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In the late sixteenth century andinto the seventeenth, Europe continued the growth that had lifted it out of therelatively less prosperous medieval period (from the mid 400s to the late1400s). Among thekeyfactors behind this growth were increasedagricultural productivity and an expansion of trade.Populations cannot grow unlessthe rural economy can produce enough additional food to feed more people.During the sixteenth century, farmers brought more land into cultivation at theexpense of forests and fens (low-lying wetlands). Dutch land reclamation in theNetherlands in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries provides the mostspectacular example of the expansion of farmland: the Dutch reclaimed more than36.000 acres from 1590 to 1615 alone.Much of the potential forEuropean economic development lay in what at first glance would seem to havebeen only sleepy villages. Such villages, however, generally lay in regions ofrelatively advanced agricultural production, permitting not only the survivalof peasants but also the accumulation of an agricultural surplus forinvestment. They had access to urban merchants, markets, and trade routes.Increased agricultural productionin turn facilitated rural industry, an intrinsic part of the expansion ofindustry. Woolens and textile manufacturers, in particular, utilized ruralcottage (in-home) production, which took advantage of cheap and plentiful rurallabor. In the German states, the ravages of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648)further moved textile production into the countryside. Members of poor peasantfamilies spun or wove cloth and linens at home for scant remuneration in anattempt to supplementmeagerfamily income.More extended trading networksalso helped develop Europe's economy in this period.English and Dutch shipscarrying rye from the Baltic states reached Spain and Portugal. Populationgrowth generated an expansion of small-scale manufacturing, particularly ofhandicrafts, textiles, and metal production in England, Flanders, parts ofnorthern Italy, the southwestern German states, and parts of Spain. Only ironsmelting and mining required marshaling a significant amount of capital (wealthinvested to create more wealth).The development of banking andother financial services contributed to the expansion of trade. By the middleof the sixteenth century, financiers and traders commonly accepted bills ofexchange in place of gold or silver for other goods. Bills of exchange, whichhad their origins in medieval Italy, were promissory notes (written promises topay a specified amount of money by a certain date) that could be sold to thirdparties. In this way, they provided credit. At mid-century, an Antwerpfinancier only slightly exaggerated when he claimed, “0ne can no more tradewithout bills of exchange than sail without water." Merchants no longerhad to carry gold and silver over long, dangerous journeys. An Amsterdammerchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchangerand pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch currency. Theexchanger would then send a bill of exchange to a colleague in Marseille,authorizing the colleague to pay the Marseille merchant in the merchant's owncurrency after the actual exchange of goods had taken place.Bills of exchange contributed tothe development of banks, as exchangers began to provide loans. Not untilthe eighteenth century, however, did such banks as the Bank ofAmsterdam and the Bank of England begin to provide capital for businessinvestment. Their principal function was to provide funds for the state.The rapid expansion in internationaltrade also benefitted from an infusion of capital, stemming largely from goldand silver brought by Spanish vessels from the Americas. This capital financedthe production of goods, storage, trade, and even credit across Europe andoverseas. Moreover an increased credit supply was generated by investments andloans by bankers and wealthy merchants to states and by joint-stockpartnerships—an English innovation(the first major company began in1600). Unlike short-term financial cooperation between investors for a singlecommercial undertaking, joint-stock companies provided permanent funding ofcapital by drawing on the investments of merchants and other investors whopurchased shares in the company.
1.According to paragraph 1, what was trueof Europe during the medieval period?A. Agricultural productivity declined.B.There was relatively little economicgrowth.C.The general level of prosperity declined.D.Foreign trade began to play an importantrole in the economy.2.The word key in the passage(Paragraph1)is closest in meaning toA.historicalB. manyC. importantD.hidden3.According to paragraph 2, one effect ofthe desire to increase food production was thatA. land was cultivated in a different wayB.more farmers were neededC.the rural economy was weakenedD. forests and wetlands were used forfarming4.According to paragraph 3, what was onereason villages had such great economic potential?A.Villages were located in regions whereagricultural production was relatively advanced.B.Villages were relatively small inpopulation and size compared with urban areas.C.Some village inhabitants made investmentsin industrial development.D.Village inhabitants established markets withintheir villages.5.Paragraph 4 supports the idea thatincreased agricultural production was important for the expansion of industryprimarily because itA.increased the number of available workersin rural areasB.provided new types of raw materials foruse by industryC. resulted in an improvement in the healthof the rural cottage workers used by manufacturersD. helped repair some of the ravages of theThirty Years’ War6.The word “meager” in thepassage(Paragraph 4)is closest in meaning toA.very necessaryB. very lowC.traditionalD.primary7.Why does the author mention that “Englishand Dutch ships carrying rye from the Baltic states reached Spain andPortugal”(Paragraph 5)?A.To suggest that England and theNetherlands were the two most important trading nations in seventeenth-centuryEuropeB.To suggest how extensive tradingrelations wereC.To contrast the importance ofagricultural products with manufactured productsD.To argue that shipping introduced a rangeof new products8.By including the quotation in paragraph 6by the financier from Antwerp, the author is emphasizing thatA.sailing was an important aspect of theeconomyB. increasing the number of water routesmade trade possibleC.bills of exchange were necessary forsuccessful tradingD.financiers often exaggerated the need forbills of exchange9.According to paragraph 6, merchants wereable to avoid the risk of carrying large amounts of gold and silver byA.using third parties in Marseille to buygoods for themB. doing all their business by using DutchcurrencyC. paying for their purchases through billsof exchangeD. waiting to pay for goods until the goodshad been delivered10.According to paragraph 7, until theeighteenth century, it was the principal function of which of the following toprovide funds for the state?A.Bills of exchangeB.Exchangers who took loansC. BanksD. Business investment11.The phrase “an English innovation” inthe passage(Paragraph 8)is closest in meaning toA.a new development introduced by theEnglishB.an arrangement found only in EnglandC. a type of agreement negotiated inEnglishD.a type of partnership based on Englishlaw12.According to paragraph 8, each of thefollowing was a source of funds used to finance economic expansion EXCEPTA.groups of investors engaged in short-termfinancial cooperationB. the stateC.wealthy merchantsD.joint-stock companies13. Look at the four squares [■] thatindicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage. Wherewould the sentence best fit? They could also avoid having to identify andassess the value of a wide variety of coins issued in many different places.The development of banking and otherfinancial services contributed to the expansion of trade. By the middle of thesixteenth century, financiers and traders commonly accepted bills of exchangein place of gold or silver for other goods. Bills of exchange, which had theirorigins in medieval Italy, were promissory notes (written promises to pay aspecified amount of money by a certain date) that could be sold to thirdparties. In this way, they provided credit. ■【A】Atmid-century, an Antwerp financier only slightly exaggerated when he claimed, “0ne can nomore trade without bills of exchange than sail without water." ■【B】Merchants nolonger had to carry gold and silver over long, dangerous journeys. ■【C】An Amsterdammerchant purchasing soap from a merchant in Marseille could go to an exchangerand pay the exchanger the equivalent sum in guilders, the Dutch currency. ■【D】Theexchanger would then send a bill of exchange to a colleague in Marseille,authorizing the colleague to pay the Marseille merchant in the merchant's owncurrency after the actual exchange of goods had taken place.14. Directions: An introductory sentencefor a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary byselecting the THREE answer that express the most important ideas in thepassage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideasthat not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. Thisquestion is worth 2 points.In late sixteenth-and earlyseventeenth-century Europe, increased agricultural production and the expansionof trade were important in economic growth.A.Bringing more land under cultivationproduced enough food to create surpluses for trade and investment as well asfor supporting the larger populations that led to the growth of rural industry.B.Most rural villages established an arrangementwith a nearby urban center that enabled villagers to take advantage of urbanmarkets to sell any handicrafts they produced.C. Increases in population and theexpansion of trade led to increased manufacturing, much of it small-scale incharacter but some requiring significant capital investment.D.Increased capital was required for theproduction of goods, for storage, for trade, and for the provision of creditthroughout of Europe as well as distant markets overseas.E.Bills of exchange were invented inmedieval Italy but became less important as banks began to provide loans formerchants.F.The expansion of trade was facilitated bydevelopments in banking and financial services and benefitted from the hugeinflux of capital in the form of gold silver from the Americas.
1.以medieval period做关键词定位至第一句,说medievalperiod不那么prosperous繁荣,但如果只看这句的话很容易错选答案C,C的decline叫做减少,也就是说C说medieval时期prosperity下降了,但原文说不prosperous,是一种低的状态,不是下降的趋势,所以C错;而B的经济几乎没有增长是less prosperous的同义替换,正确;A与C错的原因类似;D没说2.key众所周知的意思是钥匙,当然还有关键的意思,所以important正确。前文说欧洲经济开始增长,然后说发展的什么因素是blabla,后面特别指出的原因肯定是相对比较重要的,所以important正确。句子只给出了两个原因,many不对;historical历史的和hidden完全不靠谱3.以increase foodproduction做关键词定位至第一句,但问的是影响,所以答案应该是下一句。说人们开垦更多土地,以森林和湿地为代价,所以答案是D。A原文没说以不同方式开垦,错;B的farmers没有相关信息;C的rural economy没有信息4.以economic potential做关键词定位至第一句,但第一句中的at first glance和第二句的however都说明有用的信息在第二句,说这些村子的agriculture是advanced,所以答案是A,B/C/D都没说5.以expansion ofindustry做关键词定位至第一句,但第一句只是陈述了一个事实,有用的信息在第二句,说那些manufacturers利用了大量廉价的rural labor,所以答案是A,B/C/D都没说6.meager贫乏的,不足的,瘦弱的,所以verylow是正确答案。原句说很多穷人纺线或者织布赚补贴,来贴补什么样的家庭收入,肯定是少才需要贴补的,所以是very low,A必要和D基本都不能用纺线来补贴;原文没有时间概念,所以B传统的不对7.修辞目的题,整个句子是一个细节,所以看前一句,也就是本段的中心句,说不断扩展的贸易网络有助于当时欧洲经济发展,紧接着就给出了荷兰和英国的船到了西班牙和葡萄牙,用来证明贸易的扩展,所以答案是B,其他的都不靠谱8.修辞目的题,先以Antewerp做关键词定位至第五句,原句整个就是一个细节,看前一句,前一句的信息过少,所以再往前看,就找到答案,说汇票是一种可以转卖给第三方的约定票据,答案是C,汇票的必要性,当然也可以看第一句,说银行及其他金融服务助推贸易的扩展,同样能选出答案9.以gold or silver做关键词定位至第二句,说financiers和traders接受汇票来替代金银,只有C提到了汇票bills ofexchange,所以答案是C,其他都没说10.以funds,state和principlefunction做关键词定位至最后一句,说他们的最主要作用是给国家提供资金,因为有their,所以往前看,前句说直到十八世纪银行才给business investment提供钱,然后就说之前都是给国家提供钱的,their指的是银行,所以答案C正确11.an English innovation本意指英国人的发明,即使从本意看,B/C/D也不靠谱,而且破折号之后解释之前的内容,之前说joint-stock partnership,合股,之后的括号又对这一现象进行了解释,说明这是一个以前没有的新东西,所以A正确12.EXCEPT题,排除法。A的short-termfinancial cooperation对应最后一句,正确,不选;B好像对应第三句,但原文说银行家和富商贷款给state,state的钱是从别人那借的,没法促进发展,所以B错,选;C和D都对应原文第三句,正确,不选13.四个过渡点,分别是名词coins,manydifferent places,代词they和副词also,coins与原文倒数第二句的currency货币同义替换,many different places与原文倒数第二句的Amsterdam和Marseille对应,所以C或者D正确;此外,coins还可以与倒数第三句的coins and silver对应,所以B或者C正确;而且they also avoid说明之前他们已经避免了一件事,刚好对应倒数第三句的no longer have to carry gold and silver,所以C正确14.bringing选项对应原文第二段第一句,正确most选项原文没说,不选increases in选项对应原文第四段第一句,正确increased capital选项MS对应第八段第二句,但原文说capital促进了blabla的发展,没说blabla的发展需要资金,所以错,不选bills选项与第六段第二局说反,不选the expansion选项对应原文第六段和第八段的首句,正确
【2】如果农村经济不能生产足够的粮食,人口增长就不可能实现。在16世纪,农民们以伐木开荒为代价,不断开垦耕地。荷兰的土地复垦无疑是16到17世纪中最引人注目的:单单是在1590年到1615年间,荷兰就开垦了36 000多英亩土地。
【4】农业生产的发展反过来又促进了工业中的部分——农村工业的发展。尤其是羊毛和纺织制造商们,他们利用农村大量廉价的劳动力来进行农舍家庭式生产。在德国,“三十年战争 ”造成严重破坏进一步促使纺织业向乡村迁移。为了贴补本已经微薄的家庭收入,贫困潦倒的农民们通过在家纺织衣料或亚麻来换取少量报酬。
托福TPO10(试题+答案+译文)第3篇:Seventeenth-Century European Economic Growth相关文章: