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  最高贵的复仇是宽容。法国作家 雨果

  人生最大的快乐在于到处追杀你的敌人,侵略他们的土地,掠夺他们的财富,然后听他们妻子儿女的痛哭声。 蒙古帝国可汗 元朝皇帝 成吉思汗

  生活中,谅解可以产生奇迹,谅解可以挽回感情上的损失,谅解犹如一个火把,能照亮由焦躁、怨恨和复仇心理铺就的道路。科威特女作家,记者 穆尼尔·纳素夫

  对于所受的伤害,宽恕比复仇更高尚,鄙视比雪耻更有气派。 ——富兰克林

  江海不与坎井争其清,雷霆不与蛙蚓斗其声。 ——刘基


  1、“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius


  2、When I was a little girl, my understanding of revenge was as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind, neat little morality slogans, like, “Do unto others” and “Two wrongs don’t make a right.”当我还小的时候,我对复仇的理解,简单停留在对主日学校学的谚语的理解,简单的道德标语,比如“己所不欲勿施于人”、“冤冤相报何时了”。

  3、But two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places:Absolute forgiveness…or mortal vindication. This is not a story about forgiveness. 冤冤相报永无终止,因为两种伤害永远不能抵消。对于真正受伤害的一方而言,真正的满足只能通过两种途径实现:彻底宽恕,或者用死亡洗脱罪孽。这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事。

  4、They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes it’s as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died in innocent man. 俗话说君子报仇十年不晚,而有时十年后的仇恨不减当年。我父亲含冤而终。

  5、When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.当你所爱的一切被人剥夺,你所剩下的唯有复仇。

  6、 And mistakes are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.走错一步,攸关生死;殃及鱼池,在所难免。

  7、 Ems:That our past defines who we are. 我们的过去造就了我们的现在。

  Vic:I would say our choices are what define us. 我会说我们的选择造就了我们的现在。

  Ems:May be for the lucky. 对于幸运的人来说也许如此。

  8、 Trust is a difficult thing, whether it’s finding the right people to trust or trusting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting our heart is the riskiest thing of all. In the end, the only person we can truly trust is ourselves. 信任来之不易,无论是找到值得你信任的人,还是相信就连他们也会背叛你。但相信自己的心却是最最大的冒险。最终,唯一能够真正信任的人,只有自己。

  9、 Trust is the one luxury I cannot afford.信任这种奢侈之物我可承担不起。(Vic)

  10、 For the innocent, the past may hold a reward. But for the treacherous, it’s only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve. 对于那些无辜的人,过去承载着美好的记忆。但对于那些背信弃义的人,他们最终会为自己丑陋的过去而得到应有的报应。







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