名词解释:液化天然气(Liquefied Natural Gas,简称LNG),主要成分是甲烷,被公认是地球上最干净的能源。无色、无味、无毒且无腐蚀性,其体积约为同量气态天然气体积的1/625,液化天然气的重量仅为同体积水的45%左右。其制造过程是先将气田生产的天然气净化处理,经一连串超低温液化后,利用液化天然气船运送。液化天然气燃烧后对空气污染非常小,而且放出的热量大,所以液化天然气是一种比较先进的能源。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
The thick smog that blankets many Chinese cities represents a vast commercial opportunity for emerging market suppliers of gas.
As pollution levels approached choking point this winter, China's imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) surged 38 per cent — partly because of a deepening environmental consciousness and partly because temperatures plumbed 28-year lows, analysts said.
This rate of increase exceeded even the strong 25 per cent average annual increase in LNG imports seen over the past four years, suggesting a potential inflection point in Chinese demand.
文中的liquefied natural gas就是“液化天然气”的意思,可简写作LNG。其中,liquefied是一个形容词,它的动词形式为liquefy(液化,使液化)。我们日常生活中常见的其他一些液化气体还有:liquefied methane(液化甲烷)、liquefied petroleum gas(液化石油气)等。
另外,第一段中的emerging market解释为“新兴市场”。比较广为人知的新兴市场国家就是“金砖四国”(BRIC),分别是Brazil(巴西)、Russia(俄罗斯)、India(印度)和China(中国)。