都说雅思听力提分难,从雅思听力5分到雅思听力6.5分得跨越好几个坎。烤鸭们不用再担心了!15天提高1.5分秘诀,这不是梦,完全Ok的!小编给大家整理了雅思听力如何两周内快速提分 ,相信对大家的雅思听力备考一定有帮助的,加油吧!烤鸭们!
Section 1 收集好考点词及相应答案,e.g. 考点词information source:常规答案无非是newspaper, magazine, newsletter, leaflet, booklet, website, internet, online, radio, neighbor, friend, advertisement;考点词payment:对应答案一定是credit card, check, cash, bank transfer, by phone, by post。
当然学生在听题过程中,更要注意考点词前后是否有限定词,提前预知该题是否可能会有陷阱,e.g. Type of room preferred: 题干中的考点词为room, 可以预测答案无非是shared apartment/flat/house, bedsit or studio, 但是因为题干中有preferred一词限定,固答案必有虚假信息干扰,听前就可以告戒自己听该题是应该非常仔细,注意说话者语气变化。
Section 2 雅思听力第二部分主流题型都是以选择配对和地图配对为主线,该部分选择题的特点就是选项相对较短,容易看懂和记住。但出题思路主要设计干扰信息和正确答案都会体现在录音带中,造成学生听到每个选项后却因为审题不够仔细,听力过程中忽略了每个选项是否呼应题干中考点内容,从而盲目选择。
Section 3 该部分选择题题干和选项信息都较长,造成学生听前看不懂或看不完卷面内容。学生一定要提高审题的速度和提炼选项核心词的能力,不然会因为阅读的速度和对选项中核心内容把握不准确,造成听力混乱,不能快速定位考点和对正确选项进行匹配。
Section 4 该部分题型主要以句子填空为主线,偶尔穿插少量选择和配对题。就句子填空而言,学生的困难就是阅读速度过慢,无法快速准确预知空里所缺内容范围,而题干信息往往是对录音中信息的改写,造成很难快速定位,而错过有效信息。因此同学平时应该加强句子快速翻译的能力,只有了解句子大意,才能精准预测答案范围,做到“有的放听”。
听力的读题顺序很重要,想获得高分,充分的审题是做题的基础,因为第一部分题目信息量少,又很贴近生活,很容易预测答案。所以审题时间应该合理利用,有多余时间一定要提前预览后面题目。每个部分结束后的时间一定不要过多纠结思考前面不确定的题目,更应该快速认真审好后面的题目。Don’t cry over the spilt milk.
准备雅思的同学们有没有过这种经历,雅思听力播放时候一个关键的信息点丢了,聚精会神等下一个关键词出现却没有等到,找到题目位置时候,填空已经两个空没有了。恭喜你不幸遇到了关键词后置。关键词后置是雅思听力中除开同意转换和干扰项以外的另一大难点,并且在最近考试中频繁出现,出现的部分从Section4一直延升到了Section2, 是听力备考中不可忽视的问题。
1. 前置定语结构
前置定语在考题中出现的形式为“n. ______” 和 “adj. _______”, 即在填空前出现名词或形容词的关键词。
例1:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 3 Question 21
--Read IT ___________.
录音:look through catalogues specialised in IT.
例2:Cambridge 5 Test 3 Section 3 Question 30
--Excellent ___________.
录音:F: OK, any other comments?
M: I thought student support was excellent.
例3:Cambridge 6 Test 1 Section 3 Question 24
--Reduced ___________ for students.
录音:students pay an annual fee that’s much less than the general public pay.
2. 后置定语结构
后置定语在考题中出现的形式为“n. prep. ______” 和 “n. p. _______”, 即在填空前出现关键词如“名词-介词(如of, for, about, in, on, etc.)”或“名词-分词”。
例1:Cambridge 6 Test 4 Section 2 Question 15
--Will explain about arrangement for ______________ and fire exits.
录音:He will also go through the security arrangement with you and show you the fire exits.
例2:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 3 Question 22
--Spoken to Jane Prince
Head of the _____________.
录音:F: Jane Prince, do you know her? She’s in the Computer Centre.
M: Yes, of course, she is the new head.
例3: Cambridge 6 Test 1 Section 4 Question 32
--New technology allowed the production of goods made of ________ and ________
录音:The technology they introduced meant that metal and leather goods were produced there for the first time.
3. 主谓宾结构
主谓宾在考题中出现的形式为“subj. pred. __________”, 即在填空前出现名词(主语)和动词(谓语)的关键词。
例1:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 2 Question 11 & 12
--Local services depart from _____________ railway station.
--National services depart from _____________ railway station.
录音:F: We’ve got two main train stations in the town. The King Street is for local commute lines and regional services.
M: What about trains to London? I’ll need to go there on business for one day.
F: Then you need to go to central station, that’s for all the national services.
例2:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 2 Question 14
--The price of a first class ticket includes ____________.
录音:There’s a buffet car, though refreshments are included in the cost of a first class ticket.
例3:Cambridge 6 Test 2 Section 4 Question 38
--The first motion picture was called The__________________.
录音:So now, there was a real possibility of having films of more than two or three minutes, and this lead to the making of The Great Train Robbery, the very first movie made.
解析:通过句型转换,完成关键词后置,伴随motion picture-movie的同意转换。
4. 从句结构
从句在考题中出现的形式为“……. conj. ________”, 即在填空前出现从句连接词(如when, where, because, as, if, etc.)。
例1:Cambridge 5 Test 1 Section 4 Question 36 & 37
--Research indicates that many women only think about their financial future when a ________ occurs.
--It is best for women to start thinking about pensions when they are in their _______.
录音:The research indicates that at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation. But of course this is the very worst time for anyone to make any important decisions. Women today need to look ahead, think ahead, not wait until they’re under pressure. Even women in their early twenties, need to think about pensions for example.
例2:Cambridge 6 Test 4 Section 4 Question 40
--In ancient India a man would fight a lion as a test of _____________.
录音:In ancient India, one of the greatest tests of leadership for a man was to fight a lion.
14 pounds, 26th, 7:00 p.m., 21 to 24, 2 million passengers,
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five pence, 6:30p.m., 455455, NW33NT, 22nd July, 2 months,every two weeks, three times, 25th , 7th February, 25th October,14th November,20 minutes,14th – 24th June, 26th November,
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two ideas, 39,000 k㎡, 9 liter, 12.5, five years, one third
Address. : 42 South Street,21A Eagle Road,17 Upland Road,No 16, Bridge Road,53 Green Street,15 Compton Street,74 North Road,84 Park Road,53Green Street,18 Kays Street




