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Machu Picchu in southern Peru is a very interesting historic place and I have a great interest about his historic place. Though I have not visited this place in person, but I would definitely love to be there someday. I mostly learned about this place from one of my friends who visited there and from TV, internet and newspapers.

Machu Picchu is located in Machupicchu District in southern Peru and it is historically connected with the 15th-century Inca civilization. It is located in 2,430 meters or around 7,970 feet area above the sea level. This place lies on top of a mountain and is a very popular destination for the tourist all around the world. This place is referred as the "Lost city of the Incas" and it was named as one of the 7 wonders of the world in 2007. UNESCO nominated it as a world heritage in the year 1983.

This historic place was built as an estate for the Pachacuti emperor of the Inca civilization in around 1450, and is considered as the most significant and familiar icon of the Inca civilization.

A tourist can see the finest work of the Inca civilization there and can learn many thing about this civilization. Apart from the ruins and cultural icons, one can enjoy the great beauty surrounding this place. The sunset time is awesome and eye witnessing the hills is something unforgettable. The Inca bridge is interesting to hike, and the scattered stones in the place is a different experience one can get. The Condor, Steps , Falling stairs, Temples, Sacred Rock, Llamas and other Animals, Inca Trail will all blow your mind and would remind you that you are visiting one of the 7 wonders of the world.

This is an interesting place due to the vast area and iconic meaning of the Inca civilization. There are a lot to see, a lot to do and enjoy and being at one of the 7 wonders of the world is something a visitor will never forget. This place takes us to the past, in the time when Inca nation were there, and taught us how advanced they were as they have been able to build such a place with virtually no technological advancement of modern technology.


An interesting historic place in my country is (...say a name of a historic place...). It is situated at (...area name...) in (...city/town name ...). In my opinion this is a very interesting historic place as it is almost two thousand years’ old and it was discovered in the middle of the last century. This was the center of the (...say a civilization name...) civilization and was one of the most prominent cities of our country. More than several hundred feet had to be dug to discover it.

Now the place has been renovated to reflect the city it once been. There are more than hundred acres of places in this site and most of them are the remaining of the lost civilization and city of that time. There are several old buildings, castles, fortress, monuments, rivers, canons, cryptic houses, under paths and sculptures are there. A museum was built as recently as 10 years ago for the visitors to learn more about this lost city and people. The museum is a really good one in terms of its collection and reflection of that civilization.

To me, this was interesting because of the proof of advancement this civilization had. I have read a lot about this civilization and cultures of these people and visiting this place was a really good experience. The museum was very rich in terms of learning history. The city was more than 2 thousand years old and yet it has many amazing art works, tools, intricate designs, buildings with amazing work, finest canon and many more proofs of their advancement. They had been a flourishing civilization that dominated that part of the country. The idea of our civilization being found by future generation was an interesting idea and this historic place just reminded me that. The museum, the fine airmanship and advancement of that civilization are all amazing historic proof and interesting to explore.

Similar Cue Card Topics

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe a historical place you have visited

2. Describe a worth visiting tourist spot in your city

3. Describe a famous spot in your country

4. Describe an interesting place you have been to



The Forbidden City was the Chinese imperial palace from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty. It is located in the middle of Beijing, China and now houses the Palace Museum. For almost five centuries, it served as the home of the Emperor and his household, and the ceremonial and political centre of Chinese government.


The Great Wall of China is a series of stone and earthen fortifications in China, built, rebuilt, and maintained between the 6th century BC and the 16th century to protect the northern borders of the Chinese Empire during the rule of successive dynasties. Several walls, referred to as the Great Wall of China, were built since the 5th century BC. The most famous is the wall built between 220–200 BC by the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang; little of it remains; it was much farther north than the current wall, which was built during the Ming Dynasty

兵马俑。The Terracotta Army are the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Shi Huang Di the First Emperor of China. The terracotta figures, dating from 210 BC, were discovered in 1974 by several local farmers near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor . The figures vary in height (184–197cm - 6ft–6ft 5in), according to their role, the tallest being the Generals. The figures include warriors, chariots, horses, officials, acrobats, strongmen, and musicians. Current estimates are that in the three pits containing the Terracotta Army there were over 8,000 soldiers, 130 chariots with 520 horses and 150 cavalry horses, the majority still buried in the pits.


Mount Tai (Chinese: 泰山; pinyin: Tài Shān) is a mountain of historical and cultural significance located north of the city of Tai'an, in Shandong Province, China. The tallest peak is Jade Emperor Peak (simplified Chinese: 玉皇顶; traditional Chinese: 玉皇顶; pinyin: Yùhuáng Dīng), which is commonly reported as 1545 metres (5069 feet) tall[1], but is described by the Chinese government as 1532.7 metres (5028.5 feet)[2].

Mount Tai is one of the "Five Sacred Mountains of Taoism". It is associated with sunrise, birth, and renewal, and is often regarded the foremost of the five. The temples on its slopes have been a destination for pilgrims for 3,000 years.


The Huangshan (Chinese: 黄山; pinyin: Huángshān; literally Yellow Mountain) is a mountain range in southern Anhui province in eastern China. The area is very famous for its scenic beauty, which lies in the peculiar shapes of the granite peaks, in the weather-shaped Huangshan Pine trees, and in views of the clouds from above. The area also has hot springs and natural pools. The Huang Shan are a frequent subject of traditional Chinese paintings and literature. Today, they are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of China's most popular tourist destinations.

1.古今中外所有的人类建筑中,最著名的一座应该就是中国的万里长城。长城见证了古代中原农业文明和北方游 牧民族间剑拔弩张的激烈对抗Constructs in ancient and moderns in China and abroad all humanities, most famous should be China's Great Wall. Great Wall testimony ancient times area south of Yellow River agriculture civilization and north between nomads at daggers drawn intense resistance

(the great wall)


Guilin located at the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region northeast, is situated at the subtropics, the climate is temperate, the unique karst landform and the picture myriad Lijiang River and periphery the beautiful enchanting rural scenery merged into one organic whole, forms has been in a class by itself, “Shan Qing, Shui Xiu, the hole to be wonderful renowned at home and abroad, stone US” “Guilin scenery”, and had “Guilin scenery armor world” fine reputation.

(Guilin scenery )

3.Hangzhou Xihu 杭州西湖风景区以西湖为中心,分为湖滨区、湖心区、北山区、南山区和钱塘区,总面积达49平方公里。西湖的美在于晴中见潋滟,雨中显空蒙。无论雨雪晴阴,在落霞、烟雾下都能成景;在春花,秋月,夏荷,冬雪中各具美 态。湖区以苏堤和白堤的优美风光见称。The Hangzhou Xihu scenic spot take Xihu as a center, divides into the lake front area, the center of the lake area, the Beishan Mountains area, the Mt. Nan area and Qian Tangqu, the total area amounts to 49 square kilometers. Xihu's US lies in clearly sees Lian yan, in the rain obviously empties Mongolia. Regardless of sleet clear cloudy, under the pen name, the smog can become the scenery; In the spring flower, harvest moon, summer Holland, in winter snow each US condition. The lake district sees by Su Di and Bai Dike's exquisite scenery called

4.Beijing Imperial Palace Beijing Imperial Palace is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generation of imperial palaces, also calls Forbidden City. All previous dynasties palace “likely the day sets up the palace” to express that the monarchial power “has a mandate from heaven”. Because Mr. is an emperor, emperor's palace is similar to the God housing “the purple palace” the restricted area, therefore Forbidden City. 北京故宫是明清两代的皇宫,又称紫禁城。历代宫殿都“象天立宫”以表示君权“受命于天”。由于君为天子,天子的宫殿如同天帝居住的“紫宫”禁地,故名紫禁城。

5.Suzhou botanical garden苏州有园林200余处,现在保存尚好的有数万处,并因此使苏州素有"人间天堂"的美誉之称.以其意境过清、构筑精致、艺术高雅、文化内涵丰富而成为苏州众多古典园林的典范和代表。 Suzhou has botanical garden 200, now preserved Shang Hao to have several thousand, and, therefore caused Suzhou was known as " the heaven on earth " name of the fine reputation, was excessively clear by its ideal condition, the construction to be fine, art was lofty, the cultural connotation enriched becomes the Suzhou numerous historic gardens the models and representative

6.Mt. Huangshan 黄山是中国著名风景区之一.黄山集名山之长。泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡山之巧石,峨眉山之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。Mt. Huangshan is one of Chinese famous scenic spots, Mt. Huangshan collection famous mountains strong point. Taishan's grandness, Huashan's danger, Mt. Hengshan's smoke cloud, Mt. Lushan's waterfall, Yandangshan's skillful stone, Mt. Emei's beauty, Mt. Huangshan has all.

7.Three Gorges of the Yangtze River

长江三峡西起重庆市的奉节县,东至湖北省的宜昌市,全长205千米。自西向东主要有三个大的峡谷地段:瞿塘峡,巫峡和西陵峡。三峡因而得名。West Three Gorges of the Yangtze River Chongqing's Fengjie County, east to Hubei Province's Yichang, span 205 kilometers. Mainly has three big canyon land sectors from west to east: Qutangxia, Wu Gorge and Xiling Gorge. The Three Gorges therefore acquire fame

8.Taiwan Riyue Tan 日月潭是台湾的“天池”,湖周35公里,水域9平方公里多,为全省最大的天然湖泊,也是全国少数著名的高山湖泊之一。其地环湖皆山,湖水澄碧,湖中有天然小岛浮现,圆若明珠,Riyue Tan is Taiwan “Tianchi”, the lake week 35 kilometers, the waters more than 9 square kilometers, are the entire province biggest natural lakes, is also one of national minority famous mountain lakes. Its surrounds the lake mountain, the lake water is all clear blue, in the lake has the natural island to reappear, if circle pearl,

9.Chengde summer resort 承德避暑山庄是由众多的宫殿以及其它处理政务、举行仪式的建筑构成的一个庞大的建筑群。建筑风格各异的庙宇和皇家园林同周围的湖泊、牧场和森林巧妙地融为一体。避暑山庄不仅具有极高的美学研究价值,而且还保留着中国封建社会发展末期的罕见的历史遗迹。The Chengde summer resort is as well as other handles the government affairs, a hold ceremony's construction constitution huge architectural complex by the numerous palaces. The architectural style varies the temple and the royal family botanical garden with the periphery lake, the pasture and the forest merge into one organic whole ingeniously. The summer resort not only has the extremely high esthetics research value, moreover is also retaining China feudal society development last stage rare historical traces.

10.Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses 秦兵马俑场面宏大,威风凛凛,队列整齐,展现了秦军的编制、武器的装备和古代战争的阵法。秦陵兵马俑被称为“世界第八大奇迹”The Qin burial figures of warriors and horses scene is great, powerful, the formation was neat, has unfolded Qin Jun's establishment, the weapon equipment and an ancient times war's law. The Qinling burial figures of warriors and horses, are called “the world eighth big miracle”


今天,给大家带来的口语话题依旧是一道雅思口语非常高频的地点类话题,Describe a historical building you have been to. 描述一个你去过的历史建筑。看到这个话题,不仅让我们再次感到颤抖,因为很多同学们对于历史建筑类的话题感到非常棘手,因为平时自己对历史不太感兴趣,相关的历史建筑方面的素材积累和背景知识储备也不是很全面,没关系,今天我将在这篇文章中来帮助大家搭建好这个话题的思路,更重要的是,来给大家提供一些我亲自去过的来自世界各地的历史建筑的语料和素材,来帮大家进行一场穿越历史长河的头脑风暴。

首先,我们还是先按照我们经典的5w方法来一起把这个话题的框架给搭建起来。When:你是什么时候去参观这个历史建筑的?哪一年?或者是在什么特殊的节日?当然这里的when也完全可以理解为这个建筑是什么时间什么朝代建成的?它有多长的历史了? Where:这个建筑位于哪里?哪个国家?哪个城市?距离你的家乡有多远?你是如何到达这个地方的?这里是否非常容易到达(accessible)?Who:这个建筑是谁设计的?是为了纪念谁而建造的?或者是说你跟谁一起去参观的这个建筑呢?What:这个建筑有什么特点?外形方面?历史地位?或者是这个建筑的功能和作用是什么?它是一座皇宫还是一座陵墓?是一个宗教场所(教堂/佛寺/清真寺)还是一座古老的城堡?Why:这个建筑有哪些地方给你留下了很深刻的印象?为什么你会选择介绍这个历史建筑呢?它为什么有如此崇高的历史地位呢?这里一定要把原因阐释清楚。

搭建好思路和提纲之后呢,下面我们来一起看一看这个话题有哪些比较合适恰当的素材。首先我们还是要审题,既然是historical building历史建筑,那么这个建筑肯定要有相对比较长的历史,必须是很久之前建成的。题目要求中并没有强调是国内的或者是国外的建筑,因此,这个话题的素材面还是很宽泛的,我们可以选择东西方的历史建筑作为例子。这里有一点需要强调一下,关于历史建筑,我们可以讲其分为几个大类:祭祀场所,陵墓/宗教场所/城市遗址/皇宫/古代的公共场所等。下面,我们从祭祀场所或者陵墓开始聊起吧,我会给大家提供一些素材并进行背景知识的介绍和相关历史的普及。




此外,我们还可以说北京的天坛(the Heaven Temple),天坛始建于明永乐十八年(1420年),清乾隆、光绪时曾重修改建。为明、清两代帝王祭祀皇天、祈五谷丰登之场所。天坛是圜丘、祈谷两坛的总称,有坛墙两重,形成内外坛,坛墙南方北圆,象征天圆地方。在北京,还有很多其他的历史建筑,尤其是祭祀场所或者是皇帝的陵墓,例如明十三陵等。

我们还可以讲西安的秦始皇陵/兵马俑。兵马俑是第一批全国重点文物保护单位,第一批中国世界遗产,位于今陕西省西安市临潼区秦始皇陵以东1.5千米处的兵马俑坑内。秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑坐西向东,三坑呈品字形排列。最早发现的是一号俑坑,呈长方形,坑里有8000多个兵马俑,四面有斜坡门道。1987年,秦始皇陵及兵马俑坑被联合国教科文组织批准列入《世界遗产名录》,并被誉为“世界第八大奇迹” [4] ,先后有200多位外国元首和政府首脑参观访问,成为中国古代辉煌文明的一张金字名片,被誉为世界十大





其实大家有所不知,金字塔不仅仅存在于埃及,也不仅仅是陵墓,在拉丁美洲的墨西哥也发现了金字塔,而这里的金字塔不是陵墓,而是祭祀场所。位于墨西哥提奥提华坎遗迹,被发现了著名的太阳金字塔(Pirámide del Sol)和月亮金字塔(Pirámide del Luna),太阳金字塔是古印第安人祭祀太阳神的地方,它建筑宏伟,呈梯形,坐东朝西,正面有数百级台阶直达顶端。内部用泥土和沙石堆建,从下到上各台阶外表都镶嵌着巨大的石板,石板上雕刻着五彩缤纷的图案。在墨西哥的尤卡坦半岛的中东部,也发现了奇琴伊察金字塔(Chichén Itzá)。




首先就是位于意大利米兰的米兰大教堂(Duomo di Milano)。它是意大利著名的天主教堂,规模位居世界第二,于1386年开工建造,1500年完成拱顶,1774年最高的哥特式塔尖上的镀金圣母玛丽亚雕像由Giuseppe Perego建造,是米兰市的象征。整个教堂1965年完工,历时五个世纪。距今已有2000多年的历史。拿破仑曾于1805年在米兰大教堂举行加冕仪式。

其次,位于西班牙的塞维利亚大教堂也是很棒的例子,圣彼得大教堂(St. Peter's Basilica Church)又称圣伯多禄大教堂、梵蒂冈大殿。由伯拉孟特、米开朗基罗等建筑师不断设计并完善,是位于梵蒂冈的一座天主教宗座圣殿,建于1506年至1626年,为天主教会重要的象征之一。作为最杰出的文艺复兴建筑和世界上最大的教堂,其占地23,000平方米,可容纳超过六万人。最后,位于巴勒斯坦约旦河西岸城市伯利恒的圣诞教堂绝对是重头戏。圣诞教堂被认为是自基督教早期以来,经过漫长的风风雨雨和沧桑磨难,仍然得到几乎完好保存的为数寥寥的建筑之一,具有很高的文化价值。距今已有2500年的历史,也被认为是耶稣的诞生地!



此外,我们也可以讲位于以色列耶路撒冷的圆顶清真寺(The dome of the rock),又称为金顶清真寺。它一直是耶路撒冷最著名的标志之一。自公元7世纪修建以来,一千多年里几经翻修,1994年由约旦国王侯赛因出资650万美元为这个圆顶覆盖上了24公斤纯金箔,使它彻底名扬天下,圆顶清真寺由木屋顶变成了今天美丽的金色穹顶。它是穆斯林伟大的先知默罕默德升天之地。


我们再来一起看一看佛教。世界上有很多知名的佛寺,今天跟大家分享一下位于柬埔寨的吴哥窟(Angkor Wat),又称吴哥寺,是世界上最大的庙宇类建筑,同时也是世界上最早的高棉式建筑,修建于1140年,吴哥窟是吴哥古迹最精华的部分,也是柬埔寨早期建筑风格的代表。1992年联合国教科文组织将吴哥古迹列入世界文化遗产。此后吴哥窟作为吴哥古迹的重中之重,成为了柬埔寨一张亮丽的旅游名片。


此外,我们还可以了解一下印度教神庙普兰巴南神庙(PrambananTemple),它位于印度尼西亚日惹市,由250座大大小小的陵庙组成,建于公元900年左右,是为埋藏当时国王及王后骨灰而修建的。是印尼最宏伟壮丽的印度教寺庙,是世界建筑、雕刻和绘画艺术史上一颗璀璨的明珠。最后,位于以色列的哭墙(Western Wall)又名西墙,则是犹太教如心中的圣地。千百年来,流落在世界各个角落的犹太人回到圣城耶路撒冷时,便会来到这面石墙前低声祷告,哭诉流亡之苦,所以被称为“哭墙”。距今已有超过两千年的历史了。



说到城市遗址,这里指的是古老城市因灾害或者战争而残存下来的城市遗迹。首先,我们来一起看一下位于南美洲秘鲁库斯科市的马丘比丘(Machu Picchu)!整个遗址高耸在海拔约2350米的山脊上,俯瞰着乌鲁班巴河谷,为热带丛林所包围,是秘鲁著名的前哥伦布时期印加帝国建于约公元1500年的遗迹,也是世界新七大奇迹之一。马丘比丘在克丘亚语中为“古老的山”之义,也被称作“失落的印加城市“。








还有法国的凡尔赛宫,凡尔赛宫是法国封建时期帝王的行宫,在巴黎市西南凡尔赛城,是世界上最大的宫殿单体建筑。始建于十六世纪,后屡经扩建形成现存规模。包括宫前大花园、宫殿和放射形大道三部分。形体对称,轴形东西向。宫内装潢极其豪华,内壁悬挂壁毯、油画、雕刻,大厅内陈列著名雕刻家的青铜或大理石雕像,享有艺术宫殿之盛誉。还有位于土耳其伊斯坦布尔的托普卡普皇宫(Topkapi Palace),这里是从15世纪到19世纪奥斯曼帝国的中心。这迷宫般的豪华至极的地方,是当年苏丹们办公的地方。宫殿外侧是绿木葱郁的第一庭院,原本是宫廷餐室的第二庭院,现在成为帝国时代水晶制品、银器以及中国陶瓷器的藏馆。其景色被称为博斯普鲁斯海峡最杰出的一角。






此外,我们还可以讲位于希腊首都雅典的帕特农神庙(Parthenon temple )。它位于雅典卫城的古城堡中心、石灰岩的山岗上,耸峙着一座巍峨的矩形建筑物,神庙矗立在卫城的最高点,神庙历经两千多年的沧桑之变,如今庙顶已坍塌,雕像荡然无存,浮雕剥蚀严重,但从巍然屹立的柱廊中,还可以看出神庙当年的丰姿。




Describe a historical building you have been to.

You should say,

When you visited this building

Where is it located

What it looks like

And explain your feeling about this building.

When it comes to the historical building that I have been to, I will definitely illustrate the Notre-Dame, which is located in Paris, France. I visited this building 6 months ago with my parents and other family members while we were touring around Europe as it has been regarded as one of the must-see places in France. To be frank, I didn't take it seriously before going there because I knew nothing except for the little information from the book “ the Hunchback of Notre Dame” and its adapted movie. But, when I was actually standing there, I was totally stunned by this grand Catholic cathedral. As is was in a bay area, its height made it quite an eye-catcher. What I have learned the most was about the cultural perspectives. There were so many religious elements that I had never heard about. For example, this article is from a particular website, some sculptures depicted some scenes of the last judgement from the Holy Bible such as weighing the souls, which was so interesting. Honestly speaking, I didn't get much exposure to Christianity, but there is indeed something equivalent like the King of Hell, who was also regarded as a power to weigh the good and the evil. Also, the interior design of it was breathtaking, so many beautiful mosaics about those sacred stories. Well, I argue that this historical building was so meaningful to me as it gave me a brand new perspective to the cynical world. You know, I also feel so sorry for the recent catastrophic fire that engulfed the upper reaches of this precious architecture of human civilization. i hope the renovation could be carried on as fast as possible and finish smoothly.

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