后来的成绩是: 口语零,总分5.5..
雅思口语考试Part 1的迷你表达法
※Greetings used when you meet somebody for the first time
How do you do?
Glad to meet you.
Pleased to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
Delighted to meet you.
Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
Hello/ Hallo! (informal)
Hi! (informal)
I’m very well, thank you. And you?
What exactly would you like to know?
As you can see from my CV…
Perhaps I can begin by telling you about…
Recently, I’ve been studying / working at…
I’ve been studying English now for (1 year)…
The reason I’m taking the test is because…
Would you like to know about…
Before that I studied / worked at…
At the moment I’m studying/ working at…
Have I answered your question?
Is there anything else you wish to know?
※What the candidate should do
·Show the examiner you are confident by smiling and looking at him or her in the eye.
·When the examiner shakes your hand return his or her handshake firmly.
·Answer the questions you are asked as clearly and in as much detail as possible.
·Show that you are in control by talking freely about yourself and your past.
·Make sure you have practiced enough before the test so that the past tenses you use are accurately formed and appropriate.
※What the candidate should not do
·Do not tell the examiner that you are nervous or blink your eyes and move about too much.
·Do not shake hands with the examiner as if your extended hand were a cold wet fish!
·Do not cut the conversation short with answers of only one word, or short answers.
·Do not wait for another question if you know that the examiner wants you to keep talking.
·Do not be afraid to correct yourself if you make a grammatical mistake. But fluency is more important than grammar at this stage.
雅思口语考试Part 2的迷你表达法
※Useful said
Could you please rephrase that question/ topic? I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…However, it might be possible that…
Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had.
That’s an interesting question…Let me see. Well, I suppose that…
Well, I think there are three ways of looking at it:
In my opinion there are three ways of it: First of all,…Next,…Then,…
Have I given you enough information?
Is that all you’d like to know?
I think that’s about it.
Would you like me to tell you more about…
I’m afraid that’s about as much as I know…
I can’t think of anything else right now…
※You can state you have finished by saying:
I think that’s all.
That’s it, I think…
Have I answered your question?
Does that give you a clear idea?
※You can invite your interviewer to talk by saying:
I think you know more about this than I do.
Bob, don’t you agree?
What’s your opinion?
What do you think?
I expect you will agree with me when I say…
I don’t know what you think, but…
※What the candidate should do
·Organize your reply by first commenting on the topic given.
·Then think of at least 2 main aspects of the topic
that are worth discussing.
·Explain that you will discuss each aspect in turn before you begin your talk in tamest. (formally and objectively is best)
·Try to talk around a difficult topic by guessing. Using“maybe”,“perhaps”etc. It is much better than saying nothing!
※What the candidate should not do
·Do not say that you cannot talk about the topic, or that you’ve never thought about it.
·Do not worry if you do not understand a question/ topic. Ask the examiner to repeat it.
·Do not digress too much. Keep to the topic, otherwise it will appear as though you do not understand what the question topic is.
·Do not wait for question-show that you are capable of discussing the topic without being prompted by the examiner.
雅思口语满分技巧1. 了解考场状况和考试流程,完全进入状态
雅思口语满分技巧2. 了解最近雅思口语题目的趋势,熟悉考题出现的规律
雅思口语满分技巧3. 灵活应对考试中的疑难话题
雅思口语满分技巧4. 重视整个考试的开头和结尾
雅思口语满分技巧6. 提前准备适合自己的口语高分词汇
在备考的时候,准备一些常用的7分词汇和技巧,在适当的时候脱口而出,会给你的考试增光添色,同时要在考前的练习过程中,掌握好 paraphrase的方法,因为在考试的过程中,由于紧张或者是本身词汇的匮乏,在自己不会的单词上面会卡壳,而口语是相对比较灵活的,在这种情况下,需要我们用其他的话去替代那个卡壳的点,这样你的口语就会顺畅、自然。
雅思口语满分技巧7. 调节心理状态,不畏惧,不胆怯