学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语短语 > 日常交流英语句子


时间: 长思709 分享






  = Goodbye. Take care! (再见,保重啊!)



  = Bye for now.

  = Have a nice day. (祝你今天愉快!)

  = See you later. (以后见!)

  回头见!See you.

  = See you later.

  = See you soon.

  = See you again.

  = Catch you later.

  = See you around.


  我去了啊。I'm off now.

  off “去,走开”。

  = I'm leaving.

  = See you.

  我得告辞了。I have to go.

  Can't you stay a little longer? (再呆会儿吧!)

  祝你好运!Good luck!


  Thanks. I need it. (谢谢,借你吉言。)

  = I wish you good luck.

  祝你愉快!Have a nice day.


  Same to you. (也祝你愉快!)

  祝你周末愉快!Have a nice weekend.

  加油啊!祝你好运!Good luck.

  = Break a leg.原本是对要上台演出的人说的话。

  = Go for it. (走吧!)

  = Hang in there. (那,加油吧!)

  祝你玩得愉快。Have fun.

  We're going to Hawaii! (我们要去夏威夷喽!)

  = Have a good time!

  就这样,坚持下去。Keep it up.

  Thanks for the encouragement. (谢谢你的鼓励!)

  别干得太猛。Don't work too hard.

  Take care.

  Be careful.

  旅途愉快!Have a nice trip.


  = I wish you a pleasant journey.

  = Have a good vacation. (祝你假期愉快!)

  = Bon voyage.这是一句法语,现在英文中也用。

  那多保重!Have a good one!

  真舍不得走,但是……I hate to run, but...


  认识你我非常高兴。It was nice meeting you.


  = It was nice meeting you. (认识你我非常高兴。)

  = It was nice meeting you, too. (我也很高兴见到你。)

  = Nice meeting you.

  请代我向约翰问好。Please say hello to John (for me).

  晚安!Good night.

  再来啊!Come again.

  I will. (我会来的。)

  = Please come again. (请您再来!)

  = I hope you can come over again. (希望你能再来。)

  = I'd be glad to have you over again. (如果你下次还能来的话我将很高兴。)

  别忘了给我带点儿什么。Don't forget to bring something back for me.

  Don't worry, I won't. (放心吧,忘不了。)

  放松点儿!Take it easy.


  I can't. I have a test tomorrow. (不可能,我明天要考试。)

  希望不久能再见到你。I hope to see you again soon.

  给我打电话。Call me later.

  Okay, I will. (嗯,好吧。)

  多保重!Take care.


  See you later. (再见。

  你自己多保重。Take care of yourself.

  Don't worry about me. (别担心我!)

  我还会来的。I'll be back.

  You'd better. (一定来啊!)

  = I'll come back later. (不久我就会回来的。)

  = I'll stop by later. (我会顺便来的。)

  天不早了。It's getting late.

  Let's go home. (我们回家吧。)

  我得走了。I've got to go.


  = I have to get going.

  您是哪里人?Where are you from?

  My country has a lot of mountains... (我的家乡有很多山……)

  Oh, yeah? Where are you from? (哦,是吗?您是哪儿人?)

  I'm from Japan. (我是日本人。)

  我是加拿大人。I'm from Canada.

  我从加拿大来。I come from Canada.

  ①I'm from Canada.和②I come from Canada.的意思几乎一样。但是②含有两种意思:一种是“自加拿大来,但并非是加拿大籍”;另一种意思是“我是加拿大人”。

  I was born in Canada. (我出生在加拿大。)

  Chicago is my hometown. (我的故乡是芝加哥。)

  你觉得日本怎么样?How do you like Japan?

  = What do you think about Japan?

  我很喜欢。I like it.

  是个好地方。It's a good place.

  你都去过日本的哪些地方?Where have you been in Japan?

  你现在住在哪儿?Where do you live now?

  我住在东京。I live in Tokyo.

  您是来度假的吗?Are you here on vacation?

  on business是“因公”,on vacation是“度假”。

  = Are you vacationing?

  = Are you here for a vacation?

  = Is this a pleasure trip?

  = Are you here on business or for pleasure? (您来这是工作还是游玩?)

  我是来工作的。I'm here on business.

  = My trip is business related. (我的旅行和工作有关。)

  = I'm on a business trip.

  您来日本多长时间了?How long have you been in Japan?

  I just arrived last week. (上星期刚来。)

  About three years. (大概3年左右了。)

  4个月左右。About four months.

  你习惯日本的生活了吗?Are you used to life in Japan?

  be used to “习惯”,注意“d”不发音。

  No, not yet. (没有,还不习惯。)

  = Have you gotten used to life in Japan?

  = Have you grown accustomed to Japan?

  你在日本待到什么时候?How long will you be in Japan?

  Until next month. (呆到下个月。)

  = How long do you plan to stay?

  呆到12月。Until December.

  你说日语吗?Do you speak Japanese?

  Unfortunately, no. (很遗憾,我不会。)

  = Can you speak Japanese? (你能说日语吗?)

  = Are you a Japanese speaker?

  只会一点儿。A little.

  = Just a little.

  = Some. (一点儿。)

  我一点儿都不会说。I can't speak Japanese at all.

  not...at all “一点都不……”。

  我会一点儿日常会话。I know (everyday) conversational Japanese.

  你是在哪儿学的日语?Where did you learn Japanese?

  在学校。At school.

  我自学的。I learned it on my own.

  on my own “自学”、“靠自己的力量”。

  = I learned it by myself.

  by oneself “一个人”、“靠自己的力量”。

  你什么时候过生日?When's your birthday?

  It's May 24th. (5月24日。)

  凯恩女士,这位是我的上司佐藤先生。Ms. Kane, this is Mr. Sato, my boss.

  Ms. Kane, this is my boss, Mr. Sato.

  = Ms. Kane, I would like to introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).

  = Ms. Kane, let me introduce my boss, Mr. Sato (to you).

  很高兴认识您。Nice to meet you.

  Nice to meet you, too. (认识您我也很高兴。)

  = Pleased to meet you.

  = Pleased to meet you, too.


  = Very nice to meet you.

  Very nice to meet you, too.作为上面例句的回答。

  = How do you do?

  比Nice to meet you的说法稍显郑重。

  How do you do?可以重复How do you do? 来作为上面例句的回答。

  = It's a pleasure to meet you.

  = I'm happy to meet you.

  彼此彼此。Nice to meet you, too.

  您贵姓?May I have your name, please?

  I made a reservation for tonight. (我预订了今天晚上的宴会。)

  = What's your name, please?

  = May I ask who you are? (您是哪位?)用来询问对方的身份。

  = Who's calling, please?只用于打电话。

  = Who are you? (你是谁?)

  = What's your name? (你叫什么名字?)

  = My name's John. (我叫约翰。)

  我给你介绍一下我的朋友。I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.

  Hi, John. (嗨!约翰,你好!)

  Hi, Joe. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. (嗨!琼,我给你介绍一下我的朋友。)

  他是个好人。He's a nice guy.

  He sure is. (确实如此。)

  见到您我很高兴。I'm glad to meet you.

  So am I. (我也很高兴。)

  The feeling is mutual. (我也很高兴。)

  = Glad to meet you.

  = Good to meet you.

  = I'm pleased to meet you. (能认识您,我很高兴。)

  = Pleased to meet you, too. (能认识您,我也很高兴。)

  = I'm really happy that I could meet you.

  = I'm really happy that I could meet you. (能认识您我觉得非常高兴。)

  Same here. (我也很高兴。)

  能认识您我感到非常荣幸。It's an honor for me to meet you.

  I'm Harrison Ford. (我是哈里森·福特。)

  = It's an honor for me to meet you. (能认识您我感到非常荣幸。)

  请叫我……Please call me...

  Nice to meet you, Mr. Smith. (史密斯先生,很高兴认识您。)

  = Please call me John. (请叫我约翰。)

  我们是不是在哪儿见过面?Don't I know you from somewhere?

  No, I don't think so. (不,我想没见过。)

  = Haven't we met (somewhere) before?

  = Haven't we met somewhere (before)?

  = Don't I know you? (你不认识我吗?)

  = You look familiar. (你看上去很面熟。)


  Do you know that man? (你认识那个男人?)

  He's my father. Remember? (他是我父亲,想起来了吗?)

  = Do you remember?

  = Don't you remember? (你不记得了?)

  啊!对了,你是史密斯先生。Oh, yeah, you're Mr. Smith!

  Oh, yeah, I do know you. (哦,是的,我认识你。)

  I know you, but I forgot your name. (我认识你,可是我忘了你叫什么。)

  我不敢肯定,也许在哪儿见过。I'm not sure. Maybe.

  It's possible. (我不肯定,可能吧?)

  What's your name again? (你叫什么来着?)

  不,我想不是这样的。No, I don't think so.

  = No, I'm afraid not.

  = No, I don't believe so.

  这是我们第一次见面。This is the first time we have met.

  Have you two met? (你们俩人见过?)

  = No, this is the first time we have met. (没见过,这是我们第一次见面。)

  = We've never met before. (我们以前从来没见过。)

  鲍勃是你的老朋友吗?Is Bob an old friend of yours?

  Yes, I met him twenty years ago in America. (是的,我是20年前在美国认识他的。)

  我想不起来他叫什么名字了。I can't remember his name.

  Neither can I. (我也想不起来了。)

  = I can't recall his name. His name escapes me.

  这事全拜托你了。I leave it entirely to your kind consideration.

  consideration “体贴、照顾”。

  I'll leave it up to you. 直译是“(工作或决定等)全都靠你了”。

  = Please consider it.consider同think about,即“考虑”、“细想”。

  = I'd appreciate it if you could consider it.

  我叫约翰·希恩。I'm John Sheehan.

  My name is John Sheehan.

  My name's John Sheehan.

  有人吗?Hello! Anyone home?


  Yes? (谁呀?)

  Yoo hoo!进入别人家时一种口语的说法。

  = Hello! Is anyone there?

  Excuse me! (对不起。)

  Hey, you! (嘿,你呀!)比较粗鲁的说法。

  欢迎,请进!Please come in!可以用于各种场合,如欢迎他人等。

  Sorry I didn't call first. (对不起,来之前我没打个电话来。)

  = Welcome!

  = Hello!

  你能来,太好啦。How nice of you to come!

  Thanks for inviting me. (谢谢你邀请我。)

  = (It's) nice of you to come!

  = Thank you for coming.

  你有事吗?What do you want?


  Is anyone here? (有人吗?)

  What do you want? (你有事吗?)

  What are you here for?

  别客气,像在自己家一样。Please feel free to make yourself at home.

  = Make yourself at home.

  请坐吧。Have a seat.

  Oh, thank you. (啊,谢谢。)

  = Take a seat.

  = Please sit down.

  您尽兴。Enjoy yourself!

  = Have a good time!

  您喝点什么吗?Would you care for something to drink?

  A) Would you care for something to drink?


  B) Yes, I'll have a beer, please. (好的,我要啤酒。)

  当拒绝A的提问时,可以用No, thank you. (谢谢,我不喝。)/Maybe later. (过一会儿再说)。


  Don't mind me.

  Sorry, I'm too busy to talk to you now.


  Don't mind me. I just came to see John.


  我可以用洗手间吗?May I use your bathroom?

  Sure, go ahead. (当然可以,请吧!)

  = May I use your rest room?

  = Where can I freshen up?

  女性问Where can I freshen up? (我可以在哪儿梳洗?) 是打听厕所的婉转说法。

  = May I use your toilet?

  toilet 表示“厕所”,太直接,一般不用。除此之外,ladies' room“女厕所”, men's room“男厕所”,俚语 the john、the head也表示“厕所”。

  洗手间在哪儿?Where's the bathroom?

  = How can I get to the bathroom?

  = Could you tell me how to get to the bathroom? (能告诉我洗手间怎么走吗?)

  可以借用一下您的电话吗?May I use your phone?

  = Is it all right if I use your phone?

  我得告辞了。I'd better get going now.

  = I must be going now.

  = I have to leave now.

  = I gotta go now.

  gotta为口语,是got to的缩略形式。

  非常感谢您的盛情款待。Thank you for inviting me.


  = I'm glad you could come. (非常高兴,您今天能来。)

  = Thank you for inviting me. (非常感谢您的邀请。)

  = Thanks so much for inviting us today. (十分感谢您今天的盛情招待。)

  有空再来串门吧。Drop by sometime.

  drop by “(顺便)拜访,串门”。

  = Good-bye, John. Drop by sometime. (再见,约翰,有时间再来。)

  Thanks. I will. (谢谢。好的。)

  他亲自来看我。He came to see me himself.

  Did he send someone to see you? (他让谁来看你了?)

  No, he came to see me himself. (不,他亲自来看我了。)

  = He came to see me personally.

  您介意我抽烟吗?Do you mind if I smoke?

  回答这个问题的时候,不允许时用Yes, 允许时用No,与平时回答相反。

  No, not at all. (不介意,你抽吧。)

  = Would it bother you if I smoked?

  = Can I smoke?

  = Is it all right if I smoke?

  = Would it be okay to smoke?

  您的房子真好。I like your house.

  I'm glad to hear that. (听你这么说,我很高兴。)

  我很喜欢你的公寓。I really like your apartment.

  = I love your apartment.

  小心脚下。Watch your step.

  = Mind your step.

  = Be careful where you walk.

  = Look where you're going.

  地上很滑。The floor is slippery.

  slippery “光滑”、“容易滑倒的”。

  请打开电视。Please turn on the TV.

  关于turn的用法:turn on是打开(电视等),turn off是关上(电视等),turn up是开大(电视等)的声音,turn down是关小(电视等)的声音。

  我可以把车停这儿吗?Can I park my car here?

  park “停车”。

  = Is parking okay here?

  = Is it all right to park my car here?

  = Am I permitted to park my car here?

  我会想你的。I'll miss you.

  miss “想,想念”。

  I'll miss you, too. (我也会想你的。)

  = I'm gonna miss you.

  gonna 是going to...的缩略形式,是比较随便的表达方式。

  我真希望能和你在一起。I wish I could go with you.

  So do I. (我也是。)

  请代我向你的家人问好。Please give my regards to your family.

  I will. They asked me how you were doing. (我一定带到。我的家人也问过你的情况。)

  你一定回来啊!You must come back.

  有空给我打电话。Give me a call sometime.

  = Call me sometime.

  我们什么时候再聚吧。Let's get together again sometime.

  Thank you. I enjoyed it very much. (谢谢,我真是太高兴了。)

  = Let's get together again sometime. (我们什么时候再聚吧。)

  请给我写信。Please write me (a letter).

  我会给你写信的。I'll write you (a letter).

  让我们保持联系。Let's keep in touch.

  keep in touch with... “和……保持联系”、“保持接触”。

  = Let's keep in touch. (让我们保持联系。)

  Will do. (好的。)

  = Let's keep in touch with each other.each other “互相”。

  别忘了写信。Don't forget to write.

  I won't. (忘不了。)