The name says it all. Blood Falls, in East Antarctica’s McMurdo Dry Valleys, looks like slowly pouring scarlet-red blood, staining snowy white Taylor Glacier and Lake Bonney below. It’s a surprising – and creepy – sight to behold.
The trickling crimson liquid isn’t blood, however. Nor is it water dyed by red algae, as early Antarctica pioneers first speculated. In fact, the brilliant ochre tint comes from an extremely salty sub-glacial lake, explains Quora user Aditya Bhardwaj.
About two million years ago, a hyper-saline body of water became trapped beneath Taylor Glacier, isolated from light, oxygen and heat. As the saltwater trickles through a fissure in the glacier, it reacts with the oxygen in the air to create this spectacular, rust-hued cascade.
It’s a visual and scientific wonder, and Taylor Glacier – accessible only by helicopter from McMurdo Station or Scott Base, or cruise ship in the Ross Sea – is the only spot on Earth to see it.
Travellers flock to the Indonesian island of Java to see the magnificent Kawah Ijen volcano –but what they don’t expect to find is the stunning turquoise-hued caldera lake at thevolcano’s summit. To add to the drama, bright, citrine-coloured stones and billows of whitegasses surround the 1km-wide aquamarine lake in a spectacular show.
One element is responsible for the entire, striking scene: sulphur. The magma chamber belowthe volcano pours sulphuric gases into the lake. Combined with a high concentration ofdissolved metals, the gases turn the water a brilliant shade of blue. They also render theIjen crater-lake the world’s largest highly acidic lake with a pH of 0.5.
“Hydrogen chloride released from Ijen volcano mixed with the lake and turned it into an acidicmonstrosity that it is today,” writes Quora user Vinay Sisodia. “What makes this place evenmore stunning, especially at night, is shots of sulphuric gases that combust into glints of brightblue upon contact with air.”
Intrepid travellers can join three-hour hikes to the bank of the crater to experience the lake inperson.
It’s a vacationer’s dream: a secret beach tucked away from the masses, with shade, sun andpristine water. And this dream comes true at Playa Del Amor, more commonly known as HiddenBeach, on one of the Marieta Islands off the coast of Mexico.
The unlikely source of this magical little secret: a bomb blast, according to Quora userSiddhartha Das. Mexico began testing bombs in the uninhabited Marieta Islands in the early1900s, resulting in a gaping hole in the surface of one of the islands. Over time, tides filled thehole with sand and water, creating a secluded watery Eden where determined beach bums canswim, sunbathe and kayak largely out of sight.
Playa Del Amor, literally Lover’s Beach, is invisible from the outside, but visitors can access itthrough a 24m-long tunnel that links the secluded beach to the ocean.
