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  New research suggests some foods have the power to guard skin from the damage caused by the sun's UV radiation. While a salad is no substitute for sunblock, these healthy foods could add inner protection against sunburn and wrinkles at the cellular level.


  Citrus Fruits 柑橘类水果

  Citrus fruits have the potent ingredient limonene, associated with a whopping 34 percent lower risk of skin cancer in one University of Arizona study of 470 women and men.


  Green tea 绿茶

  This delicately flavored tea is full of antioxidants called EGCGs. Among their health-promoting capabilities: EGCGs stopped genetic damage in human skin cells exposed to UV light in one University of Wisconsin study.


  Carrots 胡萝卜

  Carrots—or any other red, yellow, and orange fruits and vegetables—are packed with carotenoids, and studies show they reduce sunburn intensity.


  Red Peppers 红椒

  Like carrots, red peppers are also especially helpful in reducing sunburn intensity.


  Spinach 菠菜

  Leafy greens, like dark green lettuce, spinach, kale, and Swiss chard, are top sources of the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin, which halted cell growth prompted by UV light in animal studies.绿叶蔬菜,如绿色莴苣,菠菜,甘蓝菜和唐莴苣均含有非常丰富的抗氧化剂叶黄素和玉米黄素,这些抗氧化剂可以阻止紫外线引起的细胞生长。

  Salmon 三文鱼

  This fish is a great source of oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In a small British study, fish oils guarded against sunburn and DNA changes that can lead to cancer.


  Walnuts 核桃

  Like salmon, walnuts are high in essential fatty acids that could guard against sunburn.



  Sushi is no longer the sole preserve of the adventurous diner. These days, grabbing a pack for lunch is almost as common as picking up a cheese and pickle sandwich.


  The Japanese dish can be bought from every major supermarket (where sales have risen a staggering 88 percent in the past two years).


  Indeed, the British sushi industry — of which Tesco has a 60 percent market share — is worth more than ?56?million annually.


  The main reason for its surge in popularity is its reputation as a healthy meal. Japanese women are among the healthiest in the world, while slender celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Cheryl Cole and Keira Knightley are all fans of the raw fish dish.


  But do sushi’s nutrition credentials — especially the Western version — stack up? Not always, according to dietitian Rachel Beller. In her book Eat To Lose, Eat To Win, she says a ‘light lunch’ of sushi may mean you overdose on calories and carbohydrates.


  ‘A typical sushi roll contains 290 to 350 calories and has the carbohydrate equivalent of two-and-a-half to four slices of bread,’ says Ms Beller.


  ‘So a California roll (round rolled sushi, containing a small piece of fish and avocado plus fatty mayonnaise) equals two sandwiches filled with crab sticks (processed fish that is flavoured and coloured to look and taste like crab), a sliver of avocado and a tiny bit of veg.’


  Bear in mind a sushi lunch contains two or three of these rolls, a total of up to 1,050 calories, and it’s easy to see how we’re conning ourselves that we’re enjoying a low-calorie, healthy lunch.


  Many of us believe eating sushi is a good way to get the Government’s recommended two portions of fish each week, but here’s the problem: most sushi contains very little protein, despite its expense.


  Health experts say a portion of fish should weigh 140g, but on average, the fish in a California roll or piece of nigiri (rice with fish balanced on the top) weighs just 5g.


  You’d need to eat 28 pieces of sushi to reach your 140g portion — or more, if you choose a mixed sushi box containing vegetarian varieties.


  Even ‘fish’ sushi boxes don’t contain much. Marks & Spencer Fish Sushi Selection (191g, ?4.68) has just 36g of fish, meaning you would have to eat four boxes and consume 1,184 calories to get one of your recommended fish portions.



  Should schools give children medicine without parental permission?


  That's the question that has been reverberating in parental circles across China after news emerged that a string of kindergartens were allegedly dispensing antiviral drugs without parents' consent.


  China's official Xinhua News Agency reported that four kindergarten programs--two in Xian in western Shaanxi province, one in central Hubei and another in northeastern Jilin--have been shut due to the problem, with some parents saying their children were suffering from leg pains, nosebleeds and genital inflammation after taking the medicine.

  据中国官方媒体新华社报道,四所幼儿园因相关问题被关闭,其中两所位于中国西部 西省西安市、一所位于华中的湖北省,还有一所在东北的吉林省,一些家长说,他们的孩子在服药后出现腿痛、流鼻血、生殖器肿胀等症状。

  Authorities are investigating the matter, and three people in Jilin have been detained in connection with the allegations, Xinhua said. Five others from schools in Xian have also been detained, Xinhua said.


  The issue came to light Friday, after one parent in Xian found her daughter had brought home a prescription flu pill. Other cases came to light as the news spread.


  Xinhua says that money appears to be a motivating factor. Some parents believe the schools were trying to ward off sickness to ensure students didn't take sick days, it said. Many private kindergartens and preschools in China charge by the number of days students attend school, so fewer sick days equals more money for the teachers.


  Others have cited the fact that there is no law prohibiting the practice as a contributing factor.


  LAST NOVEMBER, my female co-workers at The Wall Street Journal discovered that the sole product I used on my face was soap. Their reaction to this mundane revelation wasn't all that nice. They began calling me 'the man who doesn't moisturize.' As in, 'Would you ask the man who doesn't moisturize if I can borrow his stapler?'

  去年11月,我在《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)的女同事发现了我用在脸上的唯一产品是香皂。对于这个平淡无奇的发现,她们的反应并不那么友好。她们开始叫我“不用保湿霜的男人”。比如她们会说,“你能问问那个不用保湿霜的男人,我能借他的订书机用一下吗?”

  One of our style editors took pity. 'You've never moisturized?' she asked gently. 'I don't remember,' I admitted. Judging by her expression, she graciously decided to assume I had amnesia. 'Well, we'll have to do something about that,' she said. And so began my eye-opening, skin-altering, brain-addling, four-month adventure in the world of male beauty regimens.


  First, a little background. It isn't that I am unaware of the guy-beauty industrial complex. I know, for instance, that Clinique basically started it all with its pioneering men's skin-care line in 1976--a program it's relaunching this month. According to Jenny Belknap, vice president of global treatment marketing, the relaunch was triggered by the company's discovery that, while women traditionally bought the men's products for their husbands and sons, 'we firmly understand that now men are buying for themselves.' To make the line more male-friendly and less boggling, Clinique is cutting back from 25 products to 19 and shortening product names. Not that men seem all that intimidated by skin care: According to Mintel, a Chicago-based market research group, 63% of guys 25-34 report that they use moisturizer.

  首先介绍一点背景。我并非不知道男士美容的产业联盟。比如我知道倩碧(Clinique)基本上是靠它1976年首创的男士护肤系列发展起来的――本月又即将重新推出。其全球护肤业务营销副总裁珍妮贝尔纳普(Jenny Belknap)表示,这次重新推出是因为公司发现,虽然过去都是女性为丈夫和儿子购买男士产品,但“我们坚信,现在男士们都是自己购买”。为了让这个系列对男性更加友好而且更容易让人接受,倩碧把产品数量从25件减到了19件,并且缩短了产品的名字。并不是所有男士都对护肤感到畏惧:据芝加哥市场研究机构英敏特(Mintel)调查,25岁至34岁的男士中,有63%的人称自己使用保湿霜。

  Though I am legitimately hazy regarding my own historic moistness levels, I did go through an exceptionally vain phase in my mid-to-late 20s, a couple of decades ago. I had a Manhattan stylist renowned as the 'King of Blondes' highlight my hair, whose natural color suggests a particularly lackluster mouse. I visited a Mexican spa where a bored local woman rolled me in seaweed as if fashioning a giant joint. I spent wads of money on stress-relieving massages, including one that concluded abruptly when the theretofore silent, aged Asian masseur stopped kneading my right shoulder and shrieked, 'The wing is broken! The wing is broken! It cannot carry the child!'

  尽管我对自己脸部的湿度情况一直不清不楚,但几十年前,在我25到30岁之间那几年,我的确经历过花时间 饬的阶段。当时被誉为“金发之王”(King of Blondes)的一位曼哈顿造型师给我做了头发挑染,我本身的自然发色就像一只毫无生气的老鼠。我去了一家墨西哥水疗中心,一个百无聊赖的当地女人用海草把我卷起来,就像卷一支巨大的大麻烟。我花了大把钱在缓解压力的按摩上,包括那次遇见一个上了年纪的亚洲男按摩师。他默默揉捏着我的右肩,突然停下来尖叫道:“翅膀断了!翅膀断了!它没法带幼仔了!”那次按摩就意外结束了。

  I remember at one point growing convinced that my boss was monitoring my under-eye puffiness, but, soon after, I regained my equilibrium. My grooming routine was gradually reduced to: unscented Dove soap, Barbasol shaving foam, interchangeable drugstore shampoos and some despised hair gel that made me feel like one of those oil-coated ducks blinking in the aftermath of the E_on Valdez disaster.

  我记得有段时间我坚信老板在观察我浮肿的眼袋,但不久后我重新找到了平衡。我的日常梳洗用品逐渐缩减成:无香型多芬(Dove)香皂,Barbasol剃须泡沫,各个牌子的超市洗发水,还有被人鄙视的发胶,这款发胶让我觉得自己是埃克森?瓦尔迪兹号(E_on Valdez)漏油事件发生后,满身油光闪闪的鸭群里的一员。





