1、Where can happiness always be found?
【谜底:In the dictionary】
2、What comes after the letter “A”?
【谜底:All the other letters】
3、What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
【谜底:It never eats.】
4、How many sides does a house have?
【谜底:Two-inside and outside.】
5、What is the smallest room in the world?
6、Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?
【谜底:He can't read.】
7、What is smaller than an insect's mouth?
【谜底:Anything it eats.】
8、When do you go as fast as a racing car?
【谜底:When you are in it.】
9、What do workers do in a clock factory?
【谜底:They make faces all day.】
10、What can you break with only one word?
11、What question can you never answer “yes”。
【谜底:Are you asleep】
12、What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
13、What do you know about the kings of France?
【谜底:They are all dead】
14、What rises in the morning and waves all day?
【谜底:A flag】
15、I am the tallest animal in the world.What am I?
【谜底:a giraffe】
16、What word can you make shorter by adding to it?
17、How many great men have been born in London?
【谜底:None. Only babies.】
18、Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?
【谜底:Because he's dead.】
19、What's the hardest thing about learning skating?
【谜底:The ice】
20、What person does every man take his hat off to?
【谜底:A barber】
1. What's the difference between a hill and a pill?
A hill is hard to get up and a pill is hard to get down.
2. Why is it useless to send a letter to Washington?
Because he's dead.
3. A doctor and a lawyer loved the same girl. The lawyer went away for a week and gave the girl seven apples before he left. Why?
Because an apple a day keeps the doctor away.
4. What will you do if a man-eating tiger is running after you?
Nothing. Because I'm a woman.
5. What always travels on foot?
A shoe.
6. Where can happiness always be found?
In the dictionary.
7. What is higher without a head than with a head?
A pillow.(枕头)
8. Why don't you advertise for your lost dog?
He can't read.
9. On which side does a bird have the most feathers?
The outside.
10. What is the best thing to keep in hot weather?
11. What is never used until it's broken?
An egg.
12. What's a skeleton?(骨架)
It's a lot of bones without the person on them!
13. What is dark but made by light?
A shadow.
14. What can you break with only one word?
15. What stays indoors no matter how many times you put it out?
The light.
16. A policeman saw a truck driver going the wrong way down a one-way street, but didn't give him a ticket. Why?
Because the truck driver was walking.
17. Where can milk be best stored?
In a cow.
18. Which can move faster, heat or cold?
Heat, because you can catch cold easily.
19. What's the hardest thing about learning skating?
The ice.
1. What's too much for two and just right for one?
2. What tree letters turn a girl into a woman?
3. What has two legs but cann't walk?
4. What is pronounced like one letter,written with three letters,and belongs to most of animals?
5. What always goes up and never goes down?
[答案] age(年龄)
Why are people tired on April Fool's Day? (愚人节人们为什么疲倦?)
答:Because they have just had a long March. ( 因为他们刚过了长长的三月。March 三月;行军)
2. What weather do mice and rats fear? (老鼠害怕什么天气?)
答:When it's raining cats and dogs.(下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨 ) flea market
3.When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? (狗什么时候不愿跟随主人?)
答:When their masters go to the flea market.(主人去跳蚤市场时。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 旧货市场 )yes
4.What question can never be answered by “yes”? (哪个问题永远不能回答“是的”?)
答:Are you asleep? (你睡着了吗)
weeping willow
5.What tree is always very sad? (哪种树总是很伤心?)
答:Weeping willow. ( 垂柳 weep哭泣 willow柳树)water and ice
6.When can you get water with a net? (什么时候可以用网兜装水?)
答:When water is turned into ice. (当水结成冰时)hog
7.Why is the pig always eating?猪为什么没完没了地吃?
答:He's making a hog of himself.它想成为一只肉猪。smiles
8.What's the longest word in the world?世界上最长的单词是什么?
答:Smiles. Because there's a mile between the letter 's'.微笑。因为两个字母S中间隔了一里。darkness
9. Where were you when the power was cut off? 当停电的时候你在哪?
答:In the darkness. 在黑暗中。silence
10. What will you break once you say it? (什么东西一说出来就打破?)
答: silence (沉默)age
11. What always goes up and never goes down? (什么东西只升不降?)
答:your age (你的年龄)
hot dog
12. Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? (男孩为什么让他的狗坐在阳光下?)
答:He wants to have a hot dog. (他想要一条热狗。)
13. Why is the library the highest building?(为什么图书馆是最高的建筑物?)
答:It has the most stories. (它的楼层最多。Story 故事,楼层)march
14. What month do soldiers hate?(军人憎恨什么月?)
答: march. (三月,也有“行军”的意思)bank
15. What's the poorest bank in the world? (世界的最贫穷的银行是什么?)
答:The river bank。(河岸。)
