The Revolution in American
Higher Education To produce the upheaval in the United States that changed and modernized the domain of higher education from the mid 1860's to the mid 1880's, three primary causes interacted. The emergence of a half dozen leaders in education provided the personal force that was needed. Moreover, an outcry for a fresher, more practical, and more advanced kind of instruction arose among the alumni and friends of nearly all of the old colleges and grew into a movement that overrode all conservative opposition. The aggressive "Young Yale" movement appeared, demanding partial alumni control, a more liberal spirit, and a broader course of study.
The graduates of Harvard college simultaneously rallied to relieve the college's poverty and demand new enterprise. Education was pushing toward higher standards in the East by throwing off church leadership everywhere, and in the West by finding a wider range of studies and a new sense of public duty. The old style classical education received its most crushing blow in the citadel of Harvard College, where Dr. Charles Eliot, a young captain of thirty five, son of a former treasurer of Harvard, led the progressive forces. Five revolutionary advances were made during the first years of Dr. Eliot's administration. They were the elevation and amplification of entrance requirements, the enlargement of the curriculum and the development of the elective system, the recognition of graduate study in the liberal arts, the raising of professional training in law, medicine, and engineering to a postgraduate level, and the fostering of greater maturity in students' life. Standards of admission were sharply advanced in 1872-1873 and 1876-1877. By the appointment of a dean to take charge of student affairs, and a wise handling of discipline, the undergraduates were led to regard themselves more as young gentlemen and less as young animals.
One new course of study after another was opened up - science, music, the history of the fine arts, advanced Spanish, political economy, physics, classical philology, and international law.
从 19 世纪 60 年代中期到 19 世纪 80 年代中期,改变了美国高等教育并使其现代化的激变有三个互相作用的因素。 六位教育界领导者的出现保证了所需的人力因素。 除此之外,要求更新、更实用、更高层次的教育呼声在几乎所有老式学院的校友和朋友间升起并发展成压倒所有保守派的一场运动。 咄咄逼人的"青年耶鲁"运动出现了,要求校友具有部分控制,更自由的精神和更广的选课范围。哈佛学院的毕业生同时团结起来缓解学校的贫困状况并要求新的事业。 在东部地区的高等学府抛弃了教堂的领导,西部地区的学校则扩大了学习范围,树立了一种新的社会责任感,由此教育不断地被推向更高的标准。 在哈佛学院的城堡里,旧式的经典教育受到了最毁灭性的打击。 哈佛以前一个财政主管的儿子,35 岁的年轻领袖查尔斯 ·艾略特博士,领导了进步的力量。 在他管理学院的第一年取得了五个革命性的进展。 那就是提高和加强入学要求,扩充课程和发展选修课,承认大学文科的研究生学习,将法学、医学和工程学的职业训练提高到研究生水平和促进学生生活的成熟。 入学标准在 1872~1873 年及 1876 年~1877 年急剧提高。 由于采用了学生事务院长负责制和明智的处理纪律的手段,大学生把自己更多地看作是年轻的绅士,而不是 年轻的动物。学校开设了一个又一个的新课程-- 自然科学、音乐、美术史、高级西班牙语、 政治经济学、物理、古典语言学和国际法。
“” The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution happened in China in the 20th century, which had a great effect on Chinese history. Some people think that it was a necessary difficult stage in China’s development, while others think it was solely a hindrance. In my opinion, I agree with the latter idea according to the consequence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution brought about that did harm to the education area, hinder the economy and created social conflicts.
First of all, it was harmful to the education area. During the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, textbooks were forced to hand in at first and then some teachers were punished. For that reason, the school at that time had fewer and fewer teachers. As a result, schools were lack of books and teachers. Therefore, the education for students was totally affected by that revolution. In addition, some people, like teachers who were full of knowledge, were sent to some poor area to do labor work. In other words, it’s a means of wasting education resources.
Secondly, it hindered the development of Chinese economy. At that time, government’s energy was extremely limited. When they were busy with the Cultural Revolution, they didn’t have enough time to develop economy. Besides, with the influence of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, many factories were closed. It’s certain that the economy was stopped or drew back. The last but not least is that it made the society appear more conflicts. It’s obvious that during the revolution China was totally a mess. Every person was afraid of being scolded by no reason and the government itself also had appeared many conflicts. Many inner contradictions appeared at that moment.
In general, the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution had so many bad effects on the whole China, like on the education area, Chinese economy development and social conflicts, so I think the Cultural Revolution should not happen, because it’s not necessary.
A visit to the dentist's office can cause nervousness and anxiety. But being a dentist is nopicnic either, said Dr. Alona Bauer.
“There's definitely stress. You work in a small environment and it's very exact. It's veryprecise. Plus you're managing the patient. So there's great stress right there.”
So Bauer practices mindfulness meditation at a Yoga center in downtown Washington.
Hugh Byrne has been teaching mindfulness since 2000. He said it's about focusing on thepresent.
Americans work more and have less time off than people in most other countries. And evenoutside the workplace, technology and multi-tasking make it increasingly impossible todisconnect.
美国人工作压力非常大, 相比大多数其他国家的人可支配时间更少。甚至在工作场所之外,技术和多任务使他们的闲暇时间越来越少。
But shutting off like this is becoming so popular that Time Magazine recently declared a“Mindful Revolution.”
Critics say mindful meditation is a fad that strips an ancient Buddhist tradition of its moralcontent.
Byrne prefers to see mindfulness as a broad doorway for people to come in. People who mightsay, I'm not really interested in Buddhism or Eastern spirituality. But I do want less stress. I dowant less anxiety.”
Surveys show that young Americans increasingly consider themselves “spiritual but notreligious.” Byrne said mindfulness is for them.
“Nobody's proselytizing. Nobody's saying,You've got to do this. You've got to believe this.It'sreally being offered in this very openhanded way. If this doesn't work for you, great! There maybe many other things that do work for you.”
After half an hour it's over. Bauer said it helped sort the muddle in her head.
“It was just chatter, you know, chatter, chatter. Energy, very jittery energy, inside my body,tension and now I feel like almost I'm speaking slower my body's more relaxed my heartbeat isslower."
Bauer grew up without a religious upbringing in the former Soviet Union. Now she says she justmight give Buddhism a try.
