ALEX: Can I help you?
SHERRY: Yes, I need to buy a computer for this semester.
I was told it is cheaper to buy computers here.
ALEX: Well, you heard right.
You can get an excellent deal on a new computer here.
We have great discounts for students.
SHERRY: I don‘t know much about computers.
But I know I want a desktop computer with a lot of memory. And I need a printer.
ALEX: Well, first let‘s consider your computer.
Here, for example, is a system I highly recommend--the Power Macintosh G3.
It comes with 64 megabytes of total memory.
SHERRY: Is that a lot? Sixty-four?
ALEX: Yes, it is. It should be enough for any student needs you might have.
What department are you in?
SHERRY: History.
ALEX: Well, so you will mostly be using word processing, for writing papers.
I recommend the Corel Word Perfect program for word processing.
We can talk about software later. Let‘s talk about your hardware first.
We have a special deal on right now.
I should tell you about it, as it only goes until next Tuesday.
If you buy one of these fifteen-inch color monitors with a Power Macintosh G3,
you can actually get 30 percent off the usual sale price.
SHERRY: Thirty percent?
ALEX: Yes.
SHERRY: Wow. That‘s really good.
And you think this is really a good system for a graduate student?
ALEX: Yes. It‘s an excellent system.
SHERRY: Hmm. Hey, wait. This has an Apple on it. Is this an Apple computer?
ALEX: Yes, it‘s a Macintosh. It‘s Apple. Macintosh and Apple are the same thing.
SHERRY: I don‘t want Macintosh. I want PC.
ALEX: I‘m sorry, but our university computer center only sells Macintosh equipment.
SHERRY: What? Are you serious?
ALEX: Yes.
SHERRY: But nobody uses Macintosh!
ALEX: That‘s not true.
Most of the students and professors in the university here use Macintosh.
They find it is better for writing and word-processing,
and that is what students mostly do. May I ask where you‘re from?
SHERRY: Yes, I‘m from Taiwan.
ALEX: Well, I know that in most Asian countries Apple is not very popular.
But here in America, especially in universities and publishing companies,
Apple is very commonly used.
SHERRY: But I need a computer that can handle writing in Chinese.
ALEX: There are several Chinese writing programs you can use with Macintosh.
Chinese is no problem for Apple.
I think I should ask some of my friends for advice before I make a decision.
I‘m sorry.
ALEX: No, don‘t be sorry. It‘s reasonable to ask your friends.
But believe me, most of the students here in the university--
Asian students included--most of them use Apple.
SHERRY: Well, thanks for your advice. I will probably come back later.
ALEX: You‘re very welcome. Here is my card, if you need any help.