I live in (..say the name of your city..) and this city has got some several issues related to environmental pollution. The major environmental pollutions that this city has are water pollution, air pollution and sound pollution.
The main reason for these pollutions is the large number of population and the industrialization of this city. The city has more than (…say the current population of this city..) whereas the number should have been far less than that. It is evitable that a large number of populations in a small city always cause environmental pollution as they use more cars, consume more energy and natural resources and create more wastages ad noises.
The reason for the water pollution is the uncontrolled number of industries, factories and other constructions that have been grown up besides the rivers. These factories and industries produce a large number of chemical and other wastages which directly affects the water. Inappropriate and uncontrolled construction is another reason for water pollution in our city. The effect of water pollution is severe, the water supply would be affected and the supply of safe and clean water would be threatened. A large number of people rely on the water available of the rivers and they would be directly affected. Lots of people would get sick due to water pollution and those diseases can become epidemic if not controlled and cause an immense loss of life.
Air pollution is also very concerning in this city and the chemical smoke, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide omitted from automobiles and industries are the main reason for air pollution. This city has more than million automobiles and thousands of industries which are omitting the dangerous gases, and ingredients which are causing the air pollutions. Air pollution is the direct reason people suffer from various dangerous diseases including lung cancer, asthma, heart disease etc. In fact the number of people currently suffering from these diseases in alarming and if steps are not taken to prevent air pollution immediately, this number would rapidly increase.
Sound pollution is produced by the loud horns used by the cars, loud sound used for announcement and cacophony created due to loud sound. The airplanes that fly over the resident area created a very loud noise as well. Air pollution is a silent killer that causes lots of serious diseases including hearing and brain cancer. The air pollution directly affects the natural balance by affecting the wild lives.
The most important thing to reduce pollution in our city is to create public awareness. We are mostly creating that pollution and endangering ourselves, the nature and other species. Without our awareness and strict determination to prevent our city from pollution, we can’t reduce or prevent it. Strict laws should be introduced and applied against environmental pollution and all the illegitimate industries and companies should be banned. The decentralization of industries and offices can be effective as it would reduce the number of people currently living in this city.
Job opportunities and other facilities should be improved in the rural areas so that people can manage works in their own cities and villages other than coming to this city. The education and morality are two important aspects that help people understand the necessity of keeping the city clean and healthy.
Similar Cue Card topics:
Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:
1. Describe a problem that you face your city.
2. Describe a pollution that causes a great problem in your city.
3. Describe a city you know that has air pollution.
4. Describe something you would like to change in your city.
5. Describe a law you would like to introduce in your community.
6. Describe something irritating in your community.
7. Describe a change that has happened to the place you live in.
Describe a place you visited has been affected by pollution
You should say:
? What the place is
? What type of pollution it is/ are
? Cause and effect of pollution
and explain how can this pollution be controlled.
Last year I went to visit (...say an area name in your city/country...)with two of my friends and thought we would enjoy our trip. We heard from a teacher that this was a beautiful place to visit and after that, we planned to go there. To our surprise, this place was severely affected by the pollution and instead of enjoying our trip, we cut it short and returned home immediately.
It was early summer last year and visiting a place near a river which is surrounded by natural beauty and recommended by one of our favourite teachers was an excellent idea, at least at that time. I am sure the teacher who suggested this place had no idea about the severity of the pollution there and how things have become worse.
The water pollution was quite severe there and the black and greasy elements that were floating on the water created a shocking scene. Uncontrolled waste management, toxic elements from factories and industries, motorised vehicles running on the water and the lack of proper maintenance of the riverside are the main reasons the water has got polluted. More shockingly, the air pollution was also noticeable. I saw many industries and factories that were exhausting black fumes and that has made the air polluted more than any other part I know about.
Uncontrolled urbanisation, the establishment of new factories & industries without proper planning, lack of strict policy and corruption in government offices are so far the main reasons for increasing pollution in our country. I wish this will stop and we will be conscious enough not to destroy our own inhabitants.
我们的答案要长,就要在答案里包括丰富的信息。简单举例,考官问“Are you working or studying?”好印象的回答必定长于“I'm studying/working。”。长答案不仅显出咱们的语言能力,也表达出我们愿意提供信息的积极态度,同时更彰显出我们的自信——只有英语好才能用英语“夸夸其谈”不是?所以,回答问题一定要长。
刚才那道必考题的回答可以参考 a。)“I'm studying, in a very beautiful school which is famous for its excellent ciriculum for accounting majors。”b。)“I'm a senior high of one of top 5 high schools in SH/BJ/GZ, but my heavy workload really puts me under quite much pressure。”或者 a。)“I work as a clerk in the largest private bank in my country。” b。)“I'm a secrectory for a large joint venture. The company is really good, but my routine bords me somehow。”请注意回答的内容褒贬皆可,只要用词造句到位,第一时间内就可以让考官眼前一亮!
数量必须有限。坊间曾有一个说法流传,说明显的长停顿超过5个的话,其它方面再好,最高也只能拿到6分。由于是坊间流传,依据和真实性自然无法考证,但还好有雅思最基本的一条原则可以参考——只要不影响交流。所以,这里和大家分享一条我和我的学生一直介绍的方法,以供参考。将自己的答案录下来,或者讲给朋友同学同伴听,看看停顿有没有明显stand out,听完之后回想一下刚刚听到的答案中“呃呃哎哎”的停顿或是“悄无声息”的沉默是不是印象最深的,如果是的话,说明咱们的停顿将会严重拉低分数,否则的话,数量还不成问题。
方式必须自然。但这“自然”是让考官听起来舒服的自然,而非我们说起来的自然。能让考官耳朵觉得自然的停顿不会引起考官耳朵的不快,自然也就不会导致考官提笔记下停顿的出没,也就减少了它们影响我们分数的可能。因此,即使咱们实在无法减少停顿,我们也可以通过“自然停顿”的方式有效地控制停顿的影响力。一些常见的自然停顿:well, so, you know, it's like.。.呵呵,不得不指出的是,这些自然停顿确实需要大量练习才能真正练到自然的哦!
Usually, boys like to play war games with model guns, shouting at and killing their enemies。
这里提到了三种语言标记,discorse markers(firstsecondthird.。.), linking phrases(on the other handfrom the above statment.。.), connectives (andbutbefore.。.)。这三种语言标记都是英语为母语的人士经常使用的,国内大多数烤鸭用得最多最自然的就是最后一种了,并列句、转折句不在话下啊!但是语义群之间的过渡连接就没有这么流畅了,原因是我们和西方人在逻辑和逻辑表达方面比较明显的差异。具体差异不在这里赘述了,就请各位烤鸭们习惯起“条条框框”来,咱们一起来做个说话的“理性人”吧。
当然,凡事都有度的问题,不过大多数烤鸭们在考试室里都很难放松到不断意识到自己的错误,所以放心大胆地去改正自己的错误吧。It'll do you good!
