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  Most of us have situations where we find it difficult to communicate. Improving your communication technique, and being comfortable speaking to people is extremely important. Watch our top tips for being a better communicator.


  Step 1: Use open-ended questions


  For conversation to flow well, it's important to ask open questions, these often start with ‘how', ‘when', ‘why' etc. An open question is something like: "What sort of things do you do in your spare time?"This really gets the conversation flowing. Try to avoid asking closed questions. These are questions that can be answered with yes or no answer, such as: "Do you like films?"Closed questions tend to kill the conversation.


  Step 2: Active Listening


  People speak at 100 to 175 words per minute (WPM), but they can listen intelligently at up to 300 words per minute. Since only a part of our mind is paying attention, it is easy to go into mind drift - thinking about other things while listening to someone. The cure for this is active listening - which involves listening with a purpose. It may be to gain information, obtain directions, understand others, solve problems, share interest, see how another person feels, show support, etc. It's also important to give feedback to show yourself and the other person that you've understood what they've said. Do this by summarising and repeating what you heard.


  Step 3: Create a 'cocoon'


  If you're finding it particularly difficult to concentrate on what someone is saying, try to imagine a “cocoon” around you and the person you're listening to. Imagine that the cocoon is blocking out all outside distractions, so you can really focus on what they're saying. Try repeating their words mentally as they say it - this will reinforce their message and help you control mind drift.


  Step 4: Engage with the other person


  When someone is trying to get your attention, or engage you in conversation don't turn your back on them, or answer over your shoulder. Instead, turn and face them, engage with them. Good communication is when you really engage. When you are talking to people observe your body language and your tone of voice. Remember to use open strong gestures, look people in the eye and smile when you talk unless you are complaining about something.


  Step 5: Assumptions


  Don't assume you know the other person's thoughts and feelings. Learn to identify when you do this. It normally occurs when the facts aren't present to support your belief, so always check with the other person what they mean when they say something.


  Step 6: Antagonistic sentences


  If you need to talk to someone about a difficult topic then avoid using sentences like “You should know me better”, “Why are you trying to upset me?”, “You've never understood me”, “I thought we were going to enjoy ourselves”. These are antagonistic sentences, and are not productive in any way and will just ensure there is a conflict.



  怎样练就沟通技巧 注意说话方式

  Communicating is something we all do, day in, day out. Whether we are aware of it or not,people are picking up cues from us about what we're like, what we're saying to me and a lot ofit, most of it is, without words.


  When you walk into a room, or when you meet someone, or come across someone new, they'rebe making instant decisions about who you are and what you're like, not based on particularlywhat you're saying, but more on what you're doing. They'll be looking at your nonverbalcommunication to begin with, so how you hold yourself. Make sure your nonverbalcommunication is strong.


  How do you do this? You look someone in the eye. You smile. You look pleased to see them,and open.


  Be open to what they're saying and listen. You can mirror that body language to get somereport going. But staring and looking at someone right in the eye and really being pleased tohear what they got to say would immediately open up great communication channels.


  How to communicate well involves really clear about what it is and you can deliver any messageto anyone about anything and make them feel good, simply by being in a kind space whenyou're talking and really fully attending to the person you're talking. This will help enormously.It matters less about what you say, and much more about how you say it, as to how it will bereceived.


  We know that people can really wind us up or make us really happy depending on how they talkto us. So, when you communicate to people, be clear, come from a kind, confident space,and be glad to talk to them, and they'll pick this up, stronger than your words. And whenyou're considering what you're speaking to people about, be really clear, be really gentle, andsay what you mean, and mean what you say.


  That's the essence of great communication. Developing good communication skills is animportant part of everyday life. With practice, it can be done well.



  注重沟通技巧 让调皮小孩乖乖听话

  Life coach and personal trainer Georgina Burnett teaches viewers how to talk to children andkeep them really engaged to what you have to say.

  生活教练和个人训练员Georgina Burnett教给观众怎样跟小孩讲话,让他们认真听你的话。

  In this video, I am going to tell you how to talk so kids will listen. The most important thing youneed to do is talk to them as if you are talking to fellow adults. If you patronize children or youtalk down to them, they're less inclined to listen to you.


  This may even mean bringing yourself down to their level somaybe crouching down or sitting on a seat so you are nottowering above them. Talk with energy, with animation, youwouldn't be interested in somebody who seemed dead poundabout what they're saying, and neither will children. Show thatexpression in your face, smile when necessary and really lightup your eyes so that you can show that you are passionateabout what you are talking about and then they will think thatthey need to be,too.


  Always keep eye contact. It's so important to ensure that an audience is engaged andinterested and it's just the same with children. Use visual aids like pictures or diagrams, useauditory aids like music.


  Get them moving, get them dancing, get them fully involved and you'll find that they really wantto listen to what you're saying. Ask them questions so that they feel involved and use familiarsimiles, so situations that are comfortable for them and familiar to them rather than to an adultor to you specifically. And that is how to talk so kids will listen.






