参加托福考试的考生有时会有这样的问题。 ,我的托福成绩如果转换为雅思考试的分数是多少? 为了帮助您理解此问题并正确理解两门考试的分数水平,接下来将带来托福口语22相当于雅思几分的内容。
据ETS官 方给出的数据,托福成绩在102分到109分之间的考生,对应的雅思成绩是7.5分。这个换算结果是有科学依据的。
在准备托福口语时,我们还需要了解它的评分标准是什么。知己知彼,方能百战不殆。它的标准从三个维度来检测学生的口语能力:delivery,language use 和 development。
delivery侧重考察我们的整理流利度,我们的表达是否流畅;language use考察语言运应能力,即语句的复杂层次性和词汇的灵活多变性; development指的是考生是否能够有条理、有逻辑地表打出自己的想法。当我们了解了托福口语的评分标准后,在准备过程中就会有的放矢,全面提升自己的口语表达力。
准备综合任务时,我们要知道,综合任务考察我们对阅读和听力材料的整合,以及如何准确表达出来,同时还要熟悉每个 task 的特点。正如上文所述,task3和task4涵盖一段英文阅读材料、听力内容和后面的口语问题,因此在口语表述时要注意含有一定程度的英文阅读材料;task 5 和 task 6 同样如此。我们要清楚再回答问题时,一定要扣题,比如task5中,常涉及的是学生在校园中遇到的生活或学习问题,以及在对话中提出的解决方案。题目的要求常常是让学生总结材料中的问题以及解决方案和我们自己的观点(你同意哪个方案及原因)。所以,我们在回答过程中要注意将题目中的所有要求都涵盖在里面。就像回答问题时,一个一个地回答,并且语句表达充分、连接流畅有条理。
Describe a special day that you went out but didn't spend much money
You should say:
What day it was
Where you went
What you did
Who you were with
When it comes to a special day out that didn’t cost too much, well, I would like to talk about a trip I had to the Huashan Mountain, which is located in the Hua County, somewhere in the east of Xi’an.
I remember it was a summer day before my first semester of college in Xi’an that I went there for the first time. A military officer who once worked with my father in the army invited our family to have a one-day trip to this world-renowned scenic spot. We got up extremely early in the morning like 5 pm and drove to the foot of the mountain and began climbing. The mountain wasn’t like the traditional single peak one, it’s actually kind of a combination of many. We climbed all four summits at one go. That’s was probably the most energy-consuming activity during that whole year, but it’s definitely worth it!
Although we were fully prepared for this trip, it seemed none of us felt so confident about every detail of small scenic spots, because there’s quite a lot for you to discover along the way, and we didn’t find any single chance of being bored. When we reached the highest southern summit of the mountain, we felt a kind of sense of achievement.
We all felt this was a really healthy and money-saving trip. Because we just spend no more than 300 RMB for beverages and the entrance tickets during the whole trip. And we got more fitness exercises compared to those who hit the gym with more than 300 RMB membership fees.
Someone said that it’s sometimes dangerous to go to those huge mountains, but I have to say that we only live a life for once, why not try it? Basically, it’s not that risky, right?
雅思口语题库part2话题答案:waiting for something等待某事
Describe a time that you were waiting for something.
You should say:
When and where it happened
who you were with
what you were waiting for
and explain how you felt about it
About five years ago I visited several friends in Guiyang for a few days. At the end of my stay I got a taxi to the airport, checked in and made my way through airport security. I was booked onto a flight that was scheduled to depart from Guiyang at around three o’clock and arrive back in Xi’an after about two and a half hours. Shortly after I arrived in the departures lounge, I heard an announcement that my flight would be delayed due to bad weather and that I should stay in the departures lounger and await further information. Fortunately, I had my laptop with me so I was able to do some outstanding computer work while I waited. Throughout the afternoon I continued to hear announcements about the delay.
Finally, at about ten o’clock airport staff informed me that the plane wouldn’t be arriving until the next day and that I should book myself into the nearby airport hotel for the night. Once in my hotel room I had a shower and began getting ready for bed. I had only been in bed for a few minutes when there was a knock on the door. To my surprise a member of staff explained that I needed to return to the airport as my plane had finally arrived and would soon be departing for Xi’an. Finally, after a delay of more than ten hours, I boarded the flight in the early hours of the morning and began my journey back home.
When I think about this experience, I still feel a bit angry because planes kept delaying and I could do nothing about it. Also, I had that a mixed feeling that in front of Mother Nature, our human kind is so small and frail. We could build big planes but we can’t fight against the bad weather.
