Life is like a train ride. We get on. We ride. We get off.We get back on and ride some more. There are accidents and there are delays. At certain stops there are surprises. Some of these will translate into great moments of joy; some will result in profound sorrow.
When we are born and we first board the train, we meet people whom we think will be with us for the entire journey. Those people areour parents! Sadly, this is far from the truth. Our parents are with us for aslong as we absolutely need them. They, too, have journeys they must complete.We live on with the memories of their love, affection, friendship, guidance and their constant presence.
There are others who board the train and who eventually become very important to us, in turn. These people are our brothers, sisters,friends and acquaintances, whom we will learn to love, and cherish.
Some people consider their journey like a jaunty tour. They will just go merrily along. Others will encounter many upsets, tears and losseson their journey. Others still, willlinger on to offer a helping hand to anyone in need.
linger ['lɪŋgə]vi. 徘徊;苟延残喘;磨蹭 vt. 消磨;缓慢度过
Some people on the train will leave an everlasting impression when they get off. Some will get on and get off the train so quickly, they will scarcely leave a sign that they ever travelled along with you or ever crossed your path.
everlasting [evə'lɑːstɪŋ]adj. 永恒的;接连不断的
We will sometimes be upset that some passengers, whom we love, will choose to sit in another compartment and leave us to travel onour own. Then again, there’snothing that says we can't seek them out anyway. Nevertheless, once sought out and found, we may not even be able to sit next to them because that seat will already be taken.
compartment [kəm'pɑːtm(ə)nt]n.[建] 隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房 vt. 分隔;划分
That's okay …everyone's journey will be filled with hopes, dreams, challenges, setbacks and goodbyes.
We must strive to make the best of it… no matter what. We must constantly strive to understand our travel companions and look for the best in everyone.
Remember that at any moment during our journey, any one of our travel companions can have a weak moment and be in need of our help. We,too, may vacillate or hesitate, even trip. Hopefully, we can count on someone being there to be supportive and understanding…
The bigger mystery of our journey is that we don't know when our last stop will come. Neither do we know when our travel companions will make their last stop. Not even those sitting in the seat next to us.Personally, I know I'll be sad to make my final stop… I'm sure of it! My separation from allthose friends and acquaintances I made during the train ride will be painful.Leaving all those I'm close to will be a sad thing. But then again, I’m certain that one day I’ll get to the main station only to meetup with everyone else. They'll all be carrying their baggage, most of which they didn’t have when they first got on this train.
I'll be glad to see them again. I'll also be glad to have contributed to their baggage and to have enriched their lives, just as much asthey will have contributed to my baggage and enriched my life.
We're all on this train ride together. Above all, we should all try to strive to make the ride as pleasant and memorable as we can, right up until we each make the final stop and leave the train for the last time.
All aboard!
Safe journey!!
This is how I want to fall in love in 2016...
I want to fall in love with the way the sun rises teeming with hope...
I want to fall in love with the warm scent of coffee in a new, quiet morning...
I want to fall in love with all of my fateful regrets that guided me to this place...
I want to fall in love with the sky no matter what moods it's in...
I want to fall in love with the moon while it lulls us to our dreams...
I want to fall in love dancing on pavements and cobblestones around the world...
I want to fall in love with the precious cities I have yet to introduce myself to...
I want to fall in love with my past so I can better understand my future...
I want to fall in love with the people in my life I forget to say "I love you" to...
I want to fall in love with the light as much as I appeal to the dark...
I want to fall in love with every rainy afternoon and every blooming dawn...
I want to fall in love in lackluster places because they still shine on their own...
I want to fall in love with cultures unknown and histories still untold...
I want to fall in love with flavors unexpected and remembered on my tongue...
I want to fall in love with the way I've learned to survive this life...