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时间: 楚薇20 分享




Between 1970 and 1980, energy consumption by United States industry peaked and then declined, so that by 1980 total industrial use of energy was below the 1970 level even though total industrial output had grown substantially in the same period. Industry must have instituted highly effective energy conservation measures in those years to have achieved such impressive results.

Which of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the conclusion of the argument?

(A) Many industries switched to the greatest extent possible from high-priced oil to lower-priced alternatives throughout the 1970's.

(B) Total residential energy consumption was higher in the United States in 1980 than it had been in 1970

(C) Many industrial users of energy had paid little attention to energy conservation prior to 1970.

(D) Industrial output grew less rapidly from 1970 to 1980 than it had from 1960 to 1970.

(E) The industries whose production dropped sharply during the 1970's included a disproportionately large number of energy-intensive industries.



Many people acquire software programs for their home computers by illegally copying those programs rather than purchasing them. People who own home computers must be making, on average, fewer illegal copies of software programs than before, however,since the average number of software programs that people purchase to use on their home computers has increased substantially over the past five years.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A) The number of home computers in use has increased substantially over the past five years.

(B) Five years ago, about half of the software programs used on home computers had been illegally copied rather than purchased.

(C) Most people who have home computers use their computers more frequently the longer they have them.

(D) Few people who prefer to copy computer software programs illegally cannot copy the software programs they want because they have no acquaintances who have those software programs.

(E) On average, people with home computers have the same number of software programs today as people with home computers did five years ago.



In the country of Laurelia, legal restrictions on the sale of lock-picking equipment were relaxed ten years ago, and since then Laurelia's burglary rate has risen dramatically. Hence, since legally purchased lock-picking equipment was used in most burglaries, reintroducing strict limits on the sale of this equipment would help to reduce Laurelia's burglary rate.

Which of the following, if true, gives the strongest support to the argument?

(A) Laurelia's overall crime rate has risen dramatically over the last ten years.

(B) There is wide popular support in Laurelia for the reintroduction of strict limits on the sale of lock-picking equipment.

(C) The reintroduction of strict limits on the sale of lock-picking equipment in Laurelia would not prevent legitimate use of this equipment by police and other public safety officials.

(D) Most lock-picking equipment used in Laurelia is fragile and usually breaks irreparably within a few years of purchase.

(E) The introduction five years ago of harsher punish-ments for people convicted of burglary had little effect on Laurelia's burglary rate.



Syntax 句式,措辞

Tenor 次中音乐器

Termite 白蚁

Terrain 地形

Texture 地质结构

Theology 神学

Theoretician 理论家

Thundercloud 雷雨云

Tract 【解】道,束

Transgression 违反、冒犯的行为

Transient 短暂的

Transporter 运输体

Treatise 论文

Twig 小树枝

Ultraviolet 紫外线的

Unavailable 得不到的

Uncritical 不加评价的,盲目的

Unfairly 不公平地

Unintentional 无意的,无意识的

Uniqueness 唯一性,独特性

Unlimited 无限的

Unwillingness 不愿意

Urchin 【sea urchin】海胆

Utilization 利用

Vaguely 含糊地

Venus 金星

Verbal 语言的

Volcanically 火山似地;激烈地,猛烈地

Walrus 海象

Warbler 莺

Warfare 战争,冲突

Warrant 保障;保证

Weaver 纺织工

Willingness 愿意

Worksite 工作场地

Worldwide 全世界的

Aberration 错误

Absorption 吸收

Abstractly 抽象地


Selectively 有选择的

Serial 按照顺序的

Serum 血清

Severity 严重

Sociobiology 社会生物学

Solitary 孤独的

Sparse 稀少的

Spinner 纺纱工人

Stagger 分段

Standardize 使…标准化

Statute 法令

Stellar 星球的

Storytelling 讲故事

Stratospheric 平流层的

Strive 努力,力求

Structuralism 结构主义

Stunted 亚北极区的

Subatomic 原子内的

Subordinate 使…服从

Subtly 巧妙地

Sue 诉讼

suffragism 妇女政权轮

sulfide 硫化物

sulfur 硫

symbiosis 共生关系

synchronize 同时发生,使同步


Precolonial 沦为殖民地前的

Predicament 困境

Predictable 可预测的

Predominance 优势,主导地位

Premodern 现代化之前的,传统的

Prescriptive 规范的,约定俗成的

Presumably 大概

Presume 假设

Pristine 原始的

Privately 私人地

Profile 剖面图

Profitable 有利润的

Progression 前进,进展

Prominence 显著,卓越

Prop 道具

Prospective 预期的,未来的

Publicly 公开地

Racemization 外消旋

Racially 基于种族地

Radically 根本地,万全地

Raucous 沙哑的;刺耳的

Reactor 反应堆

Reconvert 使…复原

Recurrent 反复出现的

Redefinition 重新定义

Redundancy 多余的东西,冗余的东西

Refinement 优雅,有教养

Reinterpret 重新解释

Reservoir 储藏,储藏所

Restoration 修复

Restrictive 局限的

Resynthesis 再合成

Retrieve 取回,重新获得

Rigidity 僵化

Rigor 严格

Rigorous 严格的

Rupture 裂开

Satire 讽刺

Satisfactorily 令人满意地

Scanner 扫描器

Scientistic 唯科学主义的

Secretion 分泌物

Sectional 地区性的

Selective 选择的,选择性的






