学习啦 > 新闻资讯 > 学习资讯 > 小学英语五年级下册重点短语讲解


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  6. play with 和…一起玩

  play with sb.(某人) 和…一起玩

  play with sth.(某物) 玩某物

  e.g. Lucy and Lily areplaying with their mother.

  e.g. Lucy and Lily areplaying with their doll.

  10. a lot of 很多

  a lot of = lots of + 可数名词复数或不可数名词

  e.g. 同义句转换

  There are a lot of appleson the table. = There are ______ ______ apples

  on the table. (答案:lots of)

  28. how often 多久一次

  how often 是一个特殊疑问词,就频率提问。英语表示频率的词:

  一次:once两次:twice 特殊

  其他次数:基数词+times 构成例如:8次 eight times

  e.g. --How often do you goto the library?

  --I go to the library oncea week. (注:如就划线部分提问,应用特殊疑问词how often)

  31. how many 多少

  how many/much 就数量提问 how many + 可数名词;how much + 不可数名词

  e.g.-- How many boys arethere in your class?

  -- There are 40 boys in myclass.

  -- How much water is therein the bottle?

  -- There is a little water inthe bottle.

  40. be good at 擅长 at 后可加名词如加动词,动词应用动名词形式

  既 v + ing

  e.g. I am good at English.

  Penny is good at English.

  Penny and Tom are good atEnglish.

  I am good at swimming.

  Penny is good at playingfootball.

  Penny and Tom are good atplaying the violin.

  41. beinterested in 对…感兴趣in 后可加名词如加动词,动词应用动名词形式既 v + ing

  e.g. I am interested inEnglish.

  She is interested inChinese.

  We are interested in Maths.

  I am interested in going onfield trips.

  He is interested instudying in the forest.

  They are interested ingoing shopping.

  44. play theviolin 拉小提琴

  乐器前加定冠词 the

  47. listen tomusic 听音乐

  听…,用listen to

  听音乐音乐前不加定冠词the 听收音机收音机前要加定冠词 the :listen tothe radio

  49. come from 来自

  come from = befrom

  I come fromChina. = I am from China.

  易错点:Where are you come from? (错误) Where do you come from?


  57. playfootball 踢足球


  58. be famousfor 因…闻名

  70. have a lookat 看一看

  have a look at =look at

  72. how much 多少(钱)

  how much 用来询问价格

  73. a pair of 一双;一对

  a pair ofglasses; a pair of trousers; a pair of gloves

  74. try on 试穿

  试穿鞋子 try on the shoes = try theshoes on

  试穿它此处它是代词,只能放在 try on 之间 try it on

  82. see a doctor看医生

  常用表示“看”的单词有: watch; see; look; read

  watch: 用于看电视;比赛等 watch TV watch footballmatch

  see: 看见强调结果,看到什么;看医生、看电影时用see ; see afilm; see a doctor

  83. take goodcare of 好好照顾

  take (good) careof = look after

  85. have a fever发烧

  have a + 表示症状的单词 have a fever; have atoothache; have a headache

  have + 病名 havemeasles (麻疹) have mumps (腮腺炎)

  93. have to 不得不

  Her mother isill, she has to look after her mother, so she can’t come to

  the party.

  重点:含有have to 的句子变否定用don’t 或 doesn’t

  e.g. She has tofinish her homework.

  She doesn’t haveto finish her homework. (正确) She has not tofinish her


  96. be worriedabout 担心

  She is worriedabout her exam.

  98. help … with 帮助…做某事

  help …with =help sb. (to) do sth.

  Peter helps hermother with the housework. = Peter helps her mother (to) do

  the housework.


  1. call v. 称作

  What do you callit in English?

  2. like v. 喜欢

  sth. I like English very much.

  like to do sth. I like reading very much, but I don’tlike to read now.

  doing sth.

  3. let’s + 动词原形 Let’s (=let us) makeanimals.

  let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

  4. want v. 想,想要

  want sth. I want a piece of paper.

  to do sth. I want to watchTV.

  5. 情态动词

  情态动词很简单,没有人称数之变,动词原形后边站,can表能力 may

  许可 should应该 would愿 must必须,否定needn’t换 have to不得不表客观