首先,我们需要了解自己的听力水平究竟如何。关于这一点,不同的人有不同的评价标准。有的人认为听力选择题全对就是听力好,有的人认为能听懂VOA、BBC就是听力好。就我个人而言,真正的听力好,是能够听懂英美脱口秀节目以及TED上的一些科普类讲座。所以,如果你听Talk show 或是TED演讲不知所云,就应当有意识地提升自己的listening comprehension了。
第一步:提升辨音能力。我们先来需要纠正一个误区:听力不好是因为词汇量不够。词汇量是听力的基础,但并不是说GRE单词都背下来的人听力就一定好。可以说,词汇量是听力的一个充分不必要条件。那么,除了词汇量还有什么原因可能导致我们的听力不好呢?辨音能力!具体来说,就是指辨析语篇中单词的能力。检测自己辨音能力最好的办法是找一篇VOA或者BBC的文章,在扫清所有词汇障碍后去听,看看是不是每一个单词都可以听出来(包括数词a/an或者介词of/at)。如果你在知晓所有词汇后仍然有听不出来的单词,这就说明你的辨音能力有待提升。锻炼辨音能力最好的练习就是听写! 听写就是将一篇文章的每一个词,甚至标点符号全部听出来。在达到一定的练习量后,你会惊喜的发现自己的辨音能力有一个很明显的提升。
第二步:由听单词转为听意群。在完成了辨音能力的提升后,我们需要做的是审视自己的听力方法。在辨音阶段,我们将精力主要放到了单词的辨析上。当我们想通过听力来整体把握文章大意以及获取信息时,就不能再去一个单词、一个单词地听,而是应该一个意群、一个意群地听。用更加直白的话说,听意群就是听重点,听一些对自己有价值的信息。在听意群的时候,我们要学会利用信号词去把握文章的整体结构。信号词就是我们平时所说的firstly/secondly/thirdly/in addition/moreover/last/for example/… 这一类引起注意、表达递进或者转折的过渡性词汇。信号词可以很好地帮助我们划分意群,把握文章结构。
英语成语、短语、惯用语很多。有时,它们的构造看起来不合逻辑,甚至不合常理,但又不能随意更改。例如,我们用双脚步行,应该是“on feet”,但偏偏是“on foot”才对。一般上说,成语、短语或惯用语中的字眼不可用别的字取代,词序也不可调换,因为一字之差,词序一换,原意可能走样,甚至毫无意思。
①a. What is the reason of all this shunning1 away from blue-collar work?
b. What is the reason of all this shying away from blue-collar work?
②a. I am working on the behalf2 of my company.
b. I am working on behalf of my company.
③a. We need a capable3 person to help us in time of difficulties.
b. We need a capable person to help us in times of difficultes.
④a. In term of economic development, our country has done a good job.
b. In terms of economic development, our country has done a good job.
⑤a. Few would like to make friend with hypocrites.
b. Few would like to make friends with hypocrites.
⑥a. Let"s discuss this matter in details.
b. Let"s discuss this matter in detail.
⑦a. That rich woman is covered with jewellery from top to toes.
b. That rich woman is covered with jewellery from top to toe.
⑧a. For the better or worse, we must try to get along with our colleagues.
b. For better or worse, we must try to get along with our colleagues.
⑨a. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worst, she hated to mingle4 with people.
b. The Public Relations Officer did not speak much. What is worse, she hated to mingle with people.
⑩a. All must come to the meeting without failure.
b. All must come to the meeting without fail.
11a. Most of the students learn historical facts by hard.
b. Most of the students learn historical facts by heart.
12a. A holiday abroad will take your mind of the work tension5 for a while.
b. A holiday abroad will take your mind off the work tension for a while.
13a. It is out of question for you to go tonight; you haven"t finished your assignment yet.
b. It is out of the question for you to go tonight; you haven"t finished your assignment yet.
14a. Students should spend their time studying instead of involving in destructive6 activities.
b. Students should spend their time studying instead of involving themselves in/ getting involved in destructive activities.