下面是学习啦小编整理的计算机术语 主板类, 希望对大家有帮助。
adimm(advanced dual in-line memory modules,高级双重内嵌式内存模块)
amr(audio/modem riser;音效/调制解调器主机板附加直立插卡)
aha(accelerated hub architecture,加速中心架构)
ask ir(amplitude shift keyed infra-red,长波形可移动输入红外线)
atx: at extend(扩展型at)
bios(basic input/output system,基本输入/输出系统)
cse(configuration space enable,可分配空间)
db: device bay,设备插架
dmi(desktop management interface,桌面管理接口)
eb(expansion bus,扩展总线)
eisa(enhanced industry standard architecture,增强形工业标准架构)
emi(electromagnetic interference,电磁干扰)
escd(extended system configuration data,可扩展系统配置数据)
fbc(frame buffer cache,帧缓冲缓存)
fsb: front side bus,前置总线,即外部总线
fwh( firmware hub,固件中心)
gmch(graphics & memory controller hub,图形和内存控制中心)
gpis(general purpose inputs,普通操作输入)
ich(input/output controller hub,输入/输出控制中心)
ir(infrared ray,红外线)
irda(infrared ray,红外线通信接口可进行局域网存取和文件共享)
isa: industry standard architecture,工业标准架构
isa(instruction set architecture,工业设置架构)
mdc(mobile daughter card,移动式子卡)
mrh-r(memory repeater hub,内存数据处理中心)
mrh-s(sdram repeater hub,sdram数据处理中心)
mth(memory transfer hub,内存转换中心)
ngio(next generation input/output,新一代输入/输出标准)
p64h(64-bit pci controller hub,64位pci控制中心)
pcb(printed circuit board,印刷电路板)
pcba(printed circuit board assembly,印刷电路板装配)
pci: peripheral component interconnect,互连外围设备
pci sig(peripheral component interconnect special interest group,互连外围设备专业组)
post(power on self test,加电自测试)
rng(random number generator,随机数字发生器)
rtc: real time clock(实时时钟)
kbc(keybroad control,键盘控制器)
sap(sideband address port,边带寻址端口)
sba(side band addressing,边带寻址)
sma: share memory architecture,共享内存结构
std(suspend to disk,磁盘唤醒)
str(suspend to ram,内存唤醒)
svr: switching voltage regulator(交换式电压调节)
usb(universal serial bus,通用串行总线)
usdm(unified system diagnostic manager,统一系统监测管理器)
vid(voltage identification definition,电压识别认证)
vrm (voltage regulator module,电压调整模块)
zif: zero insertion force, 零插力
acops: automatic cpu overheat prevention system(cpu过热预防系统)
siv: system information viewer(系统信息观察)
esdj(easy setting dual jumper,简化cpu双重跳线法)
acpi(advanced configuration and power interface,先进设置和电源管理)
agp(accelerated graphics port,图形加速接口)
mioc: memory and i/o bridge controller,内存和i/o桥控制器
nbc: north bridge chip(北桥芯片)
piix: pci isa/ide accelerator(加速器)
pse36: page size extension 36-bit,36位页面尺寸扩展模式
pxb: pci expander bridge,pci增强桥
rcg: ras/cas generator,ras/cas发生器
sbc: south bridge chip(南桥芯片)
smb: system management bus(全系统管理总线)
spd(serial presence detect,内存内部序号检测装置)
ssb: super south bridge,超级南桥芯片
tdp: triton data path(数据路径)
tsc: triton system controller(系统控制器)
qpa: quad port acceleration(四接口加速)
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