1、absolute light, as absolute darkness。绝对的光明,如同绝对的黑暗。
2、a deep soul, even if the pain is beauty。一个深刻的灵魂,即使痛苦,也是美的。
3、yun great thinking who will line greatness lost。运伟大之思者,必行伟大之迷途。
4、all things that exist on natural reasonable。凡是存在的事物就天然具有合理性。
5、youth is the best period of time in life。青春是生命中最美好的一段时间。
6、what is tragedy? tragedy is the good of the conflict。什么是悲剧?悲剧就是善的冲突。
7、conscience, it is confident with its own spirit。良心,它就是对它自己有了确信的精神。
8、the method is not the external form, but the soul of data。方法不是外在的形式,而是资料的灵魂。
9、a deep soul, even if the pain, but also the source of beauty。一个深刻的灵魂,即使痛苦,也是美的出处。
10、any reasonable are there, all existence is reasonable。凡是合理的都是存在的,凡是存在的都是合理的。
11、the method is not the external form, but the content of the soul。方法不是外在的形式,而是内容的灵魂。
12、knowledge of the truth of the law, from the legislators upbringing。法律的真理知识,来自于立法者的教养。
13、a gray memories, how can we compete now vivid and freedom。一个灰色的回忆,怎能抗衡现在的生动与自由。
14、inevitability of the three links are: conditions, substance and activities。必然性的三个环节为:条件、实质和活动。
15、the world is not a lack of beauty, but the lack of discovery united states。世上不是缺少美,而是缺少发现美。
16、only one person can understand me, but he can not fully understand。只有一个人能理解我,但他也不能完全理解。
17、ethnic not exist for the country, the nation is created by the state。民族不是为了国家而存在的,民族是由国家创造的。
18、ignorant is not free, because of his opposition is a strange world。无知者是不自由的,正因和他对立的是一个陌生的世界。
19、if there is no passion, no great cause in the world will not succeed。假如没有热情,世界上任何伟大的事业都不会成功。
20、lying in the mud only people forever, it will not again fall into a pit。只有永远躺在泥坑里的人,才不会再掉进坑里。
21、owl bird of wisdom, in the twilight of civilization began to take off。智慧之鸟的猫头鹰,在文明的暮色中才开始起飞。
22、a nation there is a group of people looking at the stars, they have hope。一个民族有一群仰望星空的人,他们才有希望。
23、if the music is flowing architecture, that building is frozen music。如果说音乐是流动的建筑,那建筑物则是凝固的音乐。
24、humans learned a lesson from history, it is not learned any lessons。人类从历史里学到一个教训,那就是没有学到任何教训。
25、we have learned lessons from history is that, not to have learned from history。我们从历史中学到的教训就是,没从历史中学到教训。
26、numbness and apathy of the people, is the most solid mass foundation autocracy。麻木而冷漠的民众,是专制政体最稳固的群众基础。
27、only when something of value to make the purpose of their lives have value。只有在以某种有价值的东西做目的时,性命才有价值。
28、hey, buddy, i said, hey, man i said, there is no sense of how that may exist。嘿,哥们,我说,嘿,哥们我说,没有意义的怎么可能存在。
29、we can assert that there is no passion, no great cause will not be completed。我们可以断言,没有激情,任何伟大的事业都不能完成。
30、a crime is also thought villain greater miracle than heaven, more sublime。一个恶徒的犯罪思想也比天堂里的奇迹更伟大,更崇高。
31、history taught us is that people never know learn the lessons of history。历史给我们的教训是,人们从来都不知道汲取历史的教训。
32、people should respect himself, and should be able noblest thing worthy of self-regard。人应尊敬他自己,并应自视能配得上最高尚的东西。
33、ignorant is the most illiberal, because he has to face is a totally dark world。无知者是最不自由的,因为他要面对的是一个完全黑暗的世界。
34、where reality (existence) is reasonable, all reasonable (presence) is realistic。凡是现实(存在)的就是合理的,凡是合理(存在)的就是现实的。
35、only those who are lying in the pit, never looking high, it will not have the light of day。只有那些躺在坑里、从不仰望高处的人,才会没有出头之日。