雅思 口语关于机器人的话题
1. Are you interested in robots? Why?
I cannot say that I am obsessed with robots, but every moment I see robots, I think they are so cool. Don't you think it is a magic that they can fully understand the instructions we give to them?
2. Do you like robots to work at your home?
I am pretty content with robots working at my home doing things that I really don’t like. So, for example, things like cleaning the room or the car, well if the robot does it I am good with it. Or, for sometimes make food for me. But, then depending entirely on them, does not suits me well. Allowing the robot to cook food for me or drive car for me, is not something I will go for. Sometimes it is good, but there are times you wish to do things on your own, spend time with people you love. I think balancing between both is where the things will go.
3. What do you think robots might be able to do in people's homes in the future?
Well, you know, how awesome the artificial intelligence is! Robots are widely regarded as super helpers of human beings, doing the chores like a housewife, fixing the household appliances and doing the manual labor. In my mind, they can do anything except giving a birth to a baby.
4. Do you want to take a car which robot is the driver?
Wow, it sounds awesome, but the problem of security is still one of my concern. Maybe one day, it is supported by a sufficiently advanced technology, I will try with pleasure.
5. Will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?
我承认机器人的准确性有时候要远远要高于人类, 尤其是技术性比较强的工作,但是呢做决策,或是设计的工作依旧不能被取代,因为他们没有感觉也没有情绪。
I have to acknowledge that the accuracy of robots in the certain field is far better than mankind, especially those jobs that emphasize more on the technology and operation. But I don't think they can totally replace men, I mean, many jobs are still not suited to robots. They have no feelings or emotions, so making decisions and designing things are not their strong suit.
1.Are you interested in robots? Why?
Yes, i have to say that i am fanatical about robots. I uesed to watch a very touching movie named Cyborg girl, which tells about the love story of a robot and her owner. we often think that robots can not think and love, but the movie has shown the opposite, by which i was deeply impressed.
2.Why are robots part of many TV shows and movies?
That's a very interesting question ! Scientists and science researchers improve techniques by testing advanced technologies with robots to better understand our world as well as the universe in the film-making field. The audience feel like they have superpowers while the television or film is speaking to them .
3. Would you like a robot to help out around the home?
I hope so ! I'm in charge of making sure that everyone and everything is in the right place at home . Almost every day I am in need of urgent help . A robot , my most anticipated assistance , may reduce the frequency of my daily stress . It can become a part of my family .
4. Would you ride in a car driven by a robot?
I would love to have a car with a robot in it, but only if there is an option of manually driving the car as well. Having a robot every time in the car, will just take away the fun of driving the car. The fun that you get, the rush of reaching to a place, the fact that you can control something is amazing. Although, having a robot will help in having those long trips but a permanent driver is something I’ll avoid.
5.will robots replace human beings in the workplace completely?
Well, i don't think so. Even though robots are massively replaceing human labour and this helps us avoid potential dangers as well as saving labour, the role of human beings is rereplaceable. We still need to control robots as well as find solutions for arising problems or process data as robots are still unable to do these tasks.
cutting-edge:the latest or most advanced
mimic:to copy someone's behaviour or speech
robotics:the science of designing and operating robots
domestic chores:regular and usually boring tasks you have to do at home
artificial intelligence:computers copying intelligent human behaviour
replica:a good copy of something
creepy:a strange or unpleasant feeling of fear
science fiction
a story that is based on imagined scientific discoveries of the future; often dealing with space travel and life on other planets
1、剪刀手爱德华 (Edward Scissorhands)
二、人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence)
三、机器人总动员 (WALL·E)
导演:斯派克·琼斯 主演:华金·菲尼克斯,斯嘉丽·约翰逊,艾米·亚当斯,鲁妮·玛拉
五、超能陆战队(Big Hero 6)
《超能陆战队》是迪士尼与漫威联合出品的第一部动画电影,取材于由Steven T.Seagle和Duncan Rouleau在1998年开始连载的动作科幻类温馨漫画。
雅思口语Part3主题: Robots机器人
perform many tasks 做很多事情
look after the sick and elderly 照顾病人和老人
Robots can perform many tasks, but they're now being introduced in social care to operate as carers, to look after the sick and elderly.机器人能做很多事情,不过现在,机器人被引入了社会服务行业,成为了照顾病人和老人的护理人员。
too old or too unwell to look after themselves高龄或者身体不健康难以自理的
Traditionally, it's humans working as nurses or carers who take care of elderly people-those people who are too old or too unwell to look after themselves.
robot carer 护理机器人
Well, robot carers are being developed but can they really learn enough empathy to take care of the elderly and unwell?
a companion 一名伴侣
to converse with 交谈
We're more interested to see how it works as a companion - having something there to talk to, to converse with, to interact with.我们更感兴趣的地方在于如何让它成为一名伴侣,也就是可以倾诉、交谈以及互动的对象。
stop people getting lonely 消除人们的孤独感
Well, having a companion is a good way to stop people getting lonely, but surely a human is better for that - surely they understand you better than a robot ever can?唔,伴侣能够很好地消除人们的孤独感,不过换做人类肯定更好吧,因为人类永远都比机器人更理解你。
be abandoned to robots 被丢给机器人护理
People might be abandoned to robots.人类就有可能被丢给机器人护理。
end up being forgotten 结局是遭到遗忘
It might be possible that someone ends up being forgotten and only having a robot to care for them.可能有些人的结局是遭到遗忘,身边只有机器人照顾。
