when they came back.(时间状语从句)
It is true that he will go to Canada. (主语从句)
It is a surprise that Mary has won the first prize. (同位语从句)
四、对not… until…结构的强调,要用It be not until…that…, 因为否定前移,后面只能用肯定。
It was not until yesterday that I noticed it.
It was not until I saw Mary that I felt happy.
It was not until you had explained how that I managed to do it.
It was not until she took off her dark glasses that I realized she was a famous actress.
It was not until I met you that I knew real happiness.
It was not until the accident happened that I became aware of my foolishness.
It is stability that destroys people’s ambition and barricades people’s steps.
It is through competition that children can learn the meaning of courage.
It is the government that should shoulder the responsibility to protect the endangered species.
It is teachers who are competent to instruct their students to be good social members. It is through job training that the young unemployed would have the opportunity to get jobs again.
It is the large company that is polluting the water supply.
It is… that… / It is… who…正是…导致了
It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person‘s personality and dictates how that personality develops.
强调句是考生比较难把握的一种句型,容易和it引导的形式主语相混淆,但其实我们只要找到强调句的一个特点,即去掉It is… that… / It is… who…仍然是一个完整的句子。
中文: 二十世纪末科技的繁荣,人们开始广泛使用电脑。
(1) witness 句型
The late 20th century witnessed the prosperity in science and technology, thereby giving rise to the wide application of computers.
(2) With结构状语前置
With the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century, the computers were widely applied.
(3) 倒装句
So flourishing was the science and technology in the late 20th century that computers were widely applied in various fronts.
(4) 强调句型
It was the prosperity in science and technology in the late 20th century that gave rise to the wide application of computers.
1. 对动词进行强调(do\does\did + V)
Sitting in front of the screen does damage the eye and physical posture of children.
Some people do believe that the overuse of chemicals (e.g. Fertilizers and pesticides) do pose a threat to the well-being of local people.
2. 双重否定可表强调
We cannot deny that receiving the distance education is never without drawbacks.
It is not unrealistic for the government to reduce the amount of waste.
3. 比较状语可表强调
Nothing is more important than to develop the children’s ability of learning on their own.
Students would have greater capability to deal with their academic life than those who do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.
Nothing is more imperative than to learn from the past.
4. what引导的主从可表强调
What is related to the economic collapse is the failure of the government’s policies.
What really matters is cooperation.
5. 强调句型可表强调
It is/was + 被强调的成分 + that/who, 所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。
It is the government that should shoulder the responsibility to protect the endangered species.(对主语强调)
It is teachers who are competent to instruct their students to be a good social member.(对主语强调)
It is through job training that the young unemployed would have the opportunity to get jobs again.(对状语强调)
It is the large company which the public think polluting the water supply.(对宾语进行强调)
Littlie do people take into account the seriousness of this problem.
7、adv或adj可表强调:Never \ only\ Very
This is the very question that deserves careful analysis.
【雅思写作高分句型】重中之重 5大强调句实例
1. 对动词进行强调(do\does\did + V)
Sitting infront of the screen does damage the eye and physical posture ofchildren.
Some people dobelieve that the overuse of chemicals (e.g. Fertilizers and pesticides) dopose a threat to the well-being of local people.
2. 双重否定可表强调
We cannot denythat receiving the distance education is never without drawbacks.
It is notunrealistic for the government to reduce the amount of waste.
3. 比较状语可表强调
Nothing is more important than to develop the children’s ability of learning on theirown.
Students wouldhave greater capability to deal with their academic life than thosewho do not have the gap year spent in working or travelling.
Nothing is moreimperative than to learn from the past.
4. what引导的主从可表强调
What is relatedto the economic collapse is the failure of the government’spolicies.
What really matters iscooperation.
5. 强调句型可表强调
It is/was + 被强调的成分+ that/who, 所强调的可以是单词、短语,也可以是从句,但必须保证其结构完整。被强调的成分可以是主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语等,但不能是定语或谓语。
It is thegovernment that should shoulder the responsibility toprotect the endangered species.(对主语强调)
It is teacherswho are competent to instruct their students to be a goodsocial member.(对主语强调)
It is throughjob training that the young unemployed would have theopportunity to get jobs again.(对状语强调)
It is the largecompany which the public think polluting the watersupply.(对宾语进行强调)
注:强调句中的时态要根据原句的时态而定。即原句为过去某种时态,则强调句中的be就用过去时;原句为现在的某种时态,强调句中就用be的现在时态。有时还可以用It mightbe/must have been/can’t be…that等句式。
It is becausepeople are stuck in the traffic that they spendlonger time in travelling.
It might be thelack of guidance of parents that leads to the going astray of youngpeople.
强调句的判断:强调句型可以通过“还原法”来进行判断,若删除强调句型结构后,句子能还原为一个完整的句子,就是强调句。强调句可以看作是用固定的表达-It is/was…that(which, who, whom, where, when)…, 将句子的某个成分(除了谓语)进行重点强调。但是,去掉这个固定的句型部分,句子本身并无任何变化。
