1Q. How often do you read books?
Answer: Unfortunately, I don't read books very often. When I was younger my mom used to tell me stories from different books so this is the reason that I am aware of the fairytales. The only book I have read is 'Twilight' by Stephenie Meyer when I was 15 years old and the motivation to do that was the movie with the same name which was released in 2008. From another perspective, though, I read almost all of my books when I was at university but I was forced to do that. So I would come to the conclusion that, I don't read books in my free time but only when I have to.
Tip: You can either say that you don't or you do read books. If you are in the first category refer to the reasons why you don't do that. For example, you can say that you don't have time, many interesting books are expensive, you can't read online books because it's tiring and anything else comes to your mind.
If you are in the second category, just think of the kinds of books you have read and try to describe them in a few words. You can also include your university books.
2Q. How books can impact on a man's life?
Answer: Books are good sources of knowledge and they actually enlighten us. Reading a book is a really good and helpful way whenever you are bored or stressed out. It is preferable to me reading a book than to surfing the internet. Going further, in this way people can develop their imagination and nurture their mind and thinking skills. Moreover, there is a possibility for someone to change their view about specific things such as religious issues, gender parity, culture and so on and become more open-minded by reading books. For instance, somebody who isn't romantic may change his opinion after reading a book with a romantic story or someone who is narrow-minded and biassed may change their attitude. Finally, it's a good and effective way to practice a foreign language and this is something I did before coming to England.
3Q. Name some of the famous writers of your country?
Answer: Answer: One of the most famous English writers is JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter fantasy series. Her books have gained worldwide attention, won multiple awards, and were sold more than 400 million copies so far. John Milton whose poetry has been seen as the perfect poetic expression in the English language for four centuries is also from my country. Agatha Christie who is reputably known throughout the world as the "Queen of Crime" and Samuel Johnson who is known as 'arguably the most distinguished man of letters in English history' are only some of the many meritorious English authors.
Tip: You can talk about a/few writer(s) of your own country who is successful and well-known even worldwide. They might be contemporary writers or might be from past centuries.
4Q. Have you ever thought about writing a book?
Answer: To be honest I haven't. My writing skills aren't so good so if I had decided to do something like that it would have been a moderate work. In fact, I wouldn't want that because I am a perfectionist. In addition, my imagination isn't that vivid to create a story myself so I would jump to the conclusion that I am not the proper person for this activity. Besides, my favourite types of books are biographies so this is the only plot that I could have written. However, I prefer sharing my personal stories and experiences with my family and friends in verbal from than written form.
Tip: You can also give a semi-negative answer by saying that you haven't written a book but you would like to and give examples and your idea about the story. You can also say that you have thought about writing a book and refer to its content. Finally, you can say that you have written a book if so give details when you wrote it, what was the story and how you were inspired to write this book.
5Q. How reading books is different from watching movies?
Answer: It is quite different indeed! While reading a book you can imagine the characters and the scenes you are reading about and adjust them to your desires. Everyone makes an image about the main characters' outer appearance, inner traits and so on and personally when I read a book I have a specific actor or actress in my mind. So, I would say that books give someone the chance to make stories based on their personality.
Movies, on the other hand, have some standards. There is the visual element which is absent in books and it can be either good or bad because in some cases watching a movie is much better than reading a book but the opposite can happen as well. Personally, I have seen movies having read the books before and some of them weren't as good as I expected.
雅思口语Part 2新题预测:重读的书a book read again
再次读的书 Describe a book that you would like to read again.
You should say:
which book it is
why you want to read it again
what is it about
and explain why you want to read it again.
雅思口语Part 2范文:重读的书
主题: 托尼罗宾斯的终极力量
I remember one book in particular that I enjoyed reading previously that I would like to read again. The title of the book is Ultimate Power, by Tony Robbins. He’s an author who specialize in motivational material and this book helped me a lot the first time I read it.
It’s one of the most popular books in this genre, probably because it helps people on a personal and professional level to achieve more and get more out of life. The author has become quite famous since writing the book and has helped many celebrities and famous people to perform better and attain a better quality of life overall.
It’s like reading a guide to personal achievement in all aspects of life; it covers topics like discovering what you really want out of life, how to think differently and overcome your fears and phobias that are holding you back from doing things, enhanced techniques for interacting more successfully with all kinds of people, how to copy the habits and techniques of other successful people, and shows you how to be more confident and become financially independent.
You could think of it as a blueprint to reinventing the parts of yourself or your life that you’re unsatisfied with. The first time I read it I put some of the ideas into practice and it helped me become much better at certain aspects of life, but that was a good few years ago and I didn’t implement all the ideas. I think if I re-read it now I would probably find some other things I would like to try – to improve my professional performance especially.
So, Ultimate Power is a book I would definitely like to read again when I have some free time, because I think it offers invaluable advice for people who want to constantly improve themselves.
Part1: Daily conversation (日常对话)
Part2: Individual long turn (独自描述)
Part3: Two-way discussion (双向讨论)
同时,如果我们仔细研读雅思口语考试的评分标准(Band Descriptors),就不难发现,在考查我们流利度的这一项要求中,无论是6分还是7分的评分标准,都要求考生做到一点:speaks at length. 什么意思?答案有一定长度!很多考生连语言都不知道如何组织,又何谈做到答案有一定的长度?下面,我们来看一下扩展方法在Part1和Part3中分别如何进行实战运用:
Examiner: Do have any brothers or sisters? 你有亲兄妹吗?
这时,如果我们只回答“Yes, I do.”或者“No, I don't.”都是不妥的。考生可以思考一下:如何运用红色答题法充实答案,并保证答案长度呢?我们不妨这样想,现在大多数考生都是独生子女,没有亲兄妹,所以很多人一时只会反应出一个“No”。然而,表哥表姐我们或许都是有的,那么,我们在这个No之后能够加入什么补充信息呢?Reason? Example? Detail? 显然,这里我们用举例子和给出原因的方法都不太合适,最好是给细节(Detail),如“only child(独生子女)”和“cousin(表兄妹)”的关键词都是我们可以加入的细节。因此,如果按以下方式回答就显得好很多:
Candidate: No, I don't. I'm the only child of my family. But I have a cousin, with whom I grew up. So I never felt lonely. 不,我是家里的独生子。但是我有一个表哥和我一起长大,所以我从没感到过孤独。
Examiner: Do you like watching films? 你喜欢看电影吗?
通过上面的例子,相信大家对红色答题法的运用已经有一些感觉了。回答这个问题,答案无非两种:Yes or No. 大家不妨想象一下,如果喜欢看电影,在Yes后面加什么样的补充信息最快捷?显然是举例子Example. 给大家一些备选词汇,看看我们会不会用扩展方法组成一个有长度有质量的答案。
Horror movie 恐怖片
Action movie 动作片
Swordsmen film 武侠片
Cartoon film 动画片
Candidate: Yes, I do. I'm crazy about many types of films, such as comedy, tragedy, swordsmen films, etc.是的,我喜欢。我喜欢多种电影,比如喜剧片,悲剧片,武侠片等等。
Candidate: No, not really. I'm too busy with my work every day. What's more, the film ticket is always pricey.不,我不喜欢看电影。我每天忙于工作。还有,电影票一般都很贵。
Do you like drawing?
Do you like doing sports?
Have you ever grown anything in a garden?
Do you know your neighbors?
What was the last gift you received?
在Part3中,需要考生与考官进行相关问题的深入讨论, 因此问题的难度会有所提升。如果考生在Part3中也能够灵活运用上述答题技巧,便可以将这些题目变得简单,回答起来更容易。
在实战中,我们只要准确的运用这个技巧,就能做有思路回答问题,有了思路,放心大胆的张嘴去说吧!Say what you mean and mean what you say! 想你所说的,说你所想的!当然,在这里,我需要强调的是,只要是应试考试,就必然会存在一定的应试技巧。但口语能力的提高,依靠技巧仅仅是其中的一方面。口语能力提高的过程,是一个慢慢积累的过程,它还需要开放的语言环境、不断的练习与积极的交流。最后,祝大家在雅思口语考试中取得好成绩。
二、不知怎么说 (脑中出现的总是几个关键词而已,口头连词成句的能力还有欠缺,导致频繁出现broken English,即不成句的英语)。
一、 定语从句经典系列
① (名词或代词) is the kind of (person/place/thing…) who (which/that) is…
② (名词或代词) is a (person/ place…) who (which) gives you the impression of being…
③ (名词或代词)is one of the most (形容词) (名词) I have ever seen/met/known.
④ (地点名称) is a place where you can do sth.
⑤ (时间名词) is a day (occasion/the time) when you do sth.
二、 名词性从句经典系列
① The reason why I (admire him/like the place…) is that +从句
② The most important thing is that+从句
③ Another thing is that+从句
④ What I mean is that + 从句
⑤ What I’d like to say is that +从句
The reason why I admire Yaoming is that he is a legend and also a great guy. The most important thing is that he is one of China’s most recognizable athletes. What I mean is, his image can be seen everywhere, he is a household name. Another thing is that Yao has also participated in many charity events during his career. What I’d like to say is that he not only donated money to relief work, but also created a foundation to help those in need.
三、 状语从句经典系列
① I first got to know him/it when + 从句(过去式)
② (名词或代词) have (动词过去分词) since +从句(过去式)
③ If I had the chance, I would like to…
④ If …, then it is quite possible that I will…
I first got to know him when I was studying in primary school. (人物题通用)
I first read the story/saw the programme when I was visiting my grandparents three years ago. (物品题通用)
I first learned how to skate/play basketball when I was in high school. (兴趣爱好题通用)
We have lost contact since he moved out of town.
I have stopped watching the programme since I entered the university where TV was not available.
I have been practicing basketball on a regular basis ever since I knew how to play it.
句型③是虚拟语气,表达一种设想。当问题为would you like to…时,建议使用该句型。另外,还可以在无话可说时用来应急。套用句型:
If I had the chance, I would like to travel to California and visit my best friend who I haven’t seen for ages.
If I had the chance, I would like to ask Yaoming to autograph my basketball.
Q: What do you usually do at weekends?
A: Well, it’s hard to say. I mean, if I am with friends, then it’s quite possible that we will go window shopping or traveling around. But if I am alone, it’s more likely that I will just stay at home and do some washing and cleaning.
当然,以上两种情境还可以变换成多种可能,如按天气状况分为If it is good weather, 和If it is bad weather; 按时间多少分为If I’ve got a lot of time,和If I am fairly busy; 等等。
