P2 describe a sport(which level you want to reach)
P3 say sth. about an international sport.
Why some countries are good at a certain sport?
What kind of sport your country is good at? Why your country is better than others?
Why different countries are good at different sports?
Some countries pay more attention to the results of the sports competition, what do you think of it?
Is the sport course necessary in school?
Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?
China is very good at sports games, what do you think of it as a Chinese?
Is the sport course necessary in school?
Do you think there should be more sports classes in school?
In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?
What are the benefits for children?
Do you think school should longer the sport class?
In the World Cup of soccer game, why there exists strong teams and weak teams?
What do we learn from taking sports?
What kind of sport you want to be good at?
What courses should school have?
Does your school have these courses?
What sport you like?(根据你的回答再问,比如你答篮球Which NBA star affects you most)
What students may get through sports?
Some sports are popular in some places and not in other places, what do you think?
P2 Describe an activity outside or in the open air (what it is, where you do it, how often you do it, why you like it)
P3 Do you think outside acidities are good?
What about the inside ones?
How often do young people take sports? What about old people?
What outside activity young people like? What about old people?
How do the working people relax?
What kind of people work outside?
What is the difference between work outside and work inside?
What is the difference between young and old people’s outdoor activities?
P2 describe a walk with your friend(Where you had the walk, Who was with you, When you had the walk and why you remember the experience)
P3 Do you like walking?
Do you think walking is good?
Why people should have a walk?
Where could they walk? Why?
What are the positive effects of having a walk (physically and mentally)?
What about negative ones?
If you suggest a walk with your friend, what you will say?
What is the difference between having a walk in the past and at the present?
Do you think we should drive to work?
Why people choose driving?
Do you think it’s good if they walk to work?
Which one do modern people prefer, driving or walking? What about you?
Why some people prefer walking while others prefer cycling?
Why some people still drive to work although the distance is not very long?
Do you think it is good if parents drive their children to school?
What is the harm of driving except for health?
How to encourage more and more people to have a walk?
What should government do?
Do you think the fast-paced life is good in this industrial society?
Is life in your country very fast-paced?
what about other countries?Will it change in the future?
Why people are in such a hurry?
1.What kind of sport do you prefer?
I don't prefer a specific kind of sport, but I really like working out in the gym… That helps me to keep my body in a good shape… A few years ago I had a sports coach, but now I developed my own fitness program and train alone…
2.Do you do any kind of sports during weekends?
Yes, sure! I have a lot of spare time during weekends and I do javelin on Saturdays… In summertime I also go cycling with my friends... Generally, I don’t like staying at home all day... I preferactive rest…
3.Tell me about your hobbies. Is there anything you like to do in your leisure time?
I used to play tennis as a hobby… But a few months ago my family moved to a new place, and there were no tennis courts nearby...That's why I took up wrestling... But I still play tennis every once in a while.
4.Do you do any sports?
Loiuse: Not really … no … I always say I’m going to take up exercise and try to get into shapebut I never seem to get started … I sometimes wonder whether I should get a personal trainer … someone who will sort out a fitness programme for me and make me train hard ….
5.How do you spend a typical weekend?
Stella: I’m a big football fan and weekends always centre around a football match … I support FC Utrecht and have a season ticket so I go to most of the home games and quite a few of theaway games too … I’m really looking forward to the new football season starting soon …
1 口语考试的成绩与你的真实水平是正相关的,但不是成正比的。也就是说,在你毫无准备的情况下,它能够测出你属于哪一个档次的,比如说,5-6分是一个中级档次,7-8分是一个高级档次。但是在同一个档次内部,到底是5分还是6分,7分还是8分,完全取决于两个人的主观博弈-你和考官。
2 口语考试的生杀大权掌握在考官手中,所以要“攻城为下,攻心为上”。我的口号是“要把考官当人看”,而不是机器或者大牲口(虽然你心里是这么想的)。口语考试考察的是考生的"沟通"能力,而非单纯的"口语"能力。所以,如果你在考试开始前没有礼貌地和考官打招呼,没有尊重地问问考官的名字,说话的时候表情冷漠,没有笑容,光目呆滞,总是保持一个声调,使人感到乏味,离开考场时忘了对考官说"再见",总之就是没有给予考官对正常人应有的礼貌和尊重时,你是休想得高分的。
3 “多算胜,少算不胜”。我们不能打无把握之仗,而要在考试前积极备战,从而使雅思口语考试的科学性在你的成绩上体现的微乎其微。因为口语考试采用的是题库制,所以所有的题目都能从网上找到“机经”。你完全可以做到有的放矢的备考。一旦你有了充分的准备,即使自认为口语水平一般的同学,通过一定的技术处理,完全有可能在口语考试中作到"点石成金",从而取得7分以上的成绩。
1 自信。你有面对考官的自信吗?比如,你是否会很轻松地反问考官:"What can I call you?"从而给考官的笫一印象就是:这个人肯定口语不错,因为其它考生都不敢和我这样!口语考试不同于一般的和外国人聊天,而是你和一个考官在一间“阴森可怖”的小黑屋里面,你看着他,他看着你。你无权保持沉默,并且你所说的每一句话都将成为承堂证供,因为你面前还摆着一个录音机。你曾有的自信就在你还没有进入口语考场之前的焦急等待中彻底土崩瓦解了。那你就完了,因为你下面的口语考试就会出现技术变形。自信从何而来?准备。如果你对即将考到的题目烂熟于胸,你会不自信吗?如果你已经拥有了大量和外国人练口语的经历,发现他们无非就是一群来中国“潇洒走一回”的流浪汉,你会不自信吗?所以,试问那些一考口语就紧张的同学,你们有谁在考试之前做到了以上这两点呢?
所以要对没有准备过的问题做出敏锐地反应。有个考生第二次考8分的时候被问到一个问题:“Are physical exercises popular in China?”我立刻不假思索的回答:“Of course they are very popular”,因为如果我在被问到问题之后如果不立刻作出答案,我的fluency就会被扣分;但是如果只说这一句话,同样会被扣分。所以我立刻说:“because there is a National Physical Exercises Program in China. You can see there are a lot of physical exercise equipment in the communities, such as…”这时候,可以用举例子进一步丰富我的答案,这是一招灵丹妙药,同时我又可以停顿两秒钟,从而组织语言。但是,我忽然发现我有了大麻烦:那些健身器材的英文名字我一个都不会说!这时我的反应帮助了我。我立刻说:“I can't explain it very clearly, but…”就这一句话,我就给自己解围了,而且一个but,又可以停顿两秒钟,然后再说:“you can see there are many children and old people doing exercises in the morning and in the evening”。万事大吉了!
3 语音,包括发音和语气。发音问题,大家不用过于强调发英音还是美音,因为中国人大多数的发音都是“杂音”(英音和美音的杂交产物)。例如:两者最大的差别在于/r/这个音,英音没有这个音。那些对美音趋之若鹜的同学都在拼命的学习发这个音,结果把idea, campus, famous这些没有/r/音的单词都发出这个音来了,却在念four的时候没有/r/音。所以,我们只要做到清晰即可。由于专门模仿过托福的美音,所以自认为发音过关。但是在口语考试那种精神高度紧张的状态下,什么美音英音的早就抛到脑后了,只要能说清楚即可,哪怕是本能的“杂音”。但是不可否认,我的发音还是帮了大忙,所以如果大家希望的7分以上,清晰的发音是必不可少的。但是更重要的是语气,其实就是最基本的抑扬顿挫而已。但是适度的起伏、停顿、强调和重读对于考官是有天壤之别的。有太多的考生在平时说英语的时候,永远是一个调的,给人的感觉是boring。换个位置思考,如果你是考官,一个周末要面对几十个考生,但是每个人都用一个腔调和你说话,你是不是想自杀?所以大家平时在准备的时候,就要刻意训练。首先,你想一想在说汉语时,在什么地方会有抑扬顿挫?其次,你可以用mp3把你的声音录下来,自己听听,再让周围人听听,感觉一下是否觉得舒服。
4 表情。前面说过,你是在和考官“交流”,而不是在“独白”。那么你就要有丰富的面部表情。最好就是微笑。我在考试中始终保持微笑,并且还有自然的大笑。如何影响考官?就是用你的微笑带动他或她笑。这位考生第一次考8分的时候,在Part 3被问到:“Have you learned any other languages?”说:“Yes, I have learned some Russian words.”于是顺口说了一句我背得烂熟的俄语长句。那位女考官听到之后,立刻笑了起来。一看她笑了,宜将剩勇追穷寇,不可沽名学霸王!要让她“回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色”。于是立刻满脸笑容地补充道:“It means I want to invite you to lunch.”那位姑娘立刻笑得前仰后合的。可巧那是个周日的上午10点多,也许她还以为我对她有什么企图呢!但是冰冻三尺非一日之寒,若不是他从 Part 1就开始用笑容打动她的“芳心”,又怎能换来这样一次“暴笑”呢?
考官的录音机(笔),在他/她核对了我们的身份之后,他们会打开录音机,并说一句标明录音内容的话,如“Interviewee WuMengQiQi,ID number 123456789011111”,然后他/她就开始第一部分的问答了。其实考官对我们的评估在他/她见到我们的那一刻就开始了,不论是他们开门来招呼坐在门口等的我们,还是我们推门进去问候坐在桌子后面的他们,这见面的第一刹那就是我们雅思口试真正开始的时间。雅思口语高分其实不是什么难事,只要大家付出努力,多掌握一些雅思口语技巧很有必要。
等待时,度分如年,考试时,时光飞逝。一转眼,听到对面的考官对着他/她的录音设备说“This is the end of the test。”我们如释重负。可是,我们在这个时候还是处于考官的视线中,还是必须对考官的各种行为(提问、道别、祝福等)给予反应,所以,直到我们走出考试室,轻轻关上那扇我们之前等待的时候注视许久的门,这一刻,才是考官对我们评价结束的时刻。




