雅思口语话题范文之禁用手机Not allowed to use phones
Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone.
You should say:
when and where it was;
why you were not allowed to use your phone;
what you wanted to use your phone for;
and explain how you felt about not being able to use your phone.
Last Monday, I went to visit a famous grand museum that is located in the center of the city. The administrator said that we are not allowed to use our mobile phones and cameras during the visit because taking photographs of exhibitions are not allowed. I obeyed the rules, handed in my mobile phone and other personal stuff and enjoyed the visit. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I didn’t tell my mom that I would be late for home and I took the only keys of my home. She possibly couldn’t get into the rooms if she came home earlier than me. Then I couldn’t focus on my visit. I wanted to use my mobile phone to call her. But the workers in the museum told me that they could only return our mobile phones after the visit is over, otherwise they will shoulder the responsibility of any loss of visitors’ stuff. I was worried and restless all the time during the following visit.
This is the first time that I wanted to use my phone so much. I felt a great sense of unease and danger if I lost the contacts by mobile phones. The most key point is we are in the era of science and technology. Mobile phones have become the most common product that most people have access to. It has become a normal habit that whenever you wanna use it, you can use it. If you can’t, it seems that you’re deprived of some basic need. We often say that we rely too much on our electronic devices, but I have to say they are really helpful in all sorts of emergencies.
1. flight mode也可以叫airplane mode或者offline mode,就是我们常说的“飞行模式”。
2. Window seat就是靠窗的座位,餐厅靠窗的座位也可以这么说。
3. Admire后面除了可以接人,也可以用于表示to look at something and think that it is attractive and/or impressive. 所以我们说“欣赏美景”用这个就很合适了。再例如:He stood back to admire his handiwork. 或者I’ve just been admiring your new car.
4. 一般在描写不让用手机的时候,可能很多情况下需要用到“无聊”这个形容词,我们不要只会说bored、boring,一定记得勤替换。例如可以用mind-numbing替换boring,用bored to death/tears或者bored out of my mind来替换bored.
雅思口语Part3话题答案:not allowed to use your phone
1.Q. How can technology make our life easier?
A. Technology is the use of invented science and the uses of technological tools and that have made our life easier. For example, we are using watches to get time, watching television for different reasons, and using telephones for communication purposes etc and thus our life is made easier than before. But if there were no clock, television or telephone invented, certainly we should have stayed in the primitive age. The current advancement would not have been possible. Technology has changed that way we study, work or even spend our leisure time. With the help of the technology, we can have a better life standard with much more efficient tools and devices to help us in every way possible.
2.Q. What are some greatest inventions you know about?
A. There are a large number of inventions have been done so far, but the most important invention appears to me is the invention of electricity. Then I should consider the invention of wheels which truly has made the communication system and travelling easier to us. Thirdly I should consider the invention of Internet, which has radically changed the world. Apart from that light bulbs, aeroplane, penicillin, telephone are some other greatest inventions of all time in my opinion.
3.Q. Why should we restrict the use of mobile phone in public places?
A. Mobile phone, undoubtedly, is an important invention but it has some detrimental impacts too. Using mobile phones at public places may appear indecent. Mobile phone users talk about countless issues but sometimes the speeches may cause irritation to others existing on the public spots. Moreover, the speakers may also reveal their secrets inadvertently that may hamper their privacy. Moreover, since the public places are always crowded, the chance of accidents is more while talking on mobile phones.
4.Q. Why mobile phones are gaining its popularity?
A. Mobile phones are gaining popularity as those are easy to carry. Moreover, someone can buy a mobile phone at an affordable cost and without any legal complexities. Besides, the tariffs are also economic. It is far more convenient that other means of communication system and faster to deliver the message. So, the mobile phones are gaining popularity gradually.
5.Q. Can you do without your mobile phone?
A. In the current days, it is impossible for me to do without a mobile phone for a single day. I need the phone not only for communication purpose, but I also use the phone for passing my time by playing games, using internet applications and more other necessary issues. So it would be quite difficult for me not to use the mobile phone.
不许使用手机的场合Describe a situation you were not allowed to use your cell phone
Where was it
When was it
Why you were not allowed
What did you want to do with your cell phone
Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives that,today, we cannot think of a life without the cell phone.There are many places, where the use of a cell phone is very disturbing. For example, in religious places like temples, restaurants and hospitals.
Here, I would like to talk about a situation when I was not allowed to use the cell phone.Last month, my aunt had come from the UK to spend a few days with us and do some shopping for her daughter's wedding.We decided to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar on the weekend.I remember vividly, there was a long queue to enter the main building.Our turn came after one hour's wait.Just as we entered the main prayer hall, my phone started ringing.Everybody turned to look at me as if I had committed a crime.I had forgotten to turn my cell phone off.There were notices all around that cell phones had to be turned to the silent mode before entering the hall.I cut the call and immediately turned off my cell phone.I felt very embarrassed.There were so many people there but nobody's cell phone was ringing. After doing the circumambulation of the holy book, we came out. Then we went to the community kitchen, where food is served round the clock.After another one hour, we came out of the main building of the temple, and then Iswitched my cell phone back on.There were four missed calls from my cousin.I called her and told her why we didn't answer her calls. She understood.
So this was the situation when I was not allowed to use my cell phone.
关键在于怎么问 — 假如你只是说一句Sorry或Sorry, I don’t know,给考官的印象就是你缺乏最基本的社交能力,甚至是一种不礼貌、不友好的态度,此类考生一定会被潜规则掉(即落入最多5分的范围)。相反,如果你说“Sorry, what does this word mean?”或“Sorry, what does that mean?”或“Sorry, could you please explain this word to me?”,那是完全可以被接受的问话方式。因此,考生在碰到生词或听不懂某个单词的意思时,第一,切莫慌张(因为听不懂是很正常的事);第二;一定要使用得体的语言来询问考官,千万不能只说一声Sorry!
潜规则二:话语中一定要有something original
先问一个常识性的问题,希望大家能不加思考地回答我:如果你是一位雅思口语考官,每次考试要接待30个考生,而每次问到food时,30个人都会异口同声地说delicious;每次问到What do you think of Shanghai?时,30个人的开场白都是Shanghai is a beautiful city …,这时你会有怎样的感受和心情?拿费闻立的话来说,“You will be bored to death!”(你会郁闷到死!)直白地说,考官也是人啊,也有人的所有感情及情绪啊,每天都听到delicious, beautiful, important, international这些陈词滥调,不烦闷才怪呢!
因此,费考官强烈建议考生:You must say something original and don’t say “beautiful” all the time. 也就是说,在考官心目中,原创的精神比什么都重要,再好的词汇、再优美的语言,一旦成了人人口中的陈词滥调或“口水话”(英文叫cliché),就比任何东西都要糟糕。就刚才的food问题,我们完全可以说fantastic, incredible, marvelous等表示赞赏的词,而谈到对Shanghai的看法,情愿用Shanghai is a great city这种更简单的语言来避免机械化的套路。说到原创精神的培养,一是多开发点同义词和近义词,来替代原来的cliché;二是多与外教交流,及时注意他们在用词方面的原创之处。比如老外绝对不会去说learn knowledge,而有一次我听到一位外教说recipients of knowledge(知识的接受者),我就赶紧记下来,日后可以为我所用。
潜规则三:最恨两样东西 — generalized & memorized
在感觉与费闻立先生熟络了之后,并发现他的话匣子已经打开,我就单刀直入地问他,“What do you hate most in a candidate’s response?”略加思索后,他直言不讳地告诉我,他最恨两样东西,一个是过于笼统抽象的回答(generalized response),另一个是死记硬背的答案(memorized answer),并坦白地说,一旦他发现有这种倾向性,会立即纠正或警告考生,而如果考生继续一意孤行的话,就把他们直接“打入地狱”。
通常的做法是bring them back to a narrower topic或者interrupt their memorized answer and ask them a very different question,由此可见考官对整个考试的操作灵活度是相当大的,也同时对各位考生提出了一种警示:胆敢用事先背好的答案在资深考官面前“耍大刀”无异于在玩一场极其危险的游戏,而该游戏的最终失败者还是你自己!在此给出专家的建议:背诵一些优秀的答案的确是有助益的,但需要注意两点,一是尽量把memorized answer内化,即变成你思想的一部分或你自己平时讲话的一部分;二是在背诵之后,至少要能用三种不同的方式来复述一遍。能做到这两条的考生就能把memorization变作一件有意义的事情!




