学习啦 > 学习英语 > 英语单词 > before的用法总结(3)


时间: 楚欣650 分享


  When he receives the letter, he’ll tell us.


  I’ll do that when necessary.


  How can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?


  ④引导并列分句总是置于另一分句之后,不可前置,相当于and just at the time。如:

  I was just about to go swimming when luckily our guide saw me and shouted at me.


  We were watching TV, when suddenly the light went out.


  by 与 before

  当英译终止时间时,比如“在某月某日之前”,如果包括所写日期时,就用介词 by;如果不包括所写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介词 before。

  例如:卖方须在 7 月 15 日前将货交给买方。  The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by July 15.(or: before July 16,说明含 7 月 15 日在内。如果不含 7 月 15 日,就译为 by July 14 或者 before July 15。


  His father died five years ago.



  She got to his office before 5 o’clock.


  We hope to get home before six o’clock .




  I have never met him before.


  I never met him before.





  2、要具备相应的状语从句的知识,熟悉连接词的意义和语用特征。如as, since, when, before, while 等不易掌握的词。



  【例题1】(05-上海-34)He transplanted the little tree to the garden ______ it was the best time for it.

  A.where B.when C.that D.until

  【例题2】(05-福建-24)---Did Jack come back early last night ?

  ---Yes. It was not yet eight o'clock ______ he arrived home.

  A.before B.when C.that D.until

  【例题3】(06-湖南-31)I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel ______ I heard the steps.

  A.while B.when C.since D.after

  【例题4】(06-山东-31)How can you expect to learn anything ______ you never listen ?

  A.in case B.even if C.unless D.when

  【例题5】(06-辽宁-24)He was about halfway through his meal ______ a familiar voice came to his ears.

  A.why B.where

  C.when D.while

  【例题1】(05-上海-34)考查特殊意思 此处when=since; considering that 既然;考虑到。句意:考虑到这是移种小树的最好时机, 他把那棵小树移植到了花园。

  【例题2】(05-福建-24)考查基本意思 句意:当他到家时还不到八点。注意下面几句话:

  It is five years since he left school. 他毕业5年了。

  It was five years ago that he left school. (强调句型) 5年前他毕业了。

  It was five o'clock when he left home. 当他离开家时是5点钟。

  It was five years before he left school. 5年后他才毕业。


  【例题3】(06-湖南-31)句意:我刚走出浴室, 正忙着用毛巾擦身体, 就在这时我听到了脚步声。when此时用作并列连词,意思是“正在此时、正在那时”。

  【例题4】(06-山东-31)考查特殊意思 句意:既然你从来不听,又怎能指望学到东西呢?when: conj. considering that 既然,考虑到。再比如:Why do you want a new job ______ you've got such a good one already? A 选项 in case (万一、以防);B选项even if(即使);C选项unless(除非,如果不),不符合本题要求。

  【例题5】(06-辽宁-24)题干的意思是“饭刚刚吃到一半的时候,______他听到一个熟悉的声音。when此时用作并列连词,意为just at that time,when此意义常见句式:be about to do …when…/be on the point of doing…when…(正要做某事就在这时)/ be doing…when …(正在做某事就在这时)

  考点小结---when 的用法


  2、since; considering that 既然;考虑到,参见【例题1】&【例题4】

  3、并列连词,意为at that time, 参看【例题3】&【例题5】解析

  4、句型:when it comes to …要是提到,要是提及…eg. When it comes to tennis, I know nothing about it.


  【例题1】(06-全国I-13)We thought there were 35 students in the dining hall, ______, in fact, there were 40.

  A.while B.whether C.what D.which

  【例题2】(06-天津-2)The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, ______ the quality of life is probably one of the highest.

  A.since B.when C.as D.while