学习啦 > 学习方法 > 通用学习方法 > 复习方法 > 初一英语下册人教版第二单元复习资料


时间: 素雯896 分享




  1.--What’s his name? -----________________.

  A.He is Tom B.She is Lily C.It’s Tom D.Yes, it is Tom

  2.---______________________? ---It’s an English book.

  A.What color is this? B.What’s this in English? C. Can you spell,it? D.What’s your name?

  3.---What are those? ---_______________.

  A. They are jackets B.They are my brothers C. It is a jacket D.It is his daughter.

  4.---It isn’t an orange,is it? ---______________.It is an apple(苹果)

  A.Yes, it is B.No,it isn’t C.Yes, it isn’t D. No, it is.

  5. This isn’t my eraser,_______ is in my schoolbag.

  A. I B.My C.Mine D. Me

  6.--What are those? ---_________________.

  A.They are jackets B.They are my brothers C.It’s a jacket D.It is his daughter.

  7.I have _________ English book and _________ nice pencil box. A.an;an B.a; a C.a;an D.an;a

  8.---Is this his name? ----________________.

  A.Yes, he is B.No, he isn’t C. Yes,it is D.No, it is.

  9.-Is your ancle a teacher? ----________________.

  A.Yes, it isn’t B.Yes, he isn’t C No, she isn’t D.No, he is

  10.Are you _______ the NO.Seven Middle School of Yongchuan?

  A. at B. in C.of D.to

  11.---________________? ---She is a teacher.

  A.What’s this B.What’s that C.Who are you D.What are you

  12.---Are these your _____________? ----Yes. They are my uncle’s sons.

  A.aunts B.cousins C.grandparents D.parents