Argentine legend Diego Maradona described hisdecision to coach second-division Mexican clubDorados as a rebirth after years battling addictions, as he officially became the team's new manager lastMonday.
Maradona has raised eyebrows with the decision toaccept a job in the heart of Mexican drug cartel -- the rough-and-tumble state of Sinaloa.
But in his first press conference for Dorados, he described the job as a healthy new beginningafter a long "sickness," alluding to his very public struggles with drug addiction, alcoholismand obesity.
"I want to give Dorados what I lost when I was sick," he told the 200 journalists who packed thehotel conference room in Culiacan, the state capital.
"I was sick for 14 years. Now I want to see the sun, I want to go to bed at night. I never evenused to go to bed. I didn't even know what a pillow was. That's why I accepted the offer fromDorados."
Mexico was the scene of Maradona's greatest triumph as a player: He led Argentina to the 1986 World Cup title there.
But he surprised the soccer world with his decision to coach a second-division team who arecurrently in 13th place in their 15-team league.
LeBron James
LeBron James has changed teams, leaving hometownfranchise Cleveland Cavaliers for the sunnier climesthat life as a Los Angeles Laker will bring.
That move alone is enough to make this past NBAoff-season one of the most historic in recent memory. But besides one of the greatest, if not the very best, players to ever play basketball switching jerseys, thatisn't the only notable move this summer.
When an athlete as talented as LeBron James becomes available, there will of course be a fewmain suitors, but in reality, front offices across all 30 NBA teams will have at least explored howthey could entice the four-time MVP to sign with them.
LeBron bought a second property in Brentwood, Southern California last December for 17. 5mpounds, while LA can provide him with a strong platform for his business interests as he entersthe latter stages of his career. The fourth year of his deal is a player option, which essentiallymeans he's only under contract for three seasons.
Kawhi Leonard
Kawhi Leonard's departure from the Spurs was slow, painful and confusing. Neither side haspublicly commented on why their relationship eroded, but it's pretty clear that the two partiesstopped seeing eye to eye.
Leaving San Antonio will also cost Leonard a pretty penny. Had he stayed, he would've beeneligible to sign a five-year 165m pounds supermax deal. Instead, the maximum deal he cannow sign is a four-year 144m pounds deal with the Raptors, while another team could only offerhim a maximum of 107m pounds across four seasons. The difference in earning potential couldcost Leonard as much as 58m pounds.
离开圣安东尼奥也会让莱昂纳德在经济上承受相当大的损失。如果能留守马刺,莱昂纳德就有资格签下一份为期五年、价值1. 65亿英镑的超级合同。相反,他现在与猛龙队最多只能签下一份四年1. 44亿英镑的合同,而其他球队则最多只能给他提供一份在四年1. 07亿英镑的合同。这次交易可能会使伦纳德直接损失掉5800万英镑。
DeMarcus Cousins
Cousins averaged 25. 5 points, 12. 9 rebounds, 5. 4 assists, 1. 6 blocks and 1. 6 steals pergame in 2017-18. That level of production should put him in the highest contract tier. Insteadhe signed with the league's best side for a bargain price.
2017-18赛季,考辛斯场均能拿下25. 5分,12. 9个篮板,5. 4次助攻,1. 6次盖帽和1. 6次抢断。这样出色的数据本来可以为他带来一份顶薪合同。而事实却恰恰相反,他以极低的价格与联盟现在最好的球队签约。
For Golden State, the move is largely viewed as low-risk, exceptionally high-reward type ofmove. If it works, then the Warriors probably just secured their fourth championship in fiveyears. If it doesn't, they can sever their ties with him next summer with no financialramifications.
Paul George
Last summer, the Oklahoma City Thunder took a huge risk in trading for Paul George. The smallforward only had a year left on his deal and it was widely believed that the Thunder were onlygetting the former Indiana Pacer as a one-year rental, as George was very vocal in outlining hislove for Los Angeles and desire to play for the Lakers.
The risk has paid off and now George will remain in Oklahoma for the next few seasons, makingthe Thunder dark horse contenders in the Western Conference.
Isaiah Thomas
Spare a thought for Isaiah Thomas. This time last year, it seemed a certainty that his nextcontract would be a huge one. The point guard was fresh off the best season of his career andcame fifth in the race to win the NBA's MVP award.
However,for now, the reverse happened and now he has to prove himself as an elite talentonce again, signing a short-term deal in hope of having a strong enough season to help himsecure a much bigger deal in 2019.