OK, I’m gonna talk about the South Africa president- Zuma. There was a time I saw a video of him speaking in public, you know how English is not his first language, but the thing is, he has always wanted to try to speak it. It literally took him half a minute to say the words ‘in the beginning’. He tried so many times and still couldn’t pronounce it. The best part is that every time he failed saying it, he would wiggle his body to defuse the embarrassment. Every single time I saw this video, I would laugh till my belly hurt.
Generally speaking, we would expect the leader of a country to be more serious, you know, at least practice the speech or have a translator with you for the important occasions like that. But the way he behaves, is just very endearing. It's absolutely more fascinating than those who follow the conventional way of delivering a speech.
1. literally adv. 不夸张地说,简直
2. wiggle v. 扭动
3. defuse the embarrassment 化解尴尬
4. laughed till my belly hurt 笑到肚子疼
5. fascinate v. 迷住,使神魂颠倒
6. conventional way 传统标准
下面的a celebrity you admire,还是比较典型的一个话题。
Example by Edward:
Describe a celebrity you admire.
Explain: who is this celebrity? What has he/she done to become popular? Why do you like him/her?
When this topic is regarded/As the topic is mentioned (一般我都会用这两句开头,当然你也可以自己想一个开头方式), I would say a celebrity whom I admire most is the former Chinese gymnast who is named Li Ning (有时候最好的回答方式就是重复对方的问题) . Before I start, I do want to remind you that he is the man who lighted up the primary torch in Beijing Olympic Game 2008.
Li Ning is no doubt one of the greatest athletes in China owing to his great contribution to gymnastics. As a gymnast, Li Ning demonstrated exceptional talents and perseverance/fortitude (天赋与坚毅品质)that his contemporaries didn’t possess(替换have可以展现你的词汇量). In Los Angeles Summer Olympic Games, he won 4 gold medals, which was the best performance in that game. The next year, he won another two in World Gymnastic games. Prior to Beijing Olympics, he still held a record of 14 champion titles in gymnastics. In his days, he barely can find a competitor. So this good-looking young man has often been called the prince of gymnastics.
Having retired from his beloved game (这句话完全等于after he retired from his beloved game), Li Ning still continued his passion in the field of sports by establishing a sport wear company which was named after him. The company soon became an unprecedented success. Presently, the brand Li Ning has become a main competitor that Nike and Addidas can not ignore in the global market.
Another reason I admire him is that Li Ning is not just a normal businessman who only cares about money, but also a man responsible for the future of the whole nation (我常用这句话来形容商人-温总理说:企业家身上应当流着道德的血液。). He often donates money to communities and the national educational program called hope plan. So everything he does can be used as positive demonstration for the youth.
这个topic要说完可能需要3分钟,所以在考场上必然会被考官打断-因为这部分给定时间在1-2分钟。但是并不用担心,因为考官会告诉你:don’t worry if I stop you.
试想,当你说一个物品,比如gift, 或者一次经历,比如travelling的时候,把它和你的好朋友或者是家人联系起来。准备就变得很有效率,回答时也可以避免没话说的灾难发生。
A friend: a happy person, one you want to travel/study/work with, one you admire……
A celebrity: sport/movie/music star, a famous person you admire, a successful person, a character from a TV program or a movie.
A family member: one who influenced you most, one you like best, a happy person, an old person.
Else: child, teacher, neighbor
Describe a person in the news that you would like to meet
You should say:
who the person is
why s/he is in the news
why you would like to meet this person
I would like to meet Mr Jonathan as he appears in the news for his bestseller. He is a writer and his recent book “The Amazing Riders” has become the bestseller. So, the local news agencies have made reports on him and his reputation is soaring up. Interestingly, Mr Jonathan lives in my locality but I was unaware of his intellectual skills. His bestselling book is the talk of the town and the news agencies, newspapers and magazines are after him to make stories about his book and contribution to the contemporary literature.
I would like to meet Mr Jonathan for some solid reasons. The topmost issue about meeting him is to know about his writing. He writes smoothly and when the readers read the stories, it appears that the events are before them. In fact, I, as a reader of his book, has become his great fan. His narrative style is also different than the other writers. He uses a different tone to describe the events through his writings. Besides, his plots are also interesting and will make you amazed. Before publishing the book, he was not that much familiar in the locality and people knew him as a simple man. But now he has become a celebrity by dint of the news.
I have so many questions for him to ask. If I get the chance to meet him, I will ask him first about his story plots and outlines. Some of his plots are highly interesting and they attract the attention of the readers. Further, I will try to get information about his narrative style. I think he will also share with me that how much time he spends to make a story and where he gets his inspiration to write. These are the initial queries from my side for him.
1. Yoba!对啊。
这是时尚女孩子创造出来的语言,也是她们常说的单字之一。基本上呢,Yoba 就是Yes 的意思。比如她们会说"Do you like to go swimming with us?" 你就可以回答"Yoba!" 但是这不是正式的英文,纯粹是好玩的说法。
2. Bam chi ga bon-bon.是不是干了什么好事。
这群女孩子没事就喜欢说,"Bam chi ga bon-bon." 这是在 70 年代时色情电影中都会有的一段旋律,所以大家都把它引申为跟性有关的一些事物。雅思口语在线练习时,可能也会出现一些口语化的东西。比如说要是有人跟你说他昨天带女朋友回家过夜,这种事情你总不能明 问,"Do you have sex last night?" 这么直白实在不合适。所以这种情况下,你就可以开玩笑地问他说 "Bam chi ga bon-bon?" 这句话也可以当形容词或名词用,例如,"I have a girlfriend for 2 years, but no Bam chi ga bon bon at all." 意思就是交了女朋友二年,却什么事都没发生过。
另外有一个词 hanky-panky 跟 Bam chi ga bon-bon 很像,同样是指一些暧昧的事,例如: "There's something hanky-panky going on in the restroom."
3. Damn-it boy该死的男孩
这群女孩子有一堆话来称呼男孩。例如,"Damn-it boy." 就是常常可以听到的一个。另外还有"You fool." (你这个笨蛋), "You cheese head" (你这个没有大脑的家伙或是 "You stupid." (你这个愚蠢的家伙),当然可以听出来打情骂俏的成份远多于真正责备的成份。
4. He is not my type. 他不是我心目中的类型。
俗话说一个女孩子想男孩子,二个女孩子谈男孩子,三个女孩子骂男孩子。当二个女人聚在一起总是会对周遭的男生品头论足,"He is not my type." 是常用的一个句子,就相当于他跟我不适合啦。他不是我想要的那个类型。
5. He is a muscle man.他是个有肌肉的男人。
有些美国女孩子很欣赏那些肌肉很多的男人,她们称之为 muscular type,或是可以说 a muscle man,或是 "He is beefy." 。如果你跟一个老美说"I have no muscle." ,人家当然就会听不懂,你应该说"I am not a muscle man." 才对。
另外有一个说法叫 semi-muscular. Semi-muscular 就是有点肌肉又不会太多,比如可以说 I am semi-muscular with 6-pack ab. 6-pack ab 意味着 "six piece of muscle on the abdomen" 就是有六块腹肌的意思,也可以说成 washboard ab. 像洗衣板一样的腹肌。
6. I saw a girl throw herself on him.我看到有一个女孩对他投怀送抱。
雅思口语辅导,学生要懂得灵活学习。这就是指女生作小鸟依人状,把整个人靠在男生身上。另外一句类似的话是,"That girl drapes herself all over him." 也是指整个人就趴在他身上。
7. You can go commando.你可以不穿内裤出门。
这是个很有趣的单字,美国有些人不爱穿内裤,直接穿一件外裤就出门了,这种行为就叫 go commando.Go commando 原来的意思是履行危险的任务,或许是因为不穿内裤感觉上好像是在冒险,所以就叫 go commando。
8. There is a big hole in my head.我什么也不记得了
