I'm a boy英语教案及反思
为了帮助各位小学英语老师做好I'm a boy这一课的教学备案,下面学习啦小编为大家带来I'm a boy英语教案及反思,希望对你有所帮助!
I'm a boy教案
Using adjectives to describe animals .
1. Grasp these sentences . Can read and use .
2. My name’s …。 3.I’m a boy \ girl.
Enable students to use the drills fluently and correctly.
I. Warming-up and revision .
1.Greeting :
T: Say “Hello ” to everyone .
T: Sing the song form last lesson .
2. Review :
T: Hello, how are you ?
T: What’s your name ?
II. Leading-in .
T : Today, we’ll know a new friend. His name is Panpan. Ok, next let’s listen to tape that they introduce them.
III .Listen and reading activities .
1. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is he?
2. Teach new words .
Panpan and panda
3. Ask the students to act Panpan .
4. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is he?
5. Teach new word : boy
6. Ask the students to act Sam .
7. Play tape.
T: Listening to the tape ,.Who is she?
8. Teach new words :girl
9. Ask the students to act Amy .
IV. Further development
1. Look at the picture .
T: Let’s introduce myself
3. Listen and draw “ √ ” or “ X ” .
My name is Daming. I’m a boy. ( )
My name is Lingling. I’m a girl.( )
My name is Sam. I’m a girl.( )
My name is Amy. I’m a boy.( )
4.Play the tape.
5.Play the tape.
I'm a boy教学反思
这是第二模块的第二单元,课文的重点是学生能够熟练的运用I'm a ...这个句型来介绍自己以及懂得在不同的时间应该运用相应的句子问好.这一课所涉及到的新单词有boy,girl,afternoon,orange,dog.
在这一课的教学中,根据学生的学习情况,我在后面几个班的教学中对教材的结构进行了处理.根据学生已经掌握的程度,对几个部分进行了整合.因为平时上课我已经将早上,下午问好的方式教给学生,并且由于每节课前的师生问好中都会涉及,所以学生对这部分知识掌握的比较好.基于这种情况,我便在warmer中完成了part3和part4 的教学任务.在这个过程中我发现,部分班级的学生很难将Good afternoon, boys and girls说清楚.尽管尝试了很多方法.分音节读,个别单词朗读,连读.学生似乎还是很难清楚地将句子完整地说出来.我想这也许和句子过长,boy和girl的发音位置比较难找到有关联.我在教孩子boy和girl时,他们的音都不能发到位,于是我在一个班中尝试将最后一部分的 chant提上来,帮助学生发好boy这个音.在教学chant的过程中我突发灵感,对chant进行了改编.于是顺口就溜出了 tweet-tweet tweet-tweet tweet-tweet is an orange bird .并且赶紧拿出小鸟的卡片进行了自我介绍.Hi,I'm a bird.My name is tweet-tweet.小鸟bird这个单词在上一节课中已经涉及,学生非常熟悉,我通过这个chant既复习了旧知,同时为新知的呈现作了铺垫.接着我用一个谜语引出了panda的自我介绍,进行新课的教学.
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I'm a boy英语教案及反思