▼ 逛街的冲动
我们去逛街好不装。 Why don't we go window-shopping?
=Shall we go window-shopping?
◆Let's go window-shopping! 我们去逛街吧!
我想去买件新西装。 I want to get a new suit.
A: I want to get a new suit.
B: Let's go to Onshow Store.
货比三家绝对有必要。 Shopping around is really a must.
◆Do shop around before making up your mind.
◆We shop around before buying.
◆Prices are different, so shop around by all means.
我在列购物清单。 I'm making a shopping list.
◆List all the items you need from the store.
◆She went to the shop with the shopping list.
家里茶叶和咖啡不多了吧? Are we short of tea and coffee?
◆We haven't got many potatoes. 我们的土豆快吃完了。
◆The next item on the list should be some toilet tissue. 我们需要买一些卫生纸。
◆We need a lot of things this week.
A: Are we short of tea and coffee?
B: Oh, yes. We have got much tea and coffee.
你可以试用一下。 You can try some.
A: Could I have a look at this facial cream?
B: Sure. You can try some. 好的,你可以试用一下。
我想试试这一件。 I want to try this on.
◆May I try it on? 我可以试穿吗?
A: I want to try this on. 我想试试这件。
B: Sure. Let me help you.当然可以,我来帮您。
试衣间在哪儿? Where is the fitting room?
=Where is the dressing room?
A: Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿?
B: Just behind you. 就在你的身后。
这刚好符合我的尺寸。 This is just my size.
◆It fits me well. 很合身。
A: How does it fit? 穿起来很合身吗?
B: This is just my size. 这刚好符合我的尺寸。
我穿着太小。 It's too small for me.
◆It's too big for me. 我穿着太大。
◆It's too short. 太短了。
◆It's too long. 太长了。
◆It's a little tight. 有点儿紧。
◆It's a little loose. 有点儿松。
这一件有尺寸小一点的吗? Do you have this in a smaller size?
◆Do you have this in a larger size?
A: Do you have this in a smaller size?
B: I'm sorry. We don't have that in your size.
如果穿起来不合身,可以来换吗? Can I exchange it if it doesn't fit?
A: Can I exchange it if it doesn't fit?
B: Sure. But just keep the receipt, please.
您能把这条牛仔裤修改一下吗? Could I have my jeans hemmed, please?
=Would you please alter my jeans for me?
什么时候能改完? When will it be ready?
A: When will it be ready? 什么时候能改好?
B: In two days. 两天后。
口语技巧 逛街购物
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