1. 牛肉西红柿面 beef and tomato noodles
2. 哪种面条 what kind of noodles
3. 哪种分量的面条 what size bowl of noodles
4. 大份 a large bowl (of)
例:一个大分面条 a large bowl of noodles
5. 中份 a medium bowl (of)
6. 小份 a small bowl (of)
7. 注意区别:
(1)有几分/有点 kind of / a little / a little bit
(2)一种 a kind of
这种 this kind of
各种 all kinds of
许多种 many kinds of
三种 three kinds of
和蔼的,友好的 kind = friend
8. 哪种尺码 what size 或what sizes
9. 有什么需要帮忙的吗?(你要买什么?)
Can I help you? / May I help you?/
What can I do for you?
10. 鸡肉白菜面 chicken and cabbage noodles
11. 羊肉鸡蛋面 mutton and egg noodles
12. 我喜欢饺子,鱼和橘子汁。
I like dumplings, fish and orange juice.
13. 他不喜欢洋葱,绿茶和稀饭。 He doesn't like onions, green tea or porridge.
14. 在这家饺子屋 at the House of Dumplings
15. 一些很棒的特色菜 some great specials
16. 第一道特色菜
Special One= the first special
17. 第二道特色菜15个才仅仅8元人民币。
Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15.
18. 桔子汁饮料 orange juice drink
19. 哪种甜食 what kind of dessert
20. 什么分量的甜食 what size of dessert
21. 一个中份面条 a medium bowl of noodles
22. 一个大份牛肉面 a large bowl of beef
23. 一小份桔子汁 a small orange juice