题目:Some people think news have no connection to people’s lives, so then it is a wasteof time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 完全不同意嘛!首先,报纸怎么可能和日常生活无关?事实正好倒过来,报纸的新闻反映出的就是我们每天生活的点滴改变。举例,城市的都市日报讲的全是和老百姓衣食住行相关的话题,比如说哪里修路,哪家超市搞促销等等,这让老百姓能合理地安排自己的出行计划。
2. 通过观看那些电视上的新闻更新,如天气预报,以及关于流行病和地震的警报,人们能及时地做出反应来避免灾害。
3. 这些媒体能提供很多日常生活知识。举例,做饭,卫生知识,健康保健,法律条文等等,这能给老百姓的生活提供实际指导。
4. 看报纸是一种娱乐。举例,阅读那些报纸上的小故事,或是思考字谜题,都能让读者获得一种精神上的放松和开心。
Nowadays,there is an argument that reading mass media is a waste of time, because theyhave nothing to do with daily life. In my view, this assertion is ridiculous,because it fails to find out practical values of mass media in our lives. Myreasons will be explored as below.
Firstly,the assertion of “no connection between news and people’s lives” isproblematic, because it is opposite to the truth. Today, the majority ofnewspapers and TV channels are regional media, and all they reflect and respondare closely related to day-to-day life among people. They typical example is akind of newspaper named City daily, which features focusing on every detail ofa certain urban area, such as the implementation of new social rules, therebuilding of transportation infrastructures, the discount time of malls, theschedule of exhibitions in museums and theatres, and even the price fluctuationof local food market. By reading the news happening around, urbanites can gainuseful suggestions and instructions for making proper decisions about theiroutdoor travelling, shopping, and leisure activities every day. Moreover,forecasts and social-crime reports from these media play a key role as areminder, which keeps audiences from the uncertainty and dangers. What is more,common knowledge and tips of life presented in newspaper, from cooking togardening, from children caring to money planning, teach readers with practicalexperience and skills, which helps to keep their lives in good trim.
Another problem of this assertion is that it underestimates the contributions thesemedia make to the mental health of the public. Generally speaking, in an agefull of fierce competition and stress, reading newspaper is an ideal way bywhich the audience can relax their minds, no matter whether the contents innewspaper are useful or not. For example, by taking a glance at the words onnewspaper that has no practicality at all, such as stories of historic eventsand people, tidbits about movie and sports stars, as well as introductions ofacademic knowledge about science and arts, readers can lift themselves up fromthe pressure, worries and anxiety. Therefore, mass media well serves a positivepurpose of entertainment which improves emotional stability and well-being ofthe public.
Over all,I believe this assertion of denying the importance of mass media makes nosense. The truth is, newspaper and TV programs have been proven greatlymeaningful and valuable in the public’s convenience, safety and entertainment.
题目:The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this issue?
It has been suggested that the government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the rate of violent crimes in society. It would certainly be easy to garner support for such a move, but solely adapting such a policy will do little to effect social change.
The question has often been raised as to what extent media violence actually influences behavior. One can readily recount incidences of a child or young person viewing some violent behavior in a movie or on television and then trying to reproduce that situation in real life. It is hard to estimate the amount of violence which can be traced back to television shows or movies but the existence of such incidences is undeniable. Logically, removing this violent content should directly reduce the incidence of such violence but this relationship between violent media content and violent behavior is not so simple.
While much has been recorded of young people imitating media violence, little has been directed to the influence of sad violence on those who are able to differentiate the imaginary situations in movies and on television from reality. If one were to find no similar relationship it could be immediately surmised that the most direct solution is increased supervision of young people, and not themodification of media content. The degree to which people are influenced by what they see in the media depends directly on how responsibly they are educated about the relationship of fiction and reality.
Watching comedies does not transform one into a comedian, and watching violent movies does not directly make one violent. Rather than taking crude half measures to repair complex social problems, more focus must be placed on the nature of interpersonal relationships, social responsibility and personal accountability.
题目:News media have become influential to our lives, and some people think that is a negative development. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Certainly, the news media today have to adapt to many technological changes. Nevertheless, some feel that nowdays they play more pivotal roles in our lives and this is negative. Although I have my doubts, I tend to agree and will explain my view below.
Admittedly, there could be reasons for siding against this. Firstly, and most obviously, there are more entertainment options today to distract us from the news. By using devices such as smartphones and tablets, many users can spend hours listening to music and gaming, leading to them not only avoiding traditional media like television but also arguably being less aware of current events. Secondly, for those who do consume news, this could help them become better informed. My cousin Tom, for example, a first year university student, reads voratiously online, obsessively learning about global warming. This, certainly, has caused him to become more politically active and involved in community initiatives.
Despite this, I believe that news media have become more pervasive and this has had adverse effects on our lives. One reason for this is that they are, in my view, often influenced by the government. When this happens, such as in North Korea, the authorities can carefully censor the information their citizens receive, in turn, broadly speaking, silencing many critics. What this invariably does is restrict criticism and stifle democracy. Another is that news media ownership is, more often than not, limited to a small number of companies, which can creat monopolies. A good case in point is Fox, owned by the mogul Rupert Murdoch, as it covers a vast number of media channels worldwide. As such, it can push its conservative agenda to a large number of people, which is why, ultimately, it is more prevalent in our lives.
Overall, I believe that, while some people can escape the news media and they may be positive for others, they are generally difficult to avoid and negative.
