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Describe a toy that you received when you were a child

You should say:

What the toy was.

Who gave it to you

How you used this.

And explain how you felt when you got this toy

雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:童年玩具(Describe a toy that you received when you were a child)

When I was a child, I received a Barbie doll as a gift from my father's friend. He bought the toy from the States.

I played with this Barbie doll almost every day. I begged my grandma to make clothes for her and dressed her like a princess or a super star. She was my favorite toy for a long time. I always put her besides my pillow.

I felt super happy when I received this Barbie doll. The doll had long hair, big eyes, and beautiful skirt. When I was a child, Barbie doll was very expensive and my parents couldn't afford to buy it, so Barbie doll had been a dream gift for me. To some extent, receiving the doll was a dream coming true. I saw it as a valuable gift and tried to keep it in a good shape. I also felt thankful for my father's friend who brought this happiness to me.

雅思口语Part2话题参考答案:童年趣回忆(a happy childhood memory)

You should say:

when and where the incident you remember happened

who you were with

what happened exactly

and explain why it is a happy memory.


I grew up very far from most of my family so I only saw them once a year. Every summer I would go to stay with them, while my parents continued working. Although I missed my parents, I used to really enjoy spending time with my grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. I spent all summer there, nearly two whole months, so from time to time my cousins and I would get bored. We would ask my grandparents if they had any ideas for interesting things we could do. Sometimes they suggested going for a bike ride, sometimes into town to do some shopping. At other times, they showed us a new game to play. Then we were happy again.

One day - it must be about 12 years ago (doesn't time fly!) - all of us got really, really bored and we kept complaining to my grandparents. They were tearing their hair out, trying to think up ideas of where we could go and what we could do. Suddenly, my granddad came up with the idea of going to a new water park that had opened that summer. I hadn't heard about it but my cousins had, and they told me all about it. It was a park with vast numbers of different pools, some inside, some outside. There were water slides as well. And, on top of there was not one, but two playgrounds with swings, a merry-go-round, see-saws. We were so excited.

We set off and on the way we were all singing songs and laughing. We couldn't wait to get there. When we arrived, my cousins and I ran into the park and changed into our swimming costumes. Then we went looking for the most exciting-looking pool, and we found it, one with brightly coloured tiles and slides, we jumped straight in. We played all day in the park and had a lovely lunch, sat on some benches in the sunshine.

My granddad loved a pool that was filled with spa water. It was dark brown and stank of rotten eggs. I didn't want to go in but he eventually convinced me. I'm pleased he did because the water was really warm. I'd never swam in water that warm. I didn't want to get out, despite the terrible smell.

I consider it such a happy memory because we enjoyed ourselves so much and I remember so vividly how I felt that day. But there's more to it than just that. When I look back now, I understand how caring my grandparents were and how much they wanted us all to be happy. They would have done anything to help us have a good time. I appreciate that more now that I'm older and have children of my own. I hope we thanked them; I can't remember. But, anyway, they were content, I'm sure, to just watch us have an amazing time, playing and laughing in the water. So, as you can see, it was a wonderful day and is one of my favourite childhood memories.



Talk about a game you liked to play when you were young.

Your answer could be about how it was played,

How it affect your growth?

Where you played?

and why you liked it very much.






a) Childhood games: 童年游戏

b) Throwback games: 怀旧游戏

1. 老鹰捉小鸡


1) 你需要的词汇普及:

a) Eagle, chick and hen: 老鹰捉小鸡

b) Eagle: 老鹰

c) Hen:母鸡

d) Chick:小鸡

This is a showdown between the eagle and hen. 这个游戏是老鹰和母鸡间的对决。

2) 组织答案

When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Eagle, chick and hen”.

What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like.

At the beginning of the game, the first part of the role, that is, when a hen, a person when the eagle, and the rest when the chicken. The hen will always protects her chicks from eaten by an eagle hence usually a leader will act as a chicken and others more timid will rely their trust and burden onto the leader. The attacker will act as the eagle to catch the chicks queuing behind the leader as the chicken. To win the game is when the eagle catches all chicks through grabbing behind the chicken therefore is a win-lose game whereby no time frame limitation. This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.

I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.

2. 丢手绢

1) 知识普及


你也许知道,手绢是由handkerchief来表达,但是这个游戏的名称,哈哈哈你猜。在北美,这个游戏和手绢无关,而是“鸭子和鹅”:Duck, duck, goose

小朋友围成圈,然后一个小朋友念念有词:Duck, duck, duck, 然后忽然说:goose。

这个Goose小朋友就要开始跑啦。其实这个游戏的名字就叫“Flag Tag Games”.只是大家所用的是旗帜,标签,还是手绢?


Tag 打标签 选一个小朋友,拍一下然后说:You're it.

Musical chair 抢椅子 When the music stops, you have to rush for the chairs. 音乐停了,就去抢椅子。

2) 组织答案

When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Flag Tag Game”.

What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief for tagging.

Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then we choose a hunt-the-thimble people, and the rest of the people a big circle squat. The start of the game, someone was elected as throws handkerchief of people along the circle walk. Throws handkerchief people imperceptibly to her handkerchief in one of them. Be lost a handkerchief who want to quickly find you behind the handkerchief, and then rapidly rose to chase hunt-the-thimble people, throws handkerchief of people along the circle to be run, releasing this position when the squat, if caught, then to a performance, can perform a dance, songs, stories . This is the game that cultivates our cooperation spirit when our growth.

I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.

3. 捉迷藏

1) 只是普及

Hide and seek: 捉迷藏。要注意and的发音,一般不会清晰的发[?nd]而是[ha?d ?n ?si?k]

2) 组织答案:

When it comes to my favorite childhood game, I’d like to introduce the game called “Hide and seek”.

What we will need for this game is enough space for some excitable kids, like squares or the like, as well as a handkerchief or the like for covering eyes for a seeker.

Before the start, prepare a handkerchief, and then someone was elected as the seeker. When the game starts, the person who is seeker counts to 20~30 or more,(you could decide it yourselves),at the same time the rest run to hide. After the person who is IT says “Ready or not here I come”. Then he tries to find the others. As you can probably guess, the person who is found, he or she will be the next person who is a seeker.

I still remember that the game was really enjoyable and we all had fun at that moment. This game also served as a chance for me to make friends with other children and enrich my daily life even when our growth. No matter what I used to play, I should say that the childhood is one of the happiest times in my life.





a) Play marbles: 打弹子

b) Marble也是大理石。我们基本都在光滑的地面上进行此项游戏的吧,所以marble会是你的一个选择。另外还有marble cake: 大理石蛋糕。当时大家拓展的知识啦。



a) Hopscotch: 跳房子

b) Chalk: 粉笔


a) Cradle: 摇篮

b) Cat's cradle: 翻花绳


a) Skip rope: 跳短绳

b) Jump rope: 跳长绳

c) Double Dutch:跳双股绳

d) 毽子:Featherball或Shuttlecock



a) Play house: 过家家

角色扮演类的游戏,就是play + 角色

b) Play ninja turtles: 演忍者神龟

c) Play policemen: 扮警察

d) Play bus ticket lady: 扮售票员(很多中国女孩小时候的梦想啊)


Connect Four玩法和我们的五子棋很像,唯一不同的是四子连起来就赢了。

另外还有一个游戏叫Tic tac toe: 圈圈叉叉,三个连一起就赢了。


Monopoly: 大富翁






Yoyo: 溜溜球

Hula hoop: 呼啦圈



美国人和美国人交谈80%是想告诉对方这个事物是什么。例如:Where is the book?(这本书在哪儿?)很少有人说What is a book?(书是什么?)而美国的小学生就开始问:What is the book?这种Where is the book?只是思维的描述阶段,而要真正表达自己的思想,就要说What is a book?

雅思口语学习方法二,要训练How to explain things in different ways?(用不同的方式解释同一事物)。

因为事物就一个,但表达它的语言符号可能会很多。这就要多做替换练习,但不是仅仅语言层面的替换。比如,I love you. 中国学生的替换方法就把you换成her,my mother等,但 这种替换没有对智力构成挑战,没有启动思维;如果美国人来替换就会说I want to kiss you, I want to hug you, I will show my heart to you. 等,或者给对方讲电影《泰坦尼克》。也 就是说用一种不同的方式表达同一个意思,或者一个表达方式对方听不清楚,举一个简单易懂的例子来表达,直到对方明白。


描述方法中外也有很大差异,从时间上来说,中国人是按自然的时间顺序来描述,当我们描述一个东西突然停住时,往往最后说的那个地方是最重要的;美国人在描述上却是先把最重 要的东西说出来,然后再说陪衬的东西。


不容易学、易造成理解困惑的东西就是“习语”。习语就是每个单词你都认识,但把它们组合在一起,你就不知道是什么意思了。比如北京人说盖了帽儿了,外国人很难理解,这就是 习语。所以和美国人交流,能适当地运用当地习语,他马上就会觉得很亲切,也很爱和你交流。




为什么同一国家的人交流很少产生歧义,就是因为他们之间能“猜测”。教学不提倡“猜测”。但猜测对学好美国口语很重要。在交流中,有一个词你没有听懂,你不可能马上去查字 典,这时候就需要猜测来架起一座桥梁来弥补这个缺口,否则交流就会中断。很多中国学生学习口语讲究背诵,背句型、背语调,结果就是很多人讲口语的时候讲着讲着眼就开始向上翻,实 际上是在记忆中寻找曾经背过的东西。如果他要是能猜测的话,也就不会出现这种现象。










