I currently live in our house which is a 2 storied building. But in future I would like to live in a farm house in my hometown. The house would be a small one with 4-5 rooms in it. But there would be plenty of trees, gardens, ponds and open spaces in from of the house. I want to live close to nature rather than living in a crammed metropolitan building. The house would be built with woods, leaves, some modern materials and tin. There would be a big veranda in front of the house. Trees would be all around the house.
This would not be a very big house in terms of the size of the rooms. But definitely the total farm house would be well over 1 acre. I would not require a very big house because I won’t have so many furniture and show pieces. I will have only necessary house hold appliances and furniture.
This house would be located at our home town which is (…say your hometown name...) in (...say the district/ division/ country name/ city name...). We already have a house there but I would convert it to a farm house in future when I will start living there.
Currently I am living in a metropolitan city and leading a busy life. I do not wish to live in this crowded and busy city after my retirement. I have plan to take early retirement and then build a farm house in my hometown that would allow me living in a place which offers fresh air, clean environment, polluted free living and healthy and fresh foods. This is the main reason I want to live there. Secondly, I already have a house there and converting it to a farm house would not be that difficult. Finally I don’t want to live an idle life after my retirement and building a farm house and living there would allow me to get involved in many works that I won’t be able to do at my current living place.
Similar Cue Card topics:
Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
1. Describe a building or house that impressed you.
2. Describe an old house you have seen.
3. Describe a house where you lived for a long
4. Describe a house or flat you would like to own.
雅思口语Part2新题 理想房子 思路解析
Describe an ideal house or apartment where you want to live
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
Who you like to live there with
And explain why you think it is ideal
开头: Well, the first image come up with my mind is…(a villa / an apartment in the city center/suburbs..
可以简单介绍下房子所处的环境,near a huge art gallery…On the top of a mountain, get away from the city’s hustle and bustle我想和我的朋友一起住:I want to live with several friends..
第二段:介绍房子的样子:1)有多少层:it has three floors, and contains various kind of room of different functions
2) 颜色、装修风格:
Traditional Chinese style 传统中式风格
Contemporary style 现代风格
Midcentury Modern style 中世纪现代风格
Rustic/Cottage Style 田园风格
Vintage style 复古风格
Minimalist style 极简主义风格
第一点:地理位置——city center: get an easy access to the infrastructure…convenient
Suburb:fresh air… beneficial for health
第二点:房子空间很大:large space
Makes me feel cozy and comfortable…
So, that’s it, thanks
首先辨别是租房还是买房。for sale ?
房子的类型有:flat, apartment, dormitory(dorm), student hotel, youth hostel
一般房子有的家电或设施有:bedroom, kitchen, stove(炉灶), fridge, microwave oven, washing
machine, air-condition, electric fans, radiator(暖气片), electric stoves
床上用品有pillow, pillow case, , sheet, blanket,
门厅的叫法:hall, lobby, porch 租房的规律为:
离市中心越近,房价越高,位置稍偏,价钱会比较有吸引力;但便宜的房子一般有不理想的地方:not near the center, not near
the railway station, far from the bus stop, near the airport, noisy, shared
kitchen , a stranger in the next bed, have no privacy,
is it available now? when will it be available?
is there a telephone? how far is it from…….? is it furnished?
what is the rental price? how is it cooled /heated?
1. 雅思口语考试并不仅仅以考察学生所用的语言点为重点。语法并不是考官唯一检查的内容。更能使考官产生深刻印象的是考生讲话的流利程度。考生没有必要以牺牲流利为代价去追求百分之百的精确。要知道很多人,包括很多英语本族人都会在讲话时犯语法错误。
2. 我们不妨把雅思口语考试看成与一个新朋友的闲聊而不要看作考试。在竞争中决定成败的往往是人的心理状态而不是他/她的实际能力(不仅在语言考试中,而且在任何其他竞争如体育比赛中)。以前考生的经验表明你越是不把它看成考试,越是处于放松状态,最后成绩就越令人满意。
3. 有时可以用一些表示犹豫的词语来避免可能出现的冷场。常用的有:er, erm, uh, and, yes, right, yeah, oh right等等。但是不能过度频繁地使用这些表示犹豫的词语,它们几乎没有什么实际含义,也只能为考生争取很短的犹豫时间。更好的选择是用一些被叫做“fluency fillers”的短语。试举例如下:
1)I mean, you know, you see, what I mean is that等用来进一步解释先前的说法。
例:We are wasting our time. I mean/You know/You see/What I mean is that we spend most our time not living in the moment. We are either regretting the past or worrying about the future.
2)By the way, talking of, speaking of用来引出一个与先前所说的话字面有联系的新话题。
例:A) My mother does most of the cooking at home. She cooks really delicious food. By the way, my favorite food is hot pot.
B) My favorite month of the year is September, with the blue sky, fresh air and many holidays. Speaking of holidays, Christmas is coming.
3)Anyway, anyhow表示可以回到先前提到的某件事。
例:Anyway, to answer your last question, I do love classical music.
