

时间: 郑晓823 分享

  A. How a Captain Cheated His Sailor B. How a Sailor Got a Ship

  C. A Brave Sailor D. A Fire Is Fire


  Over 40 years ago though he died, Bruce Lee is still considered to be the greatest and most famous kung fu artist of the last century.His films brought traditional Hong Kong kung fu movies to a new level of popularity, and introduced kung fu to millions of people in the West.

  Born in the USA in 1940, Lee returned to his native Hong Kong before his birthday.As a teenager, the boy who was good at understanding and thinking clearly was accepted into one of Hong Kong’s most famous middle schools but he paid little attention to his studies. He was more interested in sports, especially kung fu,and hanging out with his street-gang friends. In 1959,Lee got into trouble with the police for fighting. His mother,fearing he would end up in prison, sent him to the USA. Two years later,he began studying at university there.

  While still a student,Lee opened his own kung fu school,teaching a new fighting style he had developed.What made Lee’s style different was that it used power,strength and quick-action attacks. It also combined Japanese, Korean and South American fighting styles with traditional slow-moving Chinese kung fu.

  Among Lee’s students were several famous actors who impressed by his good-looks and fighting skills, encouraged him to start acting. Over the next five years Lee achieved some success in America.But his dream of introducing his fighting style into American movies was not accepted by local film makers who thought western audiences were not interested in kung fu.

  Determined to prove(证明) them wrong, Lee returned to Hong Kong in 1970.There he made two films Fists of Fury (1971)and Way of the Dragon(1972),using his kung fu ideas and techniques. The movies were successful,making Lee an international star and symbol of kung fu.These were followed by what is widely regarded as the greatest kung fu movie of all time,Enter the Dragon(1973).Tragically(不幸地) however, Lee suddenly and mysteriously died while making his next movie Game of Death. He was only 33 years old.

  66. As a teenager, Lee was very __________.

  A. quiet B. hard-working C. brave D. smart

  67. Why was Lee sent to America?

  A. His parents wanted him to study at university there.

  B. He wanted to develop a new American fighting style.

  C. His family feared he was getting into too much trouble in Hong Kong.

  D. He was determined to become a successful and popular actor there.

  68. How was Lee’s style of kung fu different from the traditional Chinese style?

  A. It was much faster.

  B. It was easier to learn.

  C. It made people more powerful.

  D. It was much more dangerous.

  69. What was Lee’s dream according to the passage?

  A. To develop a new style of kung fu.

  B. To become a famous movie star.

  C. To make movies using his fighting style.

  D. To teach Americans kung fu.

  70. According to the passage, how many kung fu movies did Lee complete in his lifetime?

  A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.[来源




  confident / show up / compare / nervous / gave away / chatted

  71. Wait before you buy that watch. Let’s _________ prices in another store.

  72. My friend from England called me yesterday. We ________ for hours.

  73. I dislike making speeches. I feel _______ talking in front of many people.

  74. I ________ some clothes to charity because they were too small for me.

  75. Do you know where Jonny is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didn’t _______.



  Born on January 19, 1984 in Jiamusi, Zhang Lili graduated from Harbin Normal University in 2007 and has worked at the Jiamusi No. 19 Middle School ever since, teaching Chinese.

  On May 8, 2012, she got seriously injured after s 76 two students from being hit by an oncoming bus. Zhang and her students were crossing the r 77 just outside the school gate when a runaway school bus suddenly r 78 towards the students. At the crucial moment, Zhang managed to push b 79 students out of the wheels, but she herself did get run over. She l 80 her legs forever.

  Zhang was once a 168-cm-tall l 81 and cheerful young woman who had lost herself completely in her job. She got married to Li Ziye in 2009. The couple p 82 on having a baby after her class' graduation.

  Zhang's act of heroism has m 83 many people. She was even n 84 "the most beautiful teacher" by netizens(网民). On May 20, Liu Yandong, one of the Party leaders, made a t 85 to Harbin to visit her. She said, “You are a heroine and have educated every Chinese. We all should learn from you. ”


  假设你是Li Lei, 就如何做一名合格的中学生写一篇60-80字的发言稿,要点如下:






  参考词汇:环境environment 设法 try 保护protect

  Fellow students

  I am Li Lei. Today I want to share my idea on how to be a qualified middle school student with everyone here. ______________________________________________




  1-5 ABCBC 6-10 CCBAC 11-15 AACAA

  16-20 AAABA 21-25 AAACB

  26-30 AADBC 31-35 BACDA 36-40 ADBAA

  41-45 BDABC 46-50 AACCA 51-55 ABCBB

  56-60 BBADC 61-65 CABDD 66-70 DCACB

  71. compare 72. chatted 73. nervous

  74. gave away 75. show up

  76. saving 77. road 78. rushed 79. both 80. lost

  81. lively 82. planned 83. moved 84. named 85. trip


1.2016九年级上册期末统考 英语答案






A. How a Captain Cheated His Sailor B. How a Sailor Got a Ship C. A Brave Sailor D. A Fire Is Fire C Over 40 years ago though he died, Bruce Lee is still considered to be the greatest and most famous