Cave Art in Europe
The earliest discovered traces of art are beads and carvings, and then paintings, from sites dating back to the Upper Paleolithic period. We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill. So do the naturalistic paintings on slabs of stone excavated in southern Africa. Some of those slabs appear to have been painted as much as 28,000 years ago, which suggests that painting in Africa is as old as painting in Europe. But painting may be even older than that. The early Australians may have painted on the walls of rock shelters and cliff faces at least 30,000 years ago, and maybe as much as 60,000 years ago.
The researchers Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld identified three principal locations of paintings in the caves of western Europe: (1) in obviously inhabited rock shelters and cave entrances; (2) in galleries immediately off the inhabited areas of caves; and (3) in the inner reaches of caves, whose difficulty of access has been interpreted by some as a sign that magical-religious activities were performed there.
The subjects of the paintings are mostly animals. The paintings rest on bare walls, with no backdrops or environmental trappings. Perhaps, like many contemporary peoples, Upper Paleolithic men and women believed that the drawing of a human image could cause death or injury, and if that were indeed their belief, it might explain why human figures are rarely depicted in cave art. Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these people sought to improve their luck at hunting. This theory is suggested by evidence of chips in the painted figures, perhaps made by spears thrown at the drawings. But if improving their hunting luck was the chief motivation for the paintings, it is difficult to explain why only a few show signs of having been speared. Perhaps the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals. Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing.
The particular symbolic significance of the cave paintings in southwestern France is more explicitly revealed, perhaps, by the results of a study conducted by researchers Patricia Rice and Ann Paterson. The data they present suggest that the animals portrayed in the cave paintings were mostly the ones that the painters preferred for meat and for materials such as hides. For example, wild cattle (bovines) and horses are portrayed more often than we would expect by chance, probably because they were larger and heavier (meatier) than other animals in the environment. In addition, the paintings mostly portray animals that the painters may have feared the most because of their size, speed, natural weapons such as tusks and horns, and the unpredictability of their behavior. That is, mammoths, bovines, and horses are portrayed more often than deer and reindeer. Thus, the paintings are consistent with the idea that the art is related to the importance of hunting in the economy of Upper Paleolithic people. Consistent with this idea, according to the investigators, is the fact that the art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic also seems to reflect how people got their food. But in that period, when getting food no longer depended on hunting large game animals (because they were becoming extinct), the art ceased to focus on portrayals of animals.
Upper Paleolithic art was not confined to cave paintings. Many shafts of spears and similar objects were decorated with figures of animals. The anthropologist Alexander Marshack has an interesting interpretation of some of the engravings made during the Upper Paleolithic. He believes that as far back as 30,000 B.C., hunters may have used a system of notation, engraved on bone and stone, to mark phases of the Moon. If this is true, it would mean that Upper Paleolithic people were capable of complex thought and were consciously aware of their environment. In addition to other artworks, figurines representing the human female in exaggerated form have also been found at Upper Paleolithic sites. It has been suggested that these figurines were an ideal type or an expression of a desire for fertility.
Question 1 of 14
The word “marked ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. considerable
B. surprising
C. limited
D. adequate
Question 2 of 14
Paragraph 1 supports which of the following statements about painting in Europe?
A. It is much older than painting in Australia.
B. It is as much as 28,000 years old.
C. It is not as old as painting in southern Africa.
D. It is much more than 30,000 years old.
Question 3 of 14
The word “principal ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. major
B. likely
C. well protected
D. distinct
Question 4 of 14
According to paragraph 2, what makes some researchers think that certain cave paintings were connected with magical-religious activities?
A. The paintings were located where many people could easily see them, allowing groups of people to participate in the magical-religious activities.
B. Upper Paleolithic people shared similar beliefs with contemporary peoples who use paintings of animals in their magical-religious rituals.
C. Evidence of magical-religious activities has been found in galleries immediately off the inhabited areas of caves.
D. The paintings were found in hard-to-reach places away from the inhabited parts of the cave.
Question 5 of 14
The word “trappings ” in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. conditions
B. problems
C. influences
D. decorations
Question 6 of 14
Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
A. Upper Paleolithic people, like many contemporary peoples, believed that if they drew a human image in their cave art, it would cause death or injury.
B. Many contemporary people believe that the drawing of a human image can cause death or injury, so they, like Upper Paleolithic people, rarely depicted human figures in their cave art.
C. If Upper Paleolithic people, like many contemporary peoples, believed that the drawing of a human image could cause death or injury, this belief might explain why human figures are rarely depicted in cave art.
D. Although many contemporary peoples believe that the drawing of a human image can cause death or injury, researchers cannot explain why Upper Paleolithic people rarely depicted human figures in their cave art.
Question 7 of 14
According to paragraph 3, scholars explained chips in the painted figures of animals by proposing that
A. Upper Paleolithic artists used marks to record the animals they had seen
B. the paintings were inspired by the need to increase the supply of animals for hunting
C. the artists had removed rough spots on the cave walls
D. Upper Paleolithic people used the paintings to increase their luck at hunting
Question 8 of 14
Why does the author mention that Upper Paleolithic cave art seemed to have “reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic period, when the herds of game were decreasing ”?
A. To argue that Upper Paleolithic art ceased to include animals when herds of game became scarce
B. To provide support for the idea that the aim of the paintings was to increase the supply of animals for hunting
C. To emphasize the continued improvement in the quality of cave art throughout the Upper Paleolithic period
D. To show the direct connection between the decrease in herds of game and the end of the Upper Paleolithic period
Question 9 of 14
According to paragraph 4, scholars believe that wild cattle, horses, and mammoths are the animals most frequently portrayed in cave paintings for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:
A. These animals were difficult to hunt because their unpredictable behavior.
B. People preferred these animals for their meat and for their skins.
C. The painters admired the beauty of these large animals.
D. People feared these animals because of their size and speed.
Question 10 of 14
According to paragraph 4, which of the following may best represent the attitude of hunters toward deer and reindeer in the Upper Paleolithic period?
A. Hunters did not fear deer and reindeers as much as they did large game animals such as horses and mammoths.
B. Hunters were not interested in hunting deer and reindeer because of their size and speed.
C. Hunters preferred the meat and hides of deer and reindeer to those of other animals.
D. Hunters avoided deer and reindeer because of their natural weapons, such as horns.
Question 11 of 14
According to paragraph 4, what change is evident in the art of the period following the Upper Paleolithic?
A. This new art starts to depict small animals rather than large ones.
B. This new art ceases to reflect the ways in which people obtained their food.
C. This new art no longer consists mostly of representations of animals.
D. This new art begins to show the importance of hunting to the economy.
Question 12 of 14
According to paragraph 5, which of the following has been used as evidence to suggest that Upper Paleolithic people were capable of complex thought and conscious awareness of their environment?
A. They engraved animal figures on the shafts of spears and other objects.
B. They may have used engraved signs to record the phases of the Moon.
C. Their figurines represented the human female in exaggerated form.
D. They may have used figurines to portray an ideal type or to express a desire for fertility.
Question 13 of 14
Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit?Therefore, if the paintings were connected with hunting, some other explanation is needed..
Question 14 of 14
Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that explain the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.Upper Paleolithic cave paintings in Western Europe are among humanity’s earliest artistic efforts.
A.Researchers have proposed several different explanations for the fact that animals were the most common subjects in the cave paintings.
B.The art of the cultural period that followed the Upper Paleolithic ceased to portray large game animals and focused instead on the kinds of animals that people of that period preferred to hunt.
C.Some researchers believe that the paintings found in France provide more explicit evidence of their symbolic significance than those found in Spain, southern Africa, and Australia.
D.The cave paintings focus on portraying animals without also depicting the natural environments in which these animals are typically found.
E.Some researchers have argued that the cave paintings mostly portrayed large animals that provided Upper Paleolithic people with meat and materials.
F.Besides cave paintings, Upper Paleolithic people produced several other kinds of artwork, one of which has been thought to provide evidence of complex thought.
Question 1 of 14
题目解析:mark: 标记,marked: 明显的,显著的。对应原文:We might expect that early artistic efforts would be crude, but the cave paintings of Spain and southern France show a marked degree of skill.所在句的上半句讲我们认为artistic efforts是比较粗劣的,后面来了个转折,说他们应该有怎么样的技巧,considerable相当的,正确。limited感情色彩反了,surprise意思太夸张,而且surprise也不一定是好,adequate意思过了。
Question 2 of 14
题目解析:B 此题答案中的关键词很容易找,故使用排除法,从答案中都可以推断出问的是画的年代。原文一共提到了三个地方岩画的年龄,南非28000年前,欧洲和南非一样,澳洲30000年前,所以澳洲老,A错,同时D也错;B说28000年前,原文既然说欧洲和非洲一样,当然也是28000年前,所以B对;C刚好和原文说反,错。
Question 3 of 14
题目解析:principal: 主要的。A是主要的;B是可能的;C是很好地保护;D是独特的,明显的。所以A的major是答案。对应原文:The researchers Peter Ucko and Andree Rosenfeld identified three principal locations of paintings in the caves of western Europe…说研究人员找到了三个什么样的地方存在岩画,这道题三个错误答案带进去都对,所以这个就是靠认识的了。
Question 4 of 14
题目解析:D 以magical-religious activities做关键词定位至第三个位置,inner reach和difficult to access都说明D是正确的,因为四个答案中只有D提到了hard-to-reach places。
Question 5 of 14
题目解析:D trappings: 装饰。trap最常见的意思是捕猎或者陷阱,但注意trappings,而且只有复数的时候有一个意思是装饰物。
Question 6 of 14
题目解析:C 原文的结构是旧石器时代的人相信blablabla,如果真是这样,blablabla。A选项缺了如果真是这样那部分,缺失重要信息,错;B也犯了同样错误,而且B还偷换了原文的陈述对象,原文说upper Paleolithic的人怎么怎么样,被B换成了现代人怎么怎么样;C正确;D刚好说反了,不是不能解释,而是这个是可能的解释,错。
Question 7 of 14
题目解析:问作者解释了chips in the painted animal figures是为什么,往前找:Another explanation for the focus on animals might be that these people sought to improve their luck at hunting.找到之前的another explanation那句,说这些人把画的重点放在动物身上是为了提升自己在打猎时候的运气,所以D正确。B在倒数第二句有提到,但是这冥想是另外一个观点,从前一句的But知道,这已经和前文形成了转折,所以不是例子想要支撑的观点;AC在原文未提及。
Question 8 of 14
Question 9 of 14
题目解析:C 排除法,所有答案集中在这段的二四两句,第四句说到A和D两个答案,第二句说到B答案,原文只是说大的动物多画,没说是因为画画的人喜欢大动物的美,C没说,选。
Question 10 of 14
题目解析:A 以deer和reindeer做关键词定位至原文第五句,接上题,说大的动物比诸如deer和reindeer这类小动物更多出现在岩画上,前文说因为怕那些大动物的很多方面才画,所以A对,B将两个概念杂合到一起,而且原文没说猎人对deer不感兴趣,错;9题B项说对,所以10题C项错;原文说有horn的是大型动物,不是deer,D错
Question 11 of 14
题目解析:以following the upper Paleolithic做关键词定位至最后两句:But in that period, when getting food no longer depended on hunting large game animals (because they were becoming extinct), the art ceased to focus on portrayals of animals. 这句话说:当获取食物不再依赖于捕猎大型动物,这个绘画艺术就不在专注于展现动物,C正确;A错,原文并没说不画大动物之后,就转向小型动物;还是反映生活的,B错;D从来没说。
Question 12 of 14
题目解析:B,以complex thought and conscious awareness做关键词定位至本段第四句,因为有个代词it,说明这句跟前面的第三句有联系,前一句的具体例子是记录月相,B正确。
Question 13 of 14
题目解析:C 三个过渡点,hunting说明D选项不可能,排除掉;some other explanation说明之前必须有其他的解释,但这个没用上;第三个就是therefore所表示的因果关系;A选项后的this与上文的指代关系明显,所以A排除;B选项之前有spears thrown at drawings,之后有having been speared,过渡紧密,排除,所以只有C正确,代入发现后面果然是另外一个explanation,所以C对。
Question 14 of 14
题目解析:文章标题暗示有几种展开方向:艺术的特点(现象描述)/艺术的发展(历史叙述)/为什么画这些艺术(现象解释) 首段说旧石器时代艺术水平高,年代久,算是背景介绍 二段进入主题,说艺术发现的3个位置。 三段说一个特点,主要画动物,给出解释,各有褒贬。 四段说两个人的观点,给出正面支持。 五段从主题引申,扯到其他艺术。 引出句概括首段内容,正确答案应概括以后各段大意。 A(researchers have proposed)选项对应整个第三段,提出了三个主要画动物的解释,正确。 B(the art)选项文章没有说,不选。 C(some researchers believe)选项文章没有说,不选。 D(the cave)选项原文没说,不选。 E(some researchers have)选项对应原文第四段,正确。 F(besides)选项对应第五段,正确.
domestic hygiene
1. This indicated fully that public's domestic hygiene consciousness is generally high. 这充分表明,公众的家庭卫生意识普遍较高。
2. Founded in 1994 with the focus on research and development of anti-insect product for family health. 创办与1994年,专注于家庭卫生杀虫系列产品的研发、生产和经营。
3. The textile articles are sterilized by boiling or other method for personal and family hygiene. 为了个人和家庭卫生,纺织品可以通过沸煮或其它方式消毒。
4. Philips Charts Course for Future of Healthcare with Focus on Home Healthcare Solutions. 飞利浦图表为未来的医疗保健,重点是家庭卫生保健解决方案。
5. Should attach importance to the family and kindergarten children's mental health problem. 家庭和幼儿园都应重视幼儿的心理卫生问题。
Do you ever wander through the grocery store and end up spending more than you were budgeting for? Don't beat yourself up over it — supermarkets actually have several different strategies to trick customers into blowing bucks. Be on the alert and watch out for the sneaky psychology tactics these stores will try to use on you.
1. 10 For
1. 10元钱买10样
10 for sounds like a great deal. However, you'll get the same savings even if you only buy one item, according to the New York Times. A grocery store survey recently found that people bought way more items when they see 10 for deals vs. five for and one for class="main">
2. Growing Carts
2. 变大的购物车
No, you're not shrinking; it's the grocery carts that are growing. The larger the cart, the more likely you'll end up spending more, so try to stick to a hand basket instead.
3. Pre-Cut Vegetables and Fruits
3. 事先切好的蔬菜和水果
Pre-cut veggies look so attractive, with their colorful packaging and its promise of less work (no need to wash or chop!). However, they aren't exactly a good deal. Consumer Reports found that pre-cut veggies and fruits can be a lot more expensive than the whole items. The team noted that a class="main">
4. Items at the Checkout Counter
4. 收银台前的商品
Ever wonder why all those magazines and yummy candy are crammed in the front of checkout counters? It's one of the supermarket's tricks to get you to succumb to last-minute purchases while you're waiting in line.
5. Where Is Everything?
5. 东西摆在哪?
You think you have the layout of your local supermarket down pat when you find out they changed shelves again! The stores are actually doing it on purpose, because if you don't know where the items are, you'll end up spending more time in the store. More time to browse means more chances to tempt you into buying more items.
Good news, lovebirds! If you're planning to celebrate with your Valentine in the coming weeks, get ready to toast to your health.
Earlier this week, a researcher at the Medical University of Vienna spread some good news in honor of National Hug Day. He pointed out that hugging someone you care about can ease stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and even boost memory.
While the association between hugging and your health isn't new, it's especially relevant this time of year -- with Valentine's Day on the horizon and many couples hurrying to cuddle away the frigid temperatures sweeping across much of the nation.
Experts believe it all comes back to the hormone oxytocin. A simple embrace seems to increase levels of the "love hormone," which has been linked to social bonding.
That oxytocin boost seems to have a greater calming effect on women than men, the BBC reported. In one study, the stress-reducing effects of a brief hug in the morning carried throughout a tough work day, USA Today reported.
Perhaps the best news of all is that hugging isn't the only way getting close to your Valentine can boost your health. A few others also have big benefits:
Call it an extended hug -- cuddling also releases stress-easing oxytocin, which can reduce blood pressure and bond you with your mate. But you may not have guessed that a little cuddle time can help you and your partner communicate better. "Non-verbal communication can be a very powerful way to say to your partner, 'I get you,'" marriage and family therapist David Klow told Shape magazine. "Cuddling is a way of saying, 'I know how you feel.' It allows us to feel known by our partner in ways that words can't convey."
这是拥抱的加长版,同样能释放降压的催产素,能降低血压同时让你俩更亲密。你绝对想不到稍稍拥抱一会还能促进你俩之间的交流吧。婚姻与家庭临床专家David Kolw对Shape杂志表示:非言语交流也是告诉另一半“我拥有你”的最有力的方式。拥抱也是交流的一种方式,“我能理解你的感受”,这让我们能感受到另一半身上某些无法用言语表达的东西。
Speaking of communication -- even just spending time together without touching can put you at ease and lower blood pressure, compared to spending time with someone less significant, according to the BBC. Not to mention that making the effort to communicate openly can only strengthen your relationship.
Of course, kissing has also been shown to affect oxytocin and cortisol levels, and, just like hugging and cuddling, can reduce stress. But one of the more surprising pros of puckering up is a cleaner kisser. The increase in saliva production that comes along with a smooch can wash bacteria off teeth and help fight plaque buildup.
In addition to relaxing you and burning some calories, some time between the sheets can help you fight off germs. As long as your partner isn't already sick, a couple of sexy escapades a week can boost a particular antibody that fights off colds, according to a 1999 study. Sex may also promote better sleep, thanks to both the relaxing effects of that oxytocin and an increase in a hormone called prolactin, which is normally higher during sleep, according to Women's Health.





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