名词解释:防辐射服又称电磁辐射屏蔽服,采用金属纤维与纺织纤维混织,制造工艺较为复杂。市面 上的防辐射服多为民用,受众以孕期女性、特殊职业者为主。你知道怎么用英语表达吗?
In the past few years, a new trend has been gaining popularity in China: pregnant women should wear radiation-proof clothes once they have a baby. However, scientists said these suits could be doing more harm than good.
Last Sunday, a CCTV program exposed that these radiation-proof clothes do not protect people from daily doses of radiation. An experiment carried out at a national leading electronic test center showed that the radiation absorption by a person wearing a radiation suit is much higher than a person without one.
文中的“radiation-proof clothes”就是“防辐射服”,“radiation”就是“辐射”的意思,“proof”在作后缀时,表示“防 ... 的, 耐 ... 的”,如:bullet-proof 防弹的,sound-proof 隔音的,wind-proof 防风的。“防辐射服”还有一些其它的表示方式,如:anti-radiation clothing和radiation-proof suits。