in conclusion
1. In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.
2. In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.
3. In conclusion, more theoretical and experimental research must be conducted.
总之, 必须进一步开展理论和试验研究.
4. In conclusion, the writer warned his young readers, " You must guard against falling in love.
最后作者教训似地劝告青年: “ 应该反对恋爱,不可轻惹情丝. ”
5. In conclusion, I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me.
最后, 我要感谢你们为我所做的一切.
6. In conclusion we note the following general items concerning flow in supersonic nozzles.
7. In conclusion, the deep incised valley in the stratigraphical cross - section was brush - fire.
分析认为, 研究剖面附近的深切河槽是局部的深切结果.
8. So, in conclusion, let me recap a couple of key themes.
因此, 在最后, 让我重提一个重要主题的情侣.
9. In conclusion, tonifying kidney and Du meridian is the proper treatment principle.
10. In conclusion , the OD is a promising kind of wave power device.
11. In Conclusion, the author sums up the main result of this study.
结论, 主要总结了本论题的研究结果.
12. In conclusion, your better look at the bright side the matter.
总之, 你要看到这件事积极的一面.
13. In conclusion: The phrase that wakes up the audience.
总之: 这个短语让听众醒来.
14. In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.
15. In conclusion, this is another exciting set of figures from Caesar.
最后,我们的结论是, 这又是一盒振奋人心的凯撒兵人.
总之in conclusion的英语短语
In conclusion, the inverse pyramid of regulation is a reality that you should keep in mind.
Let me just say in conclusion, again, Mr. President, I am grateful for your visit.
In conclusion, the findings of this study are inconsistent with the reports of other workers.
In conclusion, Romney might have some zero tax returns either by accident or on purposes.
So, in conclusion, let me just say how appreciative I am of all of you.
In conclusion, this is no time for a passive, reactive or paralyzed American foreign policy.
In conclusion, it is my belief that from start to finish the Fed is a failure.
In conclusion, today there is ample evidence to support that pensions who do get involved inbrokerage matters need not suffer disastrous consequences.
In conclusion, when I went down to Brazil to visit my parents during Christmas I was astonished by the high cost of living.
In conclusion I hope you will start making the comic book Sex Devil because it deals with issues that young people care about today.
In conclusion, incoming energy throughout the year is constant, with no large variations, and humidity controls the balance of this energy between sublimation and melting.
In conclusion, it takes two to make a marriage successful.
In conclusion, encouraging exports is not likely to be a source of net new jobs domestically because of the offsetting impact of more imports on jobs.
So, in conclusion, we live in a world without logic, the news stories of which seem custom-designed to try the patience of any sane human being.
总之in conclusion的英语例句
In conclusion, more often than you would imagine the cause of pension underperformance is attributable to corrupt advice.
In conclusion, France intervenes in foreign countries according both to doctrine and to the pragmatic parameters of circumstance.
In conclusion, I believe the U. S. stock markets offer many good values if you select with care.
Given this, the immediate reaction is for economists to scream in conclusion that underlying inflationary pressures are accelerating.
In conclusion, career women are miserable because of all the crap they put up with on a daily basis.
In conclusion, Part 5 explores the other end of the story of how Chinese investment is changing Africa.
In conclusion, we are entering a new era of heightened scrutiny of pensions.
In conclusion, Tupperware has found explosive growth in emerging markets around the world, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.
In conclusion, UN Energy suggests policymakers should take a holistic look before embarking on drives to boost biofuel use.
So in conclusion, the Fed has achieved nothing save delay of the inevitable.
In conclusion, we feel well equipped for the start of the new season.
In conclusion, security challenges emanating from the Western Hemisphere have long been neglected.
However in conclusion, as a consumer I appreciate Starbucks Facebook marketing approach as a tastefully (no pun intended) poignant publicity tactic.
In conclusion, the consulting industry is entering a period of rapid change.
In conclusion, Mr. Amendola asked the jury to sympathize with Mr. Sandusky.
Conclusions: In conclusion, we found aromatherapy an efficacious non-pharmacological therapy for dementia.